
Marvel Anime Extraction

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a perilous place to be reborn into, but fortunately the reincarnation comes with a power to obtain any powers from anime. "Ars Magna" Source: "A Certain Magical Index" Description: "Magic that alters reality according to one's thought." From today onwards, everyone in the universe is not allowed to snap fingers!!! Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/FL_King

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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148 Chs

Fifth Skill Part 2

"Explosion Magic"

From: "God's Blessing on This Beautiful World."

Description: "There's nothing that cannot be solved with Explosion Magic. If one isn't enough, just send a few more!"

God's Blessing on This Beautiful World!

Fanny silently praised the system in his heart. He remembered watching that anime; Megumin's Explosion Magic was very powerful.

Fanny opened a portal to Mount Everest, ignoring that it was already late. He immediately went to the place he often used for combat training and skill tests.

Fanny took a deep breath of the frigid air and stretched his hand forward. He began chanting the incantation for Explosion Magic.

"Darker than black, darker than darkness,"

"Combine with my True Red!"

"The time for awakening has arrived."

"Descend within these boundaries,"

"And appear as intangible distortion."

"Reveal yourself!"


Dazzling red lights formed an enormous magic array around Fanny. A pillar of fire descended from the sky and caused a massive explosion where it fell!


Art is an explosion!

The explosion blasted Fanny away.

This power was simply beyond Fanny's imagination. If he couldn't fly, he would probably be severely injured by now.

A wave of exhaustion then washed over him. It was a good thing that he was already used to controlling Sky Dance; otherwise, he might actually fall.

Similar to 'Ars Magna,' 'Explosion Magic' consumed his mental energy. It also consumed every last drop of magical power he had trained so hard to obtain, making this skill a true embodiment of a "glass cannon."

Despite his weakened body, Fanny's mind was extraordinarily excited. He muttered to himself, "Now THAT was magic! I'm a real mage!"

Kamar-Taj's magic held many mysteries, but it was different from his preconception of mages. He didn't shoot fireballs, didn't hold a staff, and didn't chant spells. He felt that it was incomplete.

Even when Gandalf used a sword, he would use a magic staff to light the way.

Now, he finally had the appearance of a true mage. He only needed a magic staff.

Fanny rested for a while before testing the skill again, trying to regulate its power consciously. The output was not as terrifying, but it was still powerful.

He also discovered two points. There's no set incantation for the magic, but the incantation affects the power of the magic to a certain extent.

Fanny didn't really have any intention to modify the chant for now. The current version was already imposing, and it resulted in a pretty strong explosion. There was no real need to modify it at all.

The power of 'Explosion Magic' was far beyond Fanny's expectation. The system wasn't wrong when it said that nothing couldn't be solved with this skill.

Fanny returned home in a good mood. The Abomination problem had become much easier to solve. There's no way that Abomination would escape a bombardment of 'Explosion Magic' cast from up high in the sky unscathed. He was just worried that he would hurt himself if he unleashed the skill with all his strength.

"Sure enough, relying on others was better than relying on the system," Fanny silently thought.

Fanny summarized the various abilities he had obtained after getting home.

First of all, 'Ars Magna' was currently restricted by the Temple and could not fully display its effects. Its primary use was to support other abilities.

Secondly, 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' was an extremely powerful skill that could be used to deal with friends and enemies alike. Moreover, it was convenient to cast and didn't consume anything. It was honestly overpowered.

Next was the 'Demon Armor Incursio' with its strong defense. This evolving armor was currently his most important ability. Without it, his combat strength would be reduced by at least half.

Then there were 'Sky Dance' and 'Teleport Gate.' These two abilities allowed him to escape combat environment restrictions.

Finally, the 'Explosion Magic' that he had just extracted. This strongest offensive ability allowed him to project immense firepower at great range, sharply increasing his combat strength.

Fanny suddenly realized that he had become much stronger. He also had no glaring weaknesses; he had absolute defense, fierce attacks, and adaptability.

"No, no. Don't be arrogant, now."

Fanny corrected his thought. He might be a little strong, but he was far from absolute. He could easily deal with ordinary people, but he was still far from taking on a fleet on his own like Aunty Marvel.

The increase in strength also increased Fanny's comparison goal. He had been comparing himself to Hawkeye or Black Widow, but now he jumped his goal quite far to Captain Marvel.

Fanny went to sleep happily and went to Kamar-Taj for training the next day.

Although his talent for Kamar-Taj's magic was not good, and his progress was slow, this was the only way to increase the power of 'Ars Magna' and 'Explosion Magic.'

Without any alternative method or extracting more skills, working hard on magic training was his only option.

Time passed quietly.

Mordo's opinion was, unfortunately, correct. Kaecilius' magical talent far surpassed Fanny. It had only been less than half a year since he came to Kamar-Taj, and he could already use the portal spell skillfully in his daily training.

"What's so great about it? It's just a portal," Fanny mumbled to himself as he watched Kaecilius easily summoning portals in midair. He was tempted to show the mages of Kamar-Taj what a true mage looked like, but he held back—he wanted to keep some trump cards hidden up his sleeve.

Fanny's experience growth significantly slowed down while the Iron Man experience dummy was offline, but he had already extracted the fifth skill, so he wasn't in a hurry to gain more experience points.

He had been working hard through harsh training for quite a while, so it was time to wind down a little.

On the weekend, Fanny sat on the sofa and watched TV. The news and advertisement about Tony's 'Stark Industry Expo' spread like wildfire across all channels, as if afraid that even one person wouldn't hear about it.

"Speaking of which, I wonder if that guy will attack again…."

Fanny was reminded of Whiplash, who had created his own miniaturized ark reactor with exceptionally simple and low-tech equipment. With his hatred against the Stark family, he shouldn't be able to hold back his desire for vengeance.

However, the current Tony was neither as desperate nor suicidal as in the original plot. He even created a new element to improve his ark reactor already.

The current situation was unfavorable for the Russian engineer's vengeance.

In fact, his only role right now would be to reveal to the world that Tony might not be the only one with such armor technology, to the military's delight.

Fanny turned the TV off after watching another report about Pepper and Tony. Today was one of the rare days where he could rest, so he didn't continue his training and opted to go on a walk instead.

He walked aimlessly after leaving his house and finally found himself in front of the Captain America museum.

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