
Marvel's Ultra-Saiyan

If you have an issue with my writing skills then I can only say sorry because I don't have enough time to do a recheck but if I find any mistakes when I have time I will fix the errors. But if your eyes hurt and you don't think it is making you feel bad then please do me a favor and stop reading this no one is forcing you to read this book. Please do note this book is not only for you but also for me to pass my free time and at the same time, I want to create a good FF for my self to enjoy in the time to come. I am not a professional writer just passing time. Any suggestions are welcomed as long as you don't curse at me. Also if anyone wants to become the editor for this book than you are also welcome and I will send the character to that particular person first before posting it but know that I won't be paying you as I also don't earn anything from it. ........................... ..................... Death is never a good thing. But no matter who or how strong you remember you will have to die one day whether you like it or not. But if you have to save everyone you care and love then you might not think twice to sacrifice yourself to save them but in his case, Bruce had to sacrifice even his soul together with his body in order to use his final attack on his Enemy Fuu from Dragon Ball world where he reincarnated by somehow while going to the Midtown High but he doesn't know what happened after his ultimate sacrifice in the Dragon Ball world but one thing he knows is that he is back. Yes, he is back on Earth where he was born and what do you know he is on the same bus of Midtown High, and from the looks of it he was sleeping all along. So does that mean the things that happen in the Dragon Ball world was just his dream? Was he sleeping all along? If that is the case how can he remember everything? How can he feel he is a lot weaker then he was in the previous world? The most important thing is he can use all the knowledge from that world as if they are real. So doesn't that mean he wasn't dreaming all along and everything was real? Also, more importantly, did he really arrive in his previous world, or is this some alternative world. To know to join us in the grand adventures of Bruce Wayne the Supreme God Of Time. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Also, try to give some good reviews if you have time and once it is above 4 stars I will update the chapters regularly. Stay home stay safe

Shaikh_Tohaa · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs


Planet: EARTH

4th August 2008.

New York...


"Oscorp" was created and run by its CEO Norman Osborn. Norman studied chemistry and electrical engineering in college. He also took a number of courses in business administration. Norman Osborn's teacher, Professor Mendel Stromm, formed a business partnership. Since Norman put up the bulk of the financing, they called their company the Osborn Corporation or Oscorp.

Though Norman is the top shareholder known to the public, on the contrary, he was never the number one shareholder but the number 2 person with the most share of the company it is a story from far back when he wanted to start the company but he didn't have enough funding even after putting all his mother's fortune.

So he needed to take a loan of a few billion USD however with little to contacts with the people who had the ability to give him a huge loan of billions of USD he was losing all hope and even started believing his dream of a powerful company which will one day rule over the American teach market will only remain a dream as for the Bank's he applied for a loan refused him directly saying they can give him the loan but he needs to find a granter if he fails in his business then they will be able to ask that person for to repay for him which was indirect but straight refusal for him because if he had someone who can be his greater why would he need to ask the Bank for a loan with high interest couldn't he just ask that person for a loan.

One day when he was drinking with depression he saw in the new that the famous Wayne's from overseas are coming in America for a business conference and the top class businessman and leaders of the country are going to join the conference which showed a ray of hope in his darkest moment and without thinking he used all his channels in order to get a spot in the conference knowing in this high-class business conference they not only make a partnership with other company's for better improvement of their corporations but also they will invest in the small companies expansion with an acceptable share if they think it has potential.

Besides making big deals with the country leaders and so on they will even invest in some upcoming company upon satisfied ideals with that thought he went to the conference in hope of making some of the big shots for a loan but who would have thought nobody would even take a glance at his plan and even if someone were to give a second look at his plan they would shut down his ideas the next moment. Which made him lose all hope and he decided to leave with a sad and depressed face when he was stopped by the guards.

"Did I do something wrong gentleman? " Norman asked with a worried face looking at the guards not knowing whom he had offended but he couldn't remember anyone because he was too afraid to offend anybody in the room knowing offending anyone will doom him as everyone in this room is either a world leader, a CEO of a company with the power to squash him with a single word or the lowest position holders in this room are the important officials of the country. So knowing thi she would have been nothing but stupid offending anybody in this conference room but now that he was stopped maybe he is just unlucky and some bastard wants to look for trouble for him.

Understanding Norman is worried upon getting stopped by them he guards said with a smile "Don't be worried Mr. Osborn it's only our boss wants to have a chat with you. "

"Your Boss??? " Norman wished in a low tone then asked with a confused tone, not understanding who they are talking about after all he had already approached most of the people present in this room but the most powerful ones in the room not because he doesn't want to ask them but he didn't even have the opportunity to even approach them much less describe them of his project and he also didn't believe he can be worth their time so he is sure it must be one of the people whom he approached before might have changed their mind and now calling him to invest in his upcoming company which lights a ray of hope in him as he asked with excitement "May I know who you boss is? "

"You will know once you are there. " the guard said with a smile.

Looking at the smile he was even more sure that the person who is looking for him isn't looking for creating trouble for him but to help him because if the person wanted to create trouble for him then the guards wouldn't be smiling at him but looking at him aggressively so taking this point as a base he excitedly said without making the person who is calling him in fear of them changing their mind "Please lead the way? "

"Please follow me. " one of the guards said with a nod and leads the way.

Not long after Norman arrived beside a table where a man and a woman are drinking tea are conversing with each other while smiling. The man is in his early 30s while the beautiful woman is also in her 30s but because of their luxurious dress and style, they look much younger than their original age and looking at their face Norman recognize them with a single glance because this is the most influential people in his conference and the very people who called for this high-class business conference Mr. and Mrs. Wayne.

'How can't it be them calling me? ' Norman lookee at them in disbelief, after all, they are people out of even his league to even approach much so he never imagined being able to talk to them in this conference maybe after a few decades but not in this very moment.

"Sir. " the guard said going near Mr. Wayne with a smile in a low tone.

"Alfred. " Mr. Wayne said with a nod as he puts the teacup lately on the table and turns to look at the guard.

"Sir I have brought Mr. Osborn as you have instructed me to. " Alfred the guard is actually the butler of the Wayne family said point at Norman.

"Good. " Turning his gaze at Norman Thomas Wayne said with a satisfied nod and instructed pointing at the seat opposite to his and his wife Martha's "Have a seat, Mr. Osborn. "

"Thank you, Mr. Wayne. " Norman did as he was asked without any hesitation because for a beginner businessman like him the words from Mr. Wayne is like the Dacres from the King moreover frok what he knows the Wayne's in England has almost the same level of authority as the Royal family of England if not more in some areas because of their wealth and connections.

"I have heard about your project and I am very impressed by your plan. " Thomas Wayne said with a smile looking at Norman without wasting his words in useless words but directly going to the main point.

Hearing Mr. Wayne is intended in his plan made Norman very happy as he said with a smile "I am very honored that a person of your position thinks highly about it. "

"I know you have come here at this conference for a loan to start your company and the amount is not small so no one wants to lend you for your project. However after a discussion with my wife we have decided to help you. "

"Do you mean you are willing to lend me the money. " although he knows a person at the level of Mr. Wayne's position won't be calling him just to waste his precious time on a nobody like him still he couldn't help but asking after all this is about his dreams and a single nod from this man and woman is enough to make his dreams into a reality.

"You understood me wrong Mr. Osborn when I said I am impressed by your project doesn't mean I am going to lend you the money. " Thomas said shaking his head in denial.

Hearing the words of denial Norman who was flying in the clouds of happiness felt as if the cloud of happiness turned into that of a thunderstorm of depression instantly and sank him in the bottom of the ocean of grief the next moment as he asked with a shaky tone "If you didn't want to lend me the money can you please notify me the reason for calling me here Mr. Wayne. "

"As I said before we are interested in your project although we don't want to lend you the money however we are interested in investing in your project. " Thomas said with a smile without caring for Norman's shift in attitude and tone.

Hearing this the sky cleared for Norman as he felt the darkness clearing for him and he has regained the happiness again and then they started the discussion about the distribution of the shares and finally after some time they have come to the conclusion the Wayne family will invest in the company and in exchange they will get 60% of the company share and Norman will get 30% and the rest of the shares will be distributed among the public or who is able to afford the shares.

As the company is started by Norman and he wanted to use his family name to run the company The Wayne's didn't disagree because of their huge business empire and decided to let Osborn use his family name after knowing he is using his all the remaining family property to start this company and let his wish of owning a big company but when it came to big decisions that can affect the future of the company he will need to ask for Wayne's permission while other times he is free to do as he likes as long as they get their share of billions of dollars per year.

This is the story of Oscorp one of the prestigious corporations in New York City.

Although Bruce knows this corporation partially belongs to his family and if he wants he can have any access in this building any facility he didn't use his family's name and decided to ask for Gwen a special tour for him and his friends because he doesn't want to revile his identity to everyone st least not yet.

As they entered the building Jean by his side asked with an excited smile "We are now wherein the facility of Oscorp and you have yet to tell me what is the surprise you have for me? "

"Alright I will not make you wait any longer but first let me make a call. " Bruce said with a smile and dialed Gwen's number and asked "where are you? Yes, we have arrived at the gate. Ok. "

"Who are you calling? " Jean asked in a confused face not understanding whom he was calling but one thing for sure she had a bad feeling for some unknown reason.

"You will know soon enough. " Bruce said but still didn't explain to her.

After a few minutes from inside the main workstation of Oscorp, a young girl a few years older than them with blonde hair and a seductive body and beautiful face came in their direction which made Jean's feelings of danger go up a notch for some unknown reason as he looks at the girl with a worried face when she heard Bruce calling with a laugh "Gwen you are finally here? "

"You should have called me earlier then I would have been waiting for you at the gate. " Gwen also replied with a laugh.

Listing them talking while laughing at each other like they are old friends made Jean's worst nightmare come true and as if her prayer of asking for the God Bruce to not know this blonde girl went unnoticed which made her really sad and her "Phoenix" started taking over her because of her low willpower and depression as she asked in a low but cold tone "Is she the surprise you were talking about to me earlier? "

Who do you like more among this Jean and Gwen ?

Honestly, I added Gwen after watching Spiderverse for more carecter development however after a lot of research I don't like her much now as for Jean she also has a lot of bad aspects but this is a FF so we won't mention them.

Anyway, your opinion is much expected.


Shaikh_Tohaacreators' thoughts