

hi everyone English is not my first language I'm just relying on quilbot hahahaha Btw this men to men relationship if you hate LGBT go away homophobic bitch I'm writing this because it's just for fun and some fanfics here in webnovel about lgbt or bl is limited if there is LGBT its always lesbian or yuri btw lesbian and gay is not COMPATIBLE I only update if I'm in a mood but I promise I will not drop this if I ever drop this then I'm dead……charot I hope you enjoy it

gtwin11 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 1.meet a god

As I'm walking on the sidewalk, I hear a loud bang, and everything goes dark.


Oh~, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Alex, 18 years old, half Filipino and half Filipino, so in short, I'm pure Filipino. So here I am looking into a gigantic light bulb.




"Are you done with your monologue? "He or she said


"Yes, I guess? "I said. 


"Hi young man, so to keep it short, you die my mistake, as like other fanfic here, I am giving you five wishes, and I'm not a light bulb, btw, I'm an ROB, or random omnipotent being, so what is your wish? My patience is small," he said. 


"Wow, that's quite a long speech," I said with a speechless expression.


"So what are your wishes? ", he said in a bored expression.


"Let me think for a while," I said while thinking.


~Few moments later~


"Is there a limitation to my wishes? "I said with a concerned look.


"As long as you don't have the 3 O's or are stronger than me," he said.


"My first wish is a status board where all functions are appraisal, powers."( author note: I don't like putting hp and mana bar because I know that my protagonist will never die and stats because it is so hassle.)


"Hohoho, that is quite a unique wish that someone will think is a system or something like a gamer system, so next wish," he said, laughing like Santa. 


"The second wish is anodite physiology, but some changes: I like to be a male anodite, and instead of absorbing life force, I want to absorb any kind of energy to improve my mana. The third wish is a cosmic otherness for being a perfect singularity, ultimate freedom, and having a fathomless mind for mind reading (author note: search it in fandom!!). My fourth wish is supernatural beauty and a perfect body for containing my powers( author note: this is 1 wish because beauty is still connected to the body). My fifth wish is to please give my family a good life." 


"For the anodite, it's okay, and for the 3 I will be sealed some because some of it is overpowered, like meta time and space manipulation, but eventually you will unlock it. As for the 4, okay, soon I will erase the loophole. As for the 5, okay, I gave another wish for 5 because it's not a wish; I consider it a request, so go wish," he said in an amusing expression.


"So the real fifth wish is that I still want to remember my past life and protect it even if someone can break through my fathomless mind. I don't want to have another Deadpool to hunt me down. Last request: can you just transfer me there to where you send me? I don't want to take over someone's body, have a deep relationship, or be attached to family," I said with determination (author note: sometimes family is a weakness)


"Okay, that's it, so I have a spin wheel here," he said, with a sudden pop-up  spin wheeler out of nowhere.


I came near the spin wheel and spun it obviously. There is so much fiction in Marvel comics, DC, Ben 10 Omniverse, and Power Puff Girls; some of them are DC x Marvel, Naruto x One Piece, and it landed in MCU x X-Men movies. 


"Well, that's unexpected," I said in a pale face (author note: who expected it? hahahaha). 


"Hohoho, I guess that's it, goodbye! "He said with a wave of hand.


"Wait," suddenly I disappear.




"Thank God he disappeared. I thought we would take a long time to take his wish. By the way, are my roles here done? THE AUTHOR? "Rob said with a cautious expression.




