
Marvel: Angel

After being mysteriously transmigrated to the Marvel universe, our protagonist becomes an angelic being with a unique power: the ability to summon cards as if they were gachas. With his new form and incredible abilities, he embarks on an epic journey, using his cards to face iconic Marvel heroes and villains. Get ready for an action-packed adventure filled with magic and unexpected surprises! (I'm not the author, I'm just translating.)

TaiIs · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 59: Battle in the Mirror Space

"Hmph, is this the extent of your mage abilities?" Warren sneered as he mocked the mages.

Upon hearing Warren's taunt, the mages jumped onto a nearby building and began running vertically on its walls.

That familiar feeling of disgust emanated from the depths of Warren's heart as he observed their actions. It was clear to him that they were allies with the snake-like Ophelia.

The mages ran on the walls, wielding invisible blades in their hands, throwing them towards Warren as they moved.

Even without the warning from his danger sense, Warren's Golden Evil Eye had already detected their attacks. He also noticed dark vortexes emanating energy from the mages whenever they cast spells. This was something he could only see through his Evil Eye, not with his other eye.

After evading several attacks, Warren realized that these mages had the reaction speed and agility of ordinary people. With this knowledge in mind, he decided to take the initiative and launch his own attack.

His wings flapped, and flames spewed from his palms as he accelerated towards them. With the help of Bullet Time, he managed to dodge several attacks.

With a powerful punch, he embedded one of the mages into a wall, swiftly evaded another attack, and grabbed hold of the attacker's hand.

Using his superhuman strength, Warren swung the mage by his arm and slammed him into the wall. He then evaded a few more attacks.

Seeing their comrades being defeated, the remaining mages charged at Warren with even more fervor.

"Looks like they're close-quarters combat mages."

Did they think my close-quarters combat skills are for show?

With Bullet Time and his heightened danger sense, Warren's evasive abilities reached an extraordinary level.


Meanwhile, Mike, the nervous driver, swallowed hard. The two unconscious mages were lying in the back seat of the car.

On the other side, the battle between Warren and the mages continued on the vertical walls of a building. While the mages ran on the walls, Warren took to the skies, engaging them in an intense hand-to-hand combat.

The sight of the mages walking on walls while Warren flew above them, exchanging blows, was truly spectacular.

Mike attempted to call for help, but there was no signal in the area. He nervously took out his phone and started recording a video, silently cheering for Warren.



Warren sent one of the close-combat mages flying with an uppercut, then quickly evaded an attack and kicked another mage.

Crushed ankle!

These mages were just ordinary humans, and when Warren's metallic foot made contact, their bones shattered.

At this moment, other mages closed in from behind, but Warren swiftly leaped into the air, evading their attacks. He also detonated his Holy Flame Shield.


The mages were sent flying, and the remaining few were overwhelmed by Warren's ferocious punches and explosive attacks, eventually falling to the ground.


Down below, Mike was filled with excitement.

So cool!

The bad guys couldn't even touch a strand of Warren's hair before they were taken down, one by one.

Especially that cross-shaped shield emitting a radiant light, was it some kind of angelic magic?


After dealing with the lackeys, Warren landed on the ground.

The man who had been holding Ophelia, the one wearing the black and red robe, hadn't made a move until now. He resembled a boss waiting for players to clear the minions.

From the significantly darker circles around his eyes, Warren could tell that he was indeed a boss. His Evil Eye also sensed a greater amount of energy from him compared to the previous lackeys.

"A mutant who knows magic? And you're connected to a dimension that gives off a disgusting aura," the man said.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" Warren retorted.

Flames erupted as Warren launched an attack, testing the waters.

The mage with the dark circles raised a magical shield to block the attack, then retaliated by throwing a black chain.

Warren didn't dare let the eerie chain touch him, so he swiftly evaded, but his danger sense continued to sound the alarm.

Evading the chain while using his flight advantage, Warren continuously dodged its relentless pursuit. However, the chain's movements were unpredictable and difficult to evade completely.

While dodging, Warren attempted to smash it with his explosive flames, but it proved ineffective.

"What kind of nonsense is this?"

He summoned his Holy Flame Shield once again, and with a swift strike, he managed to intercept the chain. But to his surprise, the shield cracked upon contact with the chain.

Warren's expression changed. The chain's destructive power was incredibly strong; even his hardened metallic body would be pierced by it. He had tested the defense of the Holy Flame Shield before and knew that it was highly resistant, even stronger than half of his metallic form.

Unfortunately, his Angelic Battle Armor was not with him at the moment, or else he would have simply slashed it away with a sword.

"A sword? Jian?" Warren suddenly remembered something.


Flames erupted as Warren soared into the sky.

The three cards floated in front of him—two purple and one blue.

Rare weapon card [Frost Vein Magic Bow]

Epic skill card [Dragon]

Epic skill card [Magic Crystal Arrow]

A frosty bow made of ice crystals appeared in Warren's hand, exuding a chilling aura. At the same time, a dragon-shaped tattoo emerged from his skin.

The Frost Vein Magic Bow, a rare-grade weapon, could conjure icy arrows simply by pulling the bowstring.

In reality, the bowstring itself was illusory, made of magical energy. It didn't provide a solid grip when pulled.

Warren pulled back the bowstring, and an icy arrow formed instantaneously. He aimed not at the black chain below, but at the mage.

"Let's make a trade. I shoot, you shoot," Warren thought.

Dragon, devour my enemies!


Two dragon-shaped entities surrounded the arrow as it descended with an unstoppable force. The mage, fearing for his life, threw Ophelia to the ground and conjured a massive magical shield to defend himself.

The dragon entities were as large as trains and moved at incredible speed, leaving the mage no room to dodge.

The dragons collided with the magical shield, and the mage roared, exerting all his power to withstand the intense energy clash.


By the time the dragon's power was fully depleted, the mage realized that Warren had already fully drawn his bowstring, waiting for him.

"Not bad. So, what about this arrow?" Warren said with a smirk.

Warren had underestimated the situation. He initially thought he would have to evade more attacks, but to his surprise, as the mage focused on blocking the dragons, the black chain lost control and dissipated on its own.

The mage replenished his energy while defending against the dragons, just in time to have enough energy to launch a second attack when the dragons were finally blocked.

Seeing the dragon-shaped tattoo on Warren's body activating once again, the mage wasted no time. He picked up Ophelia and began drawing a circle while running.

Seeing a golden circle appear in front of the mage, with another world behind it, Warren immediately released his bowstring and dove downward.

"A perfect opportunity!"

He swooped down, using his webbing to catch Mike, who was still in the car.

Following closely behind the mage, Warren rushed through the portal and then pulled Mike out as well.

As the mage turned to face Warren, he threw an invisible blade towards him.

Warren swiftly activated his Holy Flame Shield, blocking the attack. Simultaneously, several armed individuals surrounded the area.

During their conversation in the car, their communication had been abruptly cut off. Red, the leader who was constantly monitoring the surrounding networks, immediately activated the emergency plan.

Warren smiled triumphantly and said, "Is it fair to gang up on someone when you have the numbers? Now it's my turn."