
Marvel - War of Souls

Thirius Silver died in his previous world and woke up the next day, blind and alone. However, there was some excitement to this new revelation in his life. The comic book heroes in his previous life were actually real in this one. However, what Thirius doesn’t know is that this world has more than just those comic book characters. Multiple worlds have been fused together and their stories are mixing together for better or for worse. The forces of evil becoming aware of the others existence are joining together to bring about destruction. Thirius in a lucky occurrence is brought to the center of all this conflict. His power’s and existence will be the foundation for which the heroes will come together to bring about peace. Connected Worlds: Marvel, Bleach, D.Gray Man, HighSchool DxD, and Jujutsu Kaisen Tags:Reincarnation, Demons, Gods, Action, Fantasy, Dragons, War

Vaekyr · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Ch.6 Mutant

Thirius laid down on the cold bed, adjusting himself to get comfortable. John walked to the end of the bed and grabbed the rails.

"Try not to move around to much, the machine shouldn't take that long at all."

John push the bed under a cylinder shaped machine; then began sticking needles attached to the machine into his arm, legs, and chest.

"The device will analyze your entire body, giving us an idea of the state of your body. Any changes made to your body from the acceptance of innocence should be easily spotted."

John walked to the other side of the machine and began tapping away at buttons. The machine began to power on as it softly hummed. The cylinder plates began to close in on the bed, getting closer to Thirius.

"Thirius just relax and breath; the process shouldn't take too long. If your ready I will begin now."

John lowered a lever and moved to a display, waiting for the data to begin flowing in.

The needles released many microscopic drones that swarmed throughout, Thirius's body scanning every section of his body.

Large amounts of information began to appear on the display. The density of his bones, the amount of red blood cells, and the makeup of his genetic code. Every detail that makes up Thirius body was quickly analyzed and recorded down.

As John read over the information, he began to notice a few small details in the genetic code.

Thirius's 23rd chromosome were different than how they should be.

The moment he discovered this pair of chromosomes, he thought back to the research material written by Dr.Hank McCoy.

Dr.McCoy theorized that the X-Gene were set on the 23rd chromosome.

If what he was looking at was as Dr.McCoy said; then Thirius is a mutant.

He looked back over the data, rechecking his findings. This time he noticed another difference within Thirius.

His body was slowly growing taller and creating new bones all over. The tail bone had slowly began to grow; at the rate it was growing Thirius would have a tail in a month.

A set of bones were forming into wings on his back. At the moment these bones were small not big enough to be noticed, but eventually they would grow larger.

His lungs were growing bigger allowing him to breathe in more oxygen.

His heart wasn't in the middle of his chest slightly to the left. It was now entirely to the left side of his chest.

A new heart had begun forming on the right side of his chest. It hasn't fully formed yet, but it is already starting to beat in a rhythmic state with his original heart. One heart beats, the other follows suit right after, creating a continuous beating orchestra.

Behind the liver and up a tad, rested a new never before seen organ. The drones noticed the organ carried large amounts of liquid. The liquid was analyzed and is similar to oil. A tube connects this organ to the growing lungs above.

Underneath Thirius's skin is a layer of scales, similar to snake scales. The scales covered his body completely, from head to toe.

John's mouth was left ajar, he couldn't understand how a human's body could be so crazy.

"Is, is he even human at this point!?" John took a few steps away from the display his face locked in a confused state.

Allen walked over to the display to see what worried John so much. As he looked over the 3d display of Thirius's inner body, he also noticed the new organs, bones, and scales.

"Incredible! The fact that so much is going on within his body yet he hasn't notice any difference yet." Allen walked over towards the front of the machine near Thirius's head.

As he looked at Thirius's head, he spotted two bumps on his forehead.

'Are those horns forming; what is happening with his body?'

"Thirius, you my friend; have one of the weirdest body's I've every seen and my arm is a sword, so that's saying something." Thirius looked up at Allen in confusion.

"What do you mean; what's wrong with my body?"

Allen scratched his head, unsure of how to relay the news.

"Well for one thing, you have horns growing on your head. A new set of organs all throughout your body, a tail is growing, and you'll have a set of wings in no time. Did I forget to mention the scales underneath your skin?"

Thirius mouth dropped wide open. He started feeling his forehead and felt the 2 bumps. As he rubbed the bumps he begin to remember, the big dragon in his head.

'Am I turning into a dragon!?' This question echoed in his mind as he thought about what happened this earlier.

The machine began to lift away from the bed before turning off. John walked over and began removing the needles from Thirius.

"Well I know for a fact the innocence is doing well inside your body. However, I think the other changes might have something to do with you being a mutant. Don't take my word on that this is just a guess, I'm no expert in that field."

John held the papers, documenting the information about Thirius. "Is there anything that happened recently or long ago that might have brought about these changes?"

Thirius put his hand on his face and thought back to earlier today. "Well after I got off work, I got home and took a shower. When I was inside something appeared above me an egg of sorts. The egg broke open and the liquid inside encased me into a cocoon. After that I went from being completely blind to being able to kinda see, I can hear voices, and lift stuff with my mind. After that the innocence appeared and you all know the rest."

John's face showed he was confused.

"You said an egg just appeared above you in the shower, so like through space?"

Thirius nodded his head.

"Hmm if we go off what your saying; the contents of the egg caused you to mutate, this mutation must have activated your dormant x-gene. From the changes happening within your body, the innocence, must have sensed a worthy host and flew out to fuse with you which also alerted the Noah."

A/N: Thanks for reading. If you enjoy this story then you might enjoy my other one StarWars Nature of the Force. Leave me any comments and let me know what you think.