
Chapter 12: Trouble

After the applause died down, someone asked, "Chairman, these two formulas have just been developed. According to the law, we still need to go through a series of clinical trials..."

"No need," Warren waved his hand to interrupt.

"Or let's say the 'clinical trials' started 'a few years ago,' and the results were excellent. Our products are absolutely safe."


Everyone looked puzzled. Where did this come from?

"We are a law-abiding company, how could we lack proper procedures?"

"Could it be that some time ago..." One executive was about to say something but realized he was about to let something slip and quickly stopped.

During that time, Warren had met with officials from related industries. Although it was obvious that he had established connections and falsified some things, everyone understood it without it being explicitly stated.

"Yes, it was approved some time ago," Warren casually explained.

Everyone fell silent.

Chairman, your methods are truly wild!

"Let's change the topic, Chairman. Is the hair dye only available in blue?"

"In fact, there are also green, purple, and other colors, but I plan to release them next year."

Upon hearing Warren's words, everyone's eyes lit up.

Multiple colors? That's great!

To be honest, Warren originally wanted to release the green color first, but considering that Beast Hank, the former mutant affairs minister, had blue hair, it would be better for promotional purposes to start with blue. However, this year was all about blue, and next year the Hulk would be introduced, so they could popularize green or even Iron Man's red. No, there are already many people with red hair, it's not unique enough. Green would be better next year.

Trends and fads are easily influenced, and it's easy to guide consumer behavior. Everyone is dyeing their hair blue this year, and when you see others doing it, it feels trendy and fashionable. Does it make you a little itchy?

After a year, everyone switches to green, and do you feel a little itchy again? Do you sometimes imagine how cool it would be to have that powerful color on your head in the middle of the night?

Worthington Laboratories had been researching gene-targeting technology for over a decade, and it was quite mature. It wouldn't take much time to accomplish this small task, but Warren had completely sealed off the technology.

These technologies were like a tool for future exploitation. Releasing them so early would be a waste. They needed to learn from toothpaste companies and master the advanced technique of squeezing toothpaste to create more wealth.


There was no objection to Warren's plan from the others at the meeting; they only made some suggestions to improve and supplement the plan.

The discussions were enthusiastic, but Jason remained silent.

He felt something was off, but he couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was.

It could be attributed to Warren's personal charisma being too strong. His consecutive actions not only eliminated the decline that Worthington Industries might have experienced due to changing leadership but also caused the stock price to skyrocket. Now, there were quite a few people in the company who had become his enthusiastic followers.

The infatuated women couldn't help but salivate when Warren passed by with his confident and sunny smile, like an angel.

A handsome, wealthy young man with confidence and impressive achievements—men couldn't help but idolize him as well.


After the meeting, Warren was the first to leave as usual.

Jason finally looked up, his gaze sweeping over the polite nods from others.

These people were overly polite.


After every meeting, they used to come to him to discuss the new young chairman. Now they were rushing to work, truly dedicated employees.

"I'll be busy next."

"$1 billion, such a big investment. I don't have that kind of courage."

"But it's exciting, isn't it? To be involved in such a large-scale investment."


The situation wasn't good for him. He was losing influence and credibility, and it was almost irreversible.

He understood now that Warren had placed him in the stock market battlefield with Stark. It seemed important, but in reality, he was just a pawn under his command.

The same went for the production line of the web shooters. It was simply a necessary move under the leadership of Chairman Warren, and many people would surely think they could do what Jason did because it wasn't particularly challenging.

And what was Warren doing while he was busy with these two tasks?

Negotiating an order for the web shooters, both with the NYPD and Justin Hammer, and reaching a preliminary agreement.

Appearing unexpectedly with Senator Stern, establishing a friendly relationship. This move instantly raised the evaluation of Warren by many financiers and investors. In the business world, there are no grudges, only interests.

Opening doors to high-ranking officials in the drug regulatory department, quietly getting the two formulas approved, ready to be launched in the market at any time.

Moreover, Warren had completely lost influence over Worthington Pharmaceuticals. He had no knowledge of such a significant development with the new formulas. Even if the battle with Stark had consumed his attention, it shouldn't have been like this, right?

Not to mention he still had three months for the weapon project and securing orders from the Department of Defense. Although he didn't know where Warren's confidence came from, he believed that Warren had the ability.

First, separate Worthington Industries and Worthington Pharmaceuticals, and then further divide them. Didn't Jason notice that those people were practically morphing into Warren's shape due to the $1 billion investment?

And he, he was rewarded with two major projects. Yes, it was just a reward. It seemed like he had made remarkable achievements, but in reality, Warren had elevated him to a throne.

"Well played."

Jason's face darkened, and he was the last to leave the venue. No one came to talk to him.


"Tomorrow is the 'big day' for that kid."

"Let him stand even higher."

Norman Osborn's hand, wearing a glove, trembled as he held a glass.

Octavius stepped forward and lightly tapped him. "The higher you stand, the stronger the wind blows. Cheers."



On the day before the official signing of the contract with the NYPD, Warren made strategic arrangements for the hair growth and hair dye formulas.

He looked at himself in the mirror and thought that everything would be on track after today, and he could relax a little.

After a month of busyness, he deserved a day or two off. But taking time off was unlikely; the affairs of the group couldn't be put on hold. However...

However, it was still possible to reward himself with a few rare cards. Ah, finally, it was time for his favorite card-drawing session again.

He adjusted his tie one last time and prepared to leave when his phone rang.


It was a call from Senator Stern, the Hydra member.

"Senator Stern, are you calling to congratulate me?" Warren said confidently.

"No, I think you might be in trouble." Senator Stern's tone was serious.

Warren thought for a moment and didn't believe he would encounter any trouble. Could it be that the Brotherhood of Mutants wanted to save Magneto? But it wasn't because he underestimated them, but rather that the Worthington Laboratory on Genosha had become a military fortress, specifically designed to counter mutants. The possibility of them succeeding was highly unlikely.

"What kind of trouble?" Warren asked.

Senator Stern's voice came through with a sense of gravity, and Warren gradually began to smile.

"...Alright, I understand. Thank you for the warning."

"Don't act rashly. You are our partner, and no one can touch you. Remember, don't act rashly," Senator Stern emphasized.

"I know. They have no evidence to harm me," Warren reassured him.

"Good, as long as you understand. Remember, we will support you." He repeated once more.

After hanging up with Senator Stern, Warren called his secretary, Nyvia.

"Nyvia, prepare the photos we bought. Also, did you prepare the gold I asked for yesterday?"

"Everything is ready, sir."


Yesterday, Warren had instructed Nyvia to prepare the gold to reward himself. It was time for a card-drawing session.

He sat in the car, and the driver followed the original plan, heading towards the press conference at the NYPD where he would publicly sign the contract and answer journalists' questions.

"The Hydra works wonders."

With their well-informed sources and influential background, Hydra was advantageous.

As one of the important links in the future, Warren had been thoroughly courted by Senator Stern. For now, he was under their protection, so the crisis targeting Warren had been preemptively revealed to him.

"Perhaps I should have my own source of intelligence, in addition to the scripted events."

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