
Fury want's answers

Planet: EARTH

03.08.2008. Nighttime ...

New York...

SHIELD base in New York City…

Clinton Francis Barton or some calls him Clint Barton but we all mostly recognize him as "HAWKEYE" is eating some Burgers after returning from his mission not long ago after finishing the first burger he was about to take the second burger when his phone started to ring.

"Who is calling at a time like this? " Clint said to himself in dissatisfaction while looking between his phone and the burger in the dilemma of not knowing which one he should pick up but thinking it can be some emergency he decided to pick up the phone and receive the call even if he has to remain hungry a little longer he can manage to wait.

After making up his decision Clint finally picked up the phone and saw the caller is none other than the director himself even if he doesn't want to answer the call because of his hunger and wanted to rest as he finished a mission not long ago but when the director calls how can he not receive the call.

So with no further thinking, he received the call than putting it on the loudspeaker he took a burger than asked "Agent Hawkeye reporting. "

"I have an emergency mission for you. " Fury said from the other side with a deep voice and hearing it you can easily understand this is an important mission.

'I knew it. ' Clint thought while chewing the burger in his mouth than with an unwilling tone he said "I just returned from a difficult mission. "

"Speak after swallowing your food agent. " Fury said in seriousness.

Understanding he is talking with food still in his mouth Clint quickly swallowed it before continuing "Sir I said I just returned from a very difficult mission and now I am taking a rest to relax for a while also I am eating my dinner at the moment. So can't you send someone else for now? "

"I know about your condition very well agent. Now tell me why do you think if I were to send someone else would I be calling you? " Fury asked what very seriously.

"Yes, Sir I understand. " Clint said with a dejected tone looking at the burger in his hand and looking at it now he doesn't feel it is testy anymore and decided to not eat anymore.

"What do you understand Agent. " Fury asked with a deep tone indicating he wants to hear Clint's testimony on this mission.

"Sir I understand I have to do the mission whether I like it or not. " Clint said with a serious tone while thinking inside 'One of these days I am telling you I will quit this job and you hear me I am serious about quitting this job. '

"Good. " Fury said with a satisfying tone than he continued "You don't need to worry about this mission actually this mission is quite easy for you and won't take much time of your and once you finish the mission I will give you a month-long vacation so you can visit your family. "

"Really?!? " Clint asked with a confused tone and started thinking inside 'Wait a minute if he is giving me a whole month of vacation than doesn't that mean this mission is very dangerous. '

"Yes, you will be given a whole month of vacation after this mission. " Fury said with a calm tone.

'Damn this mission is really going to be tough. ' again hearing the director agreeing Clint cursed inside than with a sigh asked "What is my mission this time Sir? "

"You need to deliver a bag of A+ blood from the [SHIELD] blood bank to Colson's nephew in the New York City public Hospital. " Fury said with a serious tone.

"Phill's nephew that doesn't sound like a difficult mission. Is it really necessary for me to deliver the blood? Why don't we just send a field agent for the delivery? " Clint asked with confusion hearing the Director wants to send him to deliver blood.

"Of course if it were a simple blood delivery we wouldn't need you to go deliver the blood but would have sent some field agent. " Fury said with denied him directly.

"Then do I need to assassinate someone while I am delivering the blood and use it as a cover-up? " Clint asked in confusion.

"No, you don't need to do anything like that you just need to deliver the blood to the boy and that's it. " Fury said with a serious tone.

'It can't be a simple blood delivery to the hospital right? Then does it have something to do with Phill's nephew? ' Clint thought to himself then asked the director "Director can you clarify the details of the mission, please?

"You see though it is a simple blood delivery mission at the same time I want you to meet Phill's nephew and make a judgment on him. " Fury said with a serious tine because this kid is a potential Agent and from the reports, he received he even had the potential of becoming an elite agent of [SHIELD].

'As I thought there is something wrong with Phill's nephew. ' Clint thought and his expression became serious "Director did the kid did something. "

"Yes he had saved the chief of New York Police and in the process, he had beaten up 6 thugs all by himself within seconds and they also had a gun with them while the kid was unarmed. " Fury explained with seriousness.

"So you want me to make a judgment on him and see if he have the potential to become an Agent am I right? " Clint asked with an understanding face after all a strong combat Agent is a big asset in the organization.

"Yes you are right and if he is really that strong without even receiving proper training than I think with our training program he has the potential to become an elite in no time. " Fury agreed with a serious face.

"I understand Sir. " Clint said with a nod as he stood up after disconnecting the call and going towards the blood bank of the building.

What will Hawkeye discover about Bruce or will he be the to get uncovered???

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