
Chapter 48

Chapter 48 Hulk

Chapter 37

With the blessing of various equipment, the power of Electro's attacks has been greatly reduced, making it almost impossible to cause damage, and can even only charge the opponent.

Of course, it would be difficult for the other two to hurt him. The speed and characteristics of the current made it difficult for Gwen and Tony to hit him.

At present, it seems that the only way to win is to shut down the power grid system and cut off Max's power supply.

However, the most difficult thing to deal with is that

once one of Gwen or Tony goes to turn off the power grid and one person is responsible for stopping the Electro, what happens if Max refuses to fight and turns around to run away?

One person can't hold him back.

Once he escapes completely after acquiring a powerful charge, it will be a nightmare for the entire human society.

The higher the degree of modernization, the greater the damage.

And if the fight continues like this… Although Tony's armor has been upgraded, the upper limit of technology and materials is there, and it cannot be sustained indefinitely. Sooner or later it will be broken.

Maybe I should prepare a few more sets of armors and replace them immediately? An idea suddenly popped into Tony's mind, but he quickly shook it off.

Now was not the time to think about it.

"Damn it! Why isn't that Black Superman guy here yet?"

"Sir, according to the information I searched on the Internet, Black Superman is over in Harlem right now…" "

He's dealing with those two green ones over there. Monster?"

"Yes, but he seems to be playing."

"…" Tony was speechless and complained: "I just know that Black Superman is unreliable!"

Fortunately, at this time, a turning point occurred.

Gwen inadvertently used spider silk to stick to Electro in human form. Electro didn't care at all. It was just a little bit of spider silk and he could easily break free.

His body decomposed again and transformed into an electric state.

Every time he enters this state, his senses seem to have entered another dimension and he can perceive many things that humans cannot perceive. This feeling is very wonderful.

At the same time, he also planned to break free from the spider thread.

No matter how good the spider web is, it can't stop the current… Damn it, why can't I get out!

Max suddenly found that he was suddenly unable to fully electrify. It seemed that… the part entangled in the spider web could not come out…

He was forced to return to human form, and then he was instantly hit by two light cannons from Tony.

He could only forcefully tear away the spider webs stuck to his body before he could turn into electricity again and escape.

Tony's eyes lit up, and the communication said: "Spider-Woman, did you just see it?"

"Yes, Mr. Stark, Max's… galvanization seems to have been interrupted!"

"It's spider silk! Not only did you let The spider silk has the ability to resist electricity and also allows them to intercept current? Well done!"

"Uh… I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, Peter helped me upgrade the spider silk. I think he should have done this. ." Gwen was also very surprised.

Although Peter told her that the spider silk material had also been upgraded, he did not say that it had been upgraded by that much!

Amazing. Little stars appeared in Gwen's eyes.


At the same time, the appearance of a gentle boy with glasses also appeared in Tony's mind. He couldn't help but admired:

"Well, this kid is really a genius!"

He was a genius and extremely arrogant. For Tony, who is tough-talking, just having him utter this compliment already means a lot.

Tony also imagined using some insulating material to trap Electro to prevent him from escaping.

But under the current technical conditions, how to transport these materials and allow electro-optical people to enter them has become a big problem.

It's not that he has no backup means, and he even considered using his armor as a prison, but no matter what, the success rate was very low.

After all, Electro is a person with a normal IQ, not an electronic character in the game.

And now, Gwen's spider silk has become the best material to trap Electro!

The most important thing is that these spider silks are easy to carry and can be used in large quantities! There are many more tricks!

He became more and more optimistic about Peter, and even said: "Hey! This guy is much more reliable than Black Superman!"

Gwen felt honored and proud when she heard that Peter was so praised by Tony.

(Go to read the novel on the site: Novels Knights)

After all, Tony, who has now created the steel armor, the Ark reactor and other cross-era inventions, represents one of the upper limits of human genius and technology.

"Okay, now we should consider…how to trap him bit by bit…" Tony said, looking at the Electro.

On the other side, Harlem, New York.

After Peter cleaned up his hatred, Peter was angered, and Hulk, who had been eyeing him eagerly, rushed up.

At this time, Hulk still has some thoughts of Banner, defeating Abomination and saving others.

But he is also angry and irrational.

Peter was disdainful, and his easy gesture angered him. He also felt Peter's strength, and the fighting spirit in his heart was high,

"Hulk! Smash you!"

With a mountain-like momentum, Hulk punched down hard, and then He was held down gently by a hand, unable to move even an inch.

The originally noisy environment seemed to have calmed down. Peter tilted his head and commented:

"It's a little ordinary… not as disgusting as it is."

He pushed with his hand and punched the Hulk into the ground again, causing a loud roar. and shock waves can make onlookers feel as if their heartbeats have paused for a beat.

"No, Black Superman, Hulk is here to save people!" Banner's girlfriend Betty shouted to Peter on the helicopter.

Peter rarely looked back at her and responded: "I know, but… so what? I haven't found such a handy toy in a long time."

Betty was choked, she didn't expect that she would get such a reply.

Obviously the biggest villain she hates has been solved, why does she feel like a stronger and more terrifying villain is coming at this moment?

"Banner…" She began to worry about Banner.

In just a moment, Hulk finally crawled out of the pit again, becoming angrier and more powerful.

"Roar!" He punched Peter, but Peter caught it with one hand again,

"Well… this time it's a bit better, but it's not enough."

Boom! He was kicked away by Peter again.

In this way, Betty soon saw that Hulk was knocked down by Black Superman again and again, then got up, was knocked down again, and the cycle continued.

Every attack of Black Superman seems to be stuck at Hulk's critical point. One less point is not enough stimulation, and one point too much will collapse again.

Betty covered her mouth and kept shaking her head, "Why? I don't understand why he did this?"

General Ross on the side stretched out his hand to pull Betty back into the helicopter and ordered: "We retreat!"

"No, father, we can't , Banner, he still…"

"We must retreat! Can't you see? This is no longer something we can intervene in! When Black Superman leaves, we will come back and take a look!"

And on the field,

after being hit once After getting up backwards, Hulk's power was finally strong enough to repel Black Superman… for a distance.

For the first time, Peter felt the power from other people that could shake him. He was very happy…and excited.

Finally I have a rival.

It may be difficult for others to understand how lonely he has been since he obtained the template of the motherland and since he upgraded this superman talent package.

Loneliness in strength.

Everything around him was too fragile in his eyes, and he had to protect it all carefully, for fear that it would collapse if he accidentally bumped into something.

Only that time in Wakanda, he was able to let go more, but that was all.

Those who faced him were just a group of ordinary people relying on vibranium.

And now, he finally found someone who could let him go.


With seemingly unlimited power, an equally invulnerable body, and most importantly, a straight-forward fighting style that won't retreat and give up, he is simply a perfect opponent!

Although Peter's behavior at this time was somewhat similar to the last time he tamed the lizard man, the handling of some details and the purpose were completely different.

Last time, he was trying to make the lizard people completely remember their fear.

But this time, he was trying to inspire and squeeze out the Hulk's power.

He is also curious, what is the upper limit of Hulk in this world?