
Marvel: A God's Journey.

In his previous life, he was just an average teenager, due to a slight delay in his schedule, he ended up becoming a victim of a traffic accident, for some reason, he was reborn into an imaginary world as a god! He did not believe in absolute evil or absolute good, but he easily knew good from evil. He was reborn as a god, and even if average, he wanted to know what he could reach in his new life. --------------- Quick thing, if you guys gave me low review for some stupid reason, or because you didn't like some event, or because i didn't choose or do what you demands, i will delete it, i warn you!

The_High_Father · Others
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82 Chs

Dis, The City Of Hell.

It wasn't very difficult to watch after Ralph, or whatever his name was, and secretly guide him when he needed it, in fact I would dare say it was fun.

First, the way I was guiding him was by instilling information in his mind with the mind magic, and while there was no possibility that he would follow these instructions 100%, it was very difficult for him to realize that I was guiding him, I made him wear thick clothes in order to hide his healthy new skin.

When he was working in the field again, he faced difficulty and found it annoying because of his soft hands, and it was a source of entertainment for several days before he prayed for me to help him, so I returned his roughness like a good god, and I did not tell him that he was a good source of entertainment .

When I healed Ralph's body, I didn't only repaired his skin and his scars and cured some of the aliments he had, but I also offered him my divine blessing and gave him enhanced charm, in order to make his duties easier.

And I gave him a power he couldn't use yet, magical healing, he couldn't do it by himself so every time he used it he would use my power, it's similar to mystical arts, what? Most of the prophets possess supernatural power, just like Christ, and Ralph's having a healing power will help him persuade others.

While I was not allowed to communicate with humans, there is no problem as long as I have not been discovered, especially since offering some blessings from a distance is not large enough to attract anyone's attention.

And while I gave him the Enhanced charm, it is not the type that brainwashes a person, so you still cannot get someone to do something without convincing him or if he does not want to, and since I could have watched Ralph 24/24 it was I can get him to avoid the risks and start persuading his friends and close ones first while he pretends he's still embracing the church.

Only about nine months since my appearance to him, he has already managed to convince about 40 people of the truth of my existence and develop their level of faith to reach at least a common faith level while there are many people with true and strong faith.

The level of faith also plays an important role in the amount of divine energy that I get from each believer, so I made Ralph focus on developing the level of faith of people that he persuades, and not rush to persuade a large number of people.

While the number does not seem like much, these few men will slowly persuade their children and families, although I think it will be easier to get a nobleman in our side, so I got Ralph to get down to business.

Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh was the nobleman in charge of Ralph's village, he looked in public and commoners like most of the nobles who work with the church, but recently his beautiful wife has contracted a severe flu illness and looks like she will die anytime.

The priests had brought from the church to cure her, but they were unable to do anything, which made him begin to doubt the church that considered his wife's illness a divine punishment, he knew his wife and she could not have killed even one fly.

So, when I had Ralph, who had a blind faith in me, to speak frankly to the baron and heal his wife, it was not difficult to make him believe that Ralph was working for the true God (me) and to have him embrace the new religion with him and his wife.

By the way, I called my religion Vallianism, yes I did it even though they did not know my real name, and I also wrote several passages to them in order to create my holy book in the future.

The first section talks briefly about my visit to Ralph and my great tolerance, the second talk about the importance of faith and its good aspects of spirit and health, the third was talking especially about the story of the baron and his wife and the church's deception of him, the fourth section was talking about the grace of hope, honesty and devotion.

These clips were few and available to current members only, but I am sure that this will not last long especially with all the topics that I intend to address.

Oh, and I also achieved one more thing, or two, after nearly half a century of hard work that I became finally Lord of Niflheim! And I got all the perks that come with it.

I can now transfer from Niflheim to other realms by will, and this is a big thing because most spatial teleportation skills do not work in Niflheim, and it also means that I can go in and out as much as I want.

And as long as I am inside Niflheim, my strength increases slowly until it stops after becoming much stronger than my normal limits! Also, I can control Niflheim to some extent and manipulate geological features, temperature, fog, and all that.

I also possessed an average awareness of what was happening in Niflheim, I don't know everything, but I know most of the things that happen, and I can now instant teleporter anywhere in Niflheim and control all the evil spirits and Hell walkers and everyone who lost their mind and gave up To the will of the realm.

But do you know what's the most amazing thing? I've got a new divinity! It is also special, after becoming a Dimension Lord, I acquired a divinity which I called the White death divinity.

It was a divinity combined between death, cold and fog, and while it was not clear whether or not it was a Jack of all trades master of non, this is not known.

But I know that it was crystallizing for my stature as a master, no, as the god of Niflheim! I don't know why but finally having a combat divinity made me start thinking about thanking Odin!

However, after having my newly discovered powers I realized something, it would be perfect to use Niflheim as Hell in my cosmology, not only that this is why Niflheim exists but I am sure I can use my creativity to make Hell more hellish.

The first thing I did was to clear an extremely large area of ​​any toxic fog temporarily, and I lowered the temperature to a level that the average human being could survive but still find it cold.

Then I brought in too many rusting tin and building materials and had a large number of hell walkers build tin houses and dilapidated buildings from all over the world, as long as humans built it the Hell walkers built a bad version of it, creating a city.

Hell walkers weren't intelligent and they only kept a little of their experiences as living beings, so it was very infuriating to manage them but I did it.

Now you might ask, city, why a city? Simple. This city is: Dis, The City Of Hell.

Apart from this, I made a very dense and extremely toxic fog surrounding the city from all directions, and it made the sky raining constantly polluted rain full of several kinds of diseases that I was able to collect from the earth.

I also tapped into my magical experience and my new divinity of death in order to create an organic Birthing sacks filled with a viscous liquid inside.

These sacks will create a new body for every human soul that enters Niflheim, but the body will not be healthy and will be the same as your death.

These sacks will revive the slain dwellers of Hell as well.

Meaning, if you got killed in a car accident, you will be reborn here with a crushed body.

Now, you are wondering what is terrible in all this, right? First, Niflheim or Dis will be a city where the strong will kill the weak, and because there is no animals or food, they will have to eat their preys in order to survive.

Because of the latent rain, they will have to quickly take cover or they will die from disease, while they will have to boil the rain in order to be able to drink.

Most of them will die multiple times of Pneumonia due to rain and cold before realizing that they have to use city buildings, and even if a lucky person does everything right, he will be dead in a very painfully in less than a year.

Cold weather, polluted water, and human flesh do not make for a proper diet.

Of course, I'm not going to make Hell walkers enter the city or the Damned will have no chance.

While I was standing on a building in Dis, I couldn't help but smile, I really surpassed myself, I didn't think I could really design a real hell.

I'm going to use Dis as a place for the unbelievers and bad people like traitors, murderers, etc., and I'd better go back to Asgard quickly and write a new passage from my holy text..


WOW guys it seems Valli have unleashed his inner devil on the world, anyone have any ideas about the paradise counterpart of Dis?

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