
Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Black Superman

Chapter 1

Jingle bell bell bell bell bell!

The bell rang for the lunch break, and students from Midtown High School filed out.

Peter and Gwen followed the crowd out and went to the canteen to get food.

The cafeteria at Midtown High School is pretty good.

Beef stew, cheese sandwich, broccoli, cream of clam soup, oh and a little ice cream… Gwen put the food on the plate.

There is no way, fighting in the streets and alleys of New York every day consumes too many calories!

Coupled with her superhuman physique, she ate hundreds of millions more than before.

She glanced at Peter next to her with some guilt, and then froze,

what the hell! Peter actually got more than she did!

"What's wrong?" Peter noticed something strange about Gwen.

"It's nothing…you just took too much, right? Have you finished eating?"

"Of course, I'm working out recently." Peter was prepared and went back.

This can explain his increasingly strong body, which has always been considered "frail" and a bit bad.

The two found a seat and sat down. Gwen was surprised again and again, "Speaking of which, you have indeed become much stronger recently."

"Want to try?"

Gwen blinked, "What to try?"

"Of course I am now. With enough strength, I can probably knock you down with one punch."


Gwen was a little angry and felt like she was being fooled.

"Okay, Peter Parker, you've only been practicing for a month and you already want to hit a girl."

The two of them joked a bit.

At this time, a month had passed since Peter solved the vulture. At that time, this incident caused quite a shock.

After Vulture died, his body was discovered by the New York police the next day, because his head had been swept away by laser eyes. Such obvious injuries immediately allowed the police to identify the suspect.

Yes, Peter is with the police at this time, carrying the identity of a criminal suspect.

This incident also aroused considerable public opinion among the public.

Because the vulture died so tragically, his arms were torn off, his body was shattered from a high altitude, and his head was exploded and disappeared. None of this told what kind of torture he suffered before his death.

Many people felt pity for the Vulture and began to denounce and boycott Superman. This incident caused a big fuss at the time, even though the Vulture himself was a criminal and a supervillain.

It would be unbelievable to say that there was no intentional person to encourage Peter, but who cares?

He still goes his own way, fighting crime every day to earn points.

And the methods are becoming more and more cruel.

This resulted in the voices resisting him continuing and getting more intense, but to no avail.

At the same time, he also has a new title, Black Superman.

Peter noticed that Gwen also started checking her phone and clicked on a video about Black Superman.

"What, Gwen, are you paying attention to him?"

"Who?" Gwen quickly understood and said, "You said Black Superman, of course, he is the most popular guy in the United States recently."

Moreover, he is not. General concern.

She has been looking for traces of Black Superman every night lately.

Peter was also aware of this, so he had deliberately avoided contact with the Gwen Spider for the past month, trying not to have any contact with it.

"Oh? What do you think of him? The media's evaluation of him is quite complicated, and many people hate him." Peter said casually.

"Hateful? That's not the case." Gwen replied:

"After all, he is also fighting criminals, and he is very efficient. It's just… I think his behavior is too extreme, and sometimes there is no need to be so harsh. ."

Moreover, to a certain extent, Black Superman had avenged her. She felt that she needed to find Black Superman to "talk".

"That's it." Peter felt confident.

At this time, a noisy voice suddenly came from the crowd not far away. Peter and Gwen both looked for a sound,

"It's the Green Goblin, Harry Osborn, who just transferred here this semester." Gwen said.

Of course, this Green Goblin is not that Green Goblin.

As the eldest son of Osborn Industries, one month after Harry transferred to this school, he has become famous with the green Franklin in his hands.

And, I don't know if it was fate, but he happened to be called the "Green Goblin" by the students.

(Go to read the novel on the site: Novels Knights)

"A very vivid title, isn't it?" Peter said.

Gwen shrugged and said, "I have a family dinner tonight. You can come too."

"Um, why did you invite me suddenly?"

"What, you don't want to come?" Gwen finished a piece of sandwich and looked at Peter threateningly.

"No, it's just…"

"Humph, don't think I don't know. Uncle Ben is working overtime tonight, and Aunt Mei also has work to do at the charity meeting in Chinatown. You are the only one." "


Good guy, this is It was already planned.

"Hehe, this is what my dad meant. Let's eat lemon seabass tonight." Gwen winked.

"Okay, okay, what's the class in the afternoon?"

"In the afternoon, it's Dr. Connors's class. He is my supervisor during my internship at Osborn Industries. He studies cross-species gene transfer engineering.

Although I don't know why it suddenly happened. Come to our school as a tutor, but he is very powerful!"

"Is that so…"

Forget it about Green Goblin Harry, is Dr. Lizard also here? The plots of the Amazing Spider and Gwen's universe have been completely mixed together! Peter sighed.

"What's wrong?" Gwen asked.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly felt like there were people from Osborne everywhere."

"Pfft, after all, Osborne is the most powerful biotechnology company in the United States, and it also has many cooperations with our school."

Afternoon, Connors In the Ph.D.'s class.

Peter looked at the middle-aged man on the stage who had a broken hand, but was confident and humorous, and confirmed that this was the version of the Super Spider.

Although in the movie, his research was completely destroyed by Peter's father, his real level is still powerful enough that it would be a complete waste to serve as a teacher to a group of high school students.

Of course, for Peter, who has a super brain, it is just enough.

After all, for Peter now, as long as he wants to, he can easily and quickly master skills in any field. As long as he works hard, there is no problem in becoming the top in the industry.

But, just like Superman, his super brain told him to rely on learning? There is no future.

Purchasing directly with points is the most cost-effective way.

In other words, combining scoring and learning is the best way.

Peter glanced at his panel,


Name: Peter Parker

Occupation: Anti-Hero

Talent: Superman lv2, Medical Master, Physics Proficient, Spider Sense lv2

Points: 192430



among them, [Fighting Master] ][Proficient in Physics]Completely self-study.

[Spider Sense] cost Peter 5,000 points at level 1 and 1,000 points at level 2. His perception ability has indeed been greatly improved, and the most important thing is that it is more comprehensive.

As for the highlight [Superman] talent pack… As early as a month ago, after Peter collected 100,000 points, he upgraded it as soon as possible.

The effect can only be said to be very refreshing.

According to Marvel's "Earth, Universe, Heavenly Father" strength classification, his original template of the motherland should be at the sub-universe level, which is the top of the earth level. This is also the limit of the motherland.

And this upgrade directly promoted Peter to the cosmic level, the same level as Aunt Marvel.

At this point, he finally got rid of the shackles of his motherland and could truly be called "Superman".

Apart from anything else, his current biological force field is finally not strong enough to support a plane…

Of course, the upgrade cost for the next level has also soared to 500,000 points.

This made Peter a little distressed. As time went by, New York's criminals became more and more cowardly.

He doubted that if it weren't for the support of the Kingpin, those criminals would simply collapse and become good.

It can be said that the security situation in New York has reached the best level ever in this month.

But this is not what Peter wants. Now he often has to travel to farther cities, spanning more than half of the United States to carry out justice.

500,000 may not be a big problem, but it is foreseeable that the points required in the future will only increase exponentially. Where can he earn them?

It's all because New York's criminals are so incompetent.

A certain underground king, Kingpin, cursed and gave the middle finger.