
Chapter 10: The Silver Haired kitty...

Peering over the edge, he saw an uneven fight unfolding – ten men against one silver-haired woman.

Despite her drunken state, she was holding her own, dispatching her assailants with surprising martial skill.

However, the tide turned when one of the men, feigning unconsciousness, sprang up with a knife.

The woman caught off guard, stumbled backwards as the man lunged forward, aiming the blade at her heart.

In that split second, as the knife descended, Grim acted.

Leaping from the rooftop, he landed behind the woman, his body cushioning her fall.

As the knife came down, Grim reached out, letting it pierce his hand instead.

The assailant's triumph turned to shock as the blood from Grim's wound turned to mist and evaporated.

"Sigh, you guys are pathetic, attacking a drunk woman," Grim chided, his voice laced with disdain.

Before the attacker could respond, Grim swiftly incapacitated him with a single, bone-crushing grip, leaving the man unconscious from pain.

Grim looked down at the woman in his arms, now also unconscious. "What the hell am I supposed to do now?" he muttered.

The thought of leaving her there seemed absurd, especially after intervening.

Resigned to his unplanned role as her protector, Grim gently laid her down and rifled through her pockets, finding a wallet and a letter with an address.

With a sigh, he scooped her up in a princess carry and exited the alley, inadvertently stepping on a few of the incapacitated men.


The journey to her house was a journey of its own – three taxi rides, two stops to clean up vomit, and a meal break later, Grim finally reached her residence.

It was a nice little condo all things considered.

After a brief struggle with the keys, he managed to unlock the door and entered.

A white kitten greeted him, playfully nipping at his feet. Grim tried to shoo it away, but the persistent feline followed him, so he resigned himself to its company.

Laying her down on a couch, Grim took a moment to look around. The house was cosy, lived-in, with personal touches that spoke of the woman's life and personality.

The kitten, now purring contentedly, settled next to the woman, adding to the warmth of the scene.

Grim stood there for a moment before looking around the house, 'the lady is definitely a cat person, that was for certain.' He thought as he looked at all the cat nicknames and paintings around.

He then looked at a family photo, there was the woman and two kids, one boy looked like the jock type, narcissistic and a ladies' man, and the other was a girl who looked exactly like the woman but in her younger years.

Those were clearly her kids, and in that photo, he saw a faint mark of a wedding ring on her finger, which meant she was likely divorced.

Looking back at the woman who still had vomit stains all over her clothes, he walked back to her and picked her up.

The kitten now awake again looked up and followed the two. Grim found her bedroom after opening two other doors and layed her on the soft king-sized bed.

He shut the door behind him shutting the kitty out who was now meowing, but Grim ignored it and looked around the room.

He shuffled through all the cabinets but couldn't find any clothes that would be fit to wear as pyjamas.

So he looked back at the woman who was still unconscious and started to strip her.

She was covered in vomit and he didn't want it covering the bed sheets, layer by layer he took off each article of clothing, until she only had her button-up.

But that soon was taken away as he exposed more and more of her flawless skin.

Despite her age, this woman was still one of the most beautiful women Grim had layed his eyes on.

Though, unlike most men, Grim felt no sexual attraction to her, so he didn't even react when he saw her DD cup breast cupped in her sexy black Victoria's Secret lingerie.

He threw away the clothes in a hamper and opened up the bed sheets, but before that, he threw away all 12 pillows that were covering the bed.

"Why do you even need so many pillows..."Grim thought out loud.

After removing the pillows he layed her down on the bed.

But sniffing the air, he noticed that he wasn't smelling that nice either, probably because he'd been outside for an entire week and hadn't taken a single shower.

So to fix that he unashamedly used the woman's shower and her products, thinking she wouldn't mind.

And after a nice hot shower, which he thoroughly enjoyed, he walked back into the bedroom and took off his towel after drying himself.

Grim walked over to the woman and noticed her uncomfortable look, her hands kept digging into her bra it was making her uncomfortable.

So Grim turned her around and unclipped her bra at the back and gently took it off of her.

After doing so she was completely exposed to Grim who froze looking at her breasts, but then he immediately turned around and threw her bra onto the floor.

Grim having nothing more to do, walked to the other end of the bed and got inside...

What you thought he was going to leave and sleep on the couch, for the past week he's been sleeping on the floor, trash heaps, cockroach-infested buildings, and so much worse...

So of course he's going to sleep in the bed, if she calls the police on him in the morning, well he wouldn't really care, though that did make him curious, maybe suicide by cop would finally do him in.

And with those dark final thoughts, he finally closed his eyes to rest...


Unfortunately, not even 30 minutes later he opened his eyes and looked to his left. He felt and saw the silver-haired woman now snuggling up to him for some type of warmth.

So he sighed and adjusted himself so she was in a more comfortable position, now her head was cuddled up on his shoulder while her chest and arms rested against his chest.

Her breathing finally calmed after a few moments and she was soon fast asleep.

Grim looked at her one final time and thought.'So this Is the feeling...of having someone beside you as you slowly fall asleep."

"It's...a weird feeling....but not one that I hate."


(Felicia Hardy: Black Cat pictures)

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