
MARVEL: A Real F*cking Vampire

After a bullet is gifted to his brain, he is reborn!! As Peter Parker!! But not Spider-man... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Powers: Victor Alucard (My three wives are beautiful vampires) World: Marvel (obviously, it's in the tittle) Harem: yes (First time) Incest: nonononono (I'm not adopted:)

I_like_gore · Anime & Comics
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Inhumanly handsome

(Ah shit, i hope i don't drop this)


My eyes shot open as unbearable pain assaulted my head and body, i felt my blood boiling. I grunted in pain instinctivly trying to holding it in, I failed... and a shout of pain escaped my lips. "Argh!"

Suddenly, I realised I should be fucking dead. I remember getting a bullet gifted to my brain.

I looked at the floor which was quite dirty, though it still reflected my face, my skin was unnaturaly pale, my hair brown and I was wearing the biggest pair of circular glasses I have ever seen in my life.

"Mr. Parker, are you okay?!" someone called out.

I thought in shock, looking at the reflection. 'that's me?' I asked myself unbelievingly. My veins were hurting. I looked down and saw my blood resembling magma, shining through my skin.

I, well, I started shitting bricks in fear... i don't want to die a second time, or whatever this is.

"Mr. Parker? Mr. Parker?!" someone shook me.

I blinked as I looked up and found a crowd of students looking at me. They were all looking at me like I was some freak... I guess i currently looked the part? And right before me was a woman that looked to be around fifty with black hair greying at the sides.

For some reason, I knew who she was... she was my biology teacher. I blinked, 'that's not right. I've never meet her before in my life!' i shouted inwardly.

"Mr. Parker!" Mrs. Smith called out once more, "are you okay?"

I blinked, "I-I yeah, I am," I responded on reflex, suddenly pain running through me increased and I flinched, I was hurting, badly.

"That looks bad, we should get that checked out," she whispered, turning to the rest of the class and announced, "akright class we're cutting the class short! Everyone get your buddy and walk out to the parking lot!"

"Nice! Guess puny Parker is not completely worthless!" a tall blond teenager yelled out to his friends.

I looked around, I was in a lab of some kind, people in lab coats were walking around, monitors showed the DNA of a human being manipulated, numbers ran through them, I didn't know how, but I understood every single one of them.

"Come Peter, I'll get you checked up," Mrs. Smith whispered as she guided me out. Outside a large yellow school bus was waiting for us, we got on and she put me in the front with her. I could feel a fever coming on, sweat pouring down my brow. And slowly, darkness.

I remembered seeing flashes in my head. Getting off the bus and into a hospital gurdy. A doctor looking me over before informing that I was suffering from an allergic reaction. He informed me to have a week's bed rest and somehow I managed to grunt in understanding.

I remember someone picking me up. He drove to outside the city to a suburban area where he took me into a humble looking house that filled me with warmth.

I was put on a bed, the moment my head hit the pillow my eyes shut for good and I began to sleep.

Memories upon memories came into my head. I could recall so many events in my head that weren't a part of my life. Names, people, mathematical formulas so advanced I knew I shouldn't be able to even think up of them, but somehow I did.

There was a school, a kid being bullied. A house, two people who died and most of all sadness. A kid growing up to be a genius without equal, but shunning his own genius out of fear for being unaccepted. And then finally I was hit with a name.

Peter Benjamin Parker.

And with a gasp I woke up.

I got up from the bed in shock and found myself almost kissing the ceiling . Acting on instinct my body swerved, arms and feet smacking against the ceiling. The ceiling caved under my legs. I then fell face first to the ground.

I was panting, I could feel my body cool down. I looked at my skin, it looked as pale as snow.

I looked down at my hands, I could feel something there. I focused on them, and fire errupted from my palms, then lightning... afterwards my hands froze into blocks of ice.

"Holy shit," I gasped and looked around. I found a book with the name, 'Peter B. Parker', plastered on the front. I looked at the mirror, I looked strange... inhumanly handsome with brown hair and pale skin, ripped in the truest sense of the word. I recalled myself being 18 years old from my... Peter's memories.

"I'm Spider-man," I gasped in realisation.

'Spider-man can't summon the elements!!' I screamed in my mind.