
Chapter 37

Chapter 37 Spider-Woman and Iron Man (Part 2)

Chapter 26

Max's electric energy shoots towards Tony again.

In his opinion, all this is because of Iron Man, and it was his appearance that caused all this.

His angel, Spider-Woman, can't go wrong!

And Tony had already fallen victim to this trick once, so it was naturally impossible for him to fall victim to it again, let alone to coax Max.

The 200% charged laser cannon that had been prepared was fired from his palm. This shot directly blew Max's whole body away and was embedded in the advertising screen of the building.

"This is courtesy, bastard."

Max was hit very painfully, but he couldn't absorb the energy that had been converted into laser.

If it weren't for his powerful physique and repair ability after mutation, he would have died.

This made him surprisingly angry.

Iron Man not only stole Spider-Woman's attention, but also made him feel the pain of falling into a pool of electric eels again.

These people…this world…are always taking away what belongs to me…

He grabbed the cable connected to the power supply inside the advertising screen, inserted it into his body, and said,

"I want you and the world to feel it too." It hurts!"

As he roared, all the electricity in Times Square, the most prosperous area in New York, was absorbed by him.

The street, which was originally a brightly lit building, instantly fell into darkness, and the sound fell silent.

Tony looked at what happened suddenly and realized something was wrong.

Sure enough, in the next second, a powerful electric energy surge centered on Max and spread to all directions, destroying many electrical appliances along the way.

Tony's steel suit was also affected to some extent, and Jarvis fell into a short circuit.

This caused the entire armor to be semi-paralyzed in an instant, and he could only quickly operate to wake up Jarvis.

At the same time, Max was floating in the air, looking down at everything.

Powerful electricity filled his body, and he felt unprecedented satisfaction.

He looked at the steel armor that had to make an emergency landing and said, "Do you like charging? Then I'll charge you enough."

As he said that, the powerful current in his hand rushed towards the steel armor,

100%, 200 %, 300%…

Tony soon saw that the power on the control panel was constantly soaring.

This is not a good thing.

This kind of charging itself will cause a lot of losses to the armor, not to mention that the amount of electricity that the armor itself can carry is also limited.

If it exceeds this limit… then he and the armor will turn into a firework with a bang.

But in his semi-paralyzed state, there was nothing he could do about it.

Jarvis's awakening process and the overload charging process of electricity are like two tracks of life and death, determining his fate.

"Spider-Woman! Where is Spider-Woman!?"

"Quick! Defeat that freak!"

"Kill him!"

At this moment, the onlookers and police officers all called out to another superhero present.

This made Max even crazier,

"How could you…how could you be so cruel! You actually let Spider-Woman deal with me!"

"She will never! She will not give up on me!"

He responded even more excitedly, and the electric shock followed. Following his shout, a new round of agitation began.

At this time, Spider-Woman, Gwen, is with her lover.

As Spider-Woman, of course.

"Peter! It's a coincidence that you are here too! It's very dangerous here…"

"Leave quickly, right?" Peter interrupted and said, "I'm sorry, but I promised someone that I would wait here for her to come back."

He was there . Wait for yourself to come back? Well, Gwen had to admit that she was still a little happy at this moment…

Then she heard Peter say:

"I'm very distressed. She said she had a bad stomach and went to the bathroom, but now it's over. I haven't come back for a long time…"

Gwen suddenly felt bad.

That's just an excuse, Peter! She didn't really hold it in the bathroom for so long!

(Go to read the novel on the site: Novels Knights)

At this moment, she felt a sense of social death.

Of course, the above was just a casual quarrel between the two when they were greeting each other, and it only lasted a few seconds.

The topic was quickly brought back to the right track,

"How are you going to deal with Electro?" Peter asked.

"Electric Man?" Gwen reacted quickly, "Is that the nickname you gave Max? It's quite appropriate."

She said,

"I'm still thinking. He seems to be able to absorb electricity and release it, which is very useful here. Tough…"

"Sounds a bit like a battery, doesn't it?" Peter reminded.

"What?" Gwen was stunned.

"His ability is not to generate electricity, but to transport electricity, just like a battery." Peter said.

"Yes! Peter, you are such a genius!" Gwen praised and said,

"I know how to deal with him!"

She hurriedly left with the only remaining spider silk launcher swinging the spider silk.

Peter looked at Gwen who left in a hurry, and thought for

a moment, "It's time to upgrade her equipment…"

The screen turned back to the center of the square.

The armor on Tony's body was extremely full of energy at this time, and at the same time, it was also extremely dangerous, with electric sparks and black smoke constantly coming out.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Jarvis woke up.

"Sir, I'm sorry that I was away for a while."

"Stop talking nonsense, Jarvis, activate the armor and turn up the firepower to the maximum!"

"Sir, I can't. I don't have to remind you, the consequences of doing this are very dangerous…"

"Do as I say!"

Tony converted all the energy he had stored into light cannons.

Of course, his armor will definitely not be able to withstand it and will be scrapped altogether. In this way, Tony, who is locked in the armor, will become very dangerous at the same time.

But Tony couldn't care less.

He couldn't let the Smurf in front of him continue to wreak havoc.

If this guy can't be dealt with here, with his ability to absorb and control electricity, God knows how much trouble it will cause!

This is a modern city! Everything needs electricity to run.

But just when he was excited and ready to fight to the death, a water gun suddenly rushed out from the side and shot Max.

The current in Max's body short-circuited instantly, and then he fell to the ground, and the electric energy surging around him disappeared.

Tony was stunned, and his eyes quickly turned to the direction of the water gun.

It was Spider-Woman!

She didn't know when she had brought the fire truck, and together with the firefighters, they shot down the electro-optical man with a water gun.

The crisis was resolved very suddenly.

The crowd around who had not yet run cheered.

However, Tony suddenly felt a little empty.

He was almost at the top and ready to go.

It's good now. Not only did he not get the head, he also had to find a way to vent his anger and consume the huge energy in his body that could go berserk at any time.

Not to mention, it was his sudden appearance that made the situation complicated at the beginning.

Poor Tony's first battle after the official announcement of Iron Man seemed a little too unsuccessful.

Although he was not a weak-willed person, he felt somewhat depressed at this moment.

He did try his best, but there were others who seemed to do it better than him.

He looked at Gwen, who also walked towards him, stretched out her hand, and said sincerely:

"Mr. Stark, are you okay? It's all thanks to you. If you hadn't been holding the Electro back, I may not even be able to make it in time."

Tony's expression was a little complicated.

He felt that from beginning to end, Spider-Woman had been acting out of the belief of helping and saving others.

Although he is also helping and protecting others, Spider-Woman's belief seems to be much more pure and firm than his.

He suddenly felt envious of Spider-Woman. He didn't know what kind of experience it would take to have such faith.

Maybe he won't be able to have it in his life.

Maybe, compared to Spider-Woman, his superhero is indeed… slightly inferior?

This is the word that Tony can barely accept.