
Marvel's Ultra-Saiyan

If you have an issue with my writing skills then I can only say sorry because I don't have enough time to do a recheck but if I find any mistakes when I have time I will fix the errors. But if your eyes hurt and you don't think it is making you feel bad then please do me a favor and stop reading this no one is forcing you to read this book. Please do note this book is not only for you but also for me to pass my free time and at the same time, I want to create a good FF for my self to enjoy in the time to come. I am not a professional writer just passing time. Any suggestions are welcomed as long as you don't curse at me. Also if anyone wants to become the editor for this book than you are also welcome and I will send the character to that particular person first before posting it but know that I won't be paying you as I also don't earn anything from it. ........................... ..................... Death is never a good thing. But no matter who or how strong you remember you will have to die one day whether you like it or not. But if you have to save everyone you care and love then you might not think twice to sacrifice yourself to save them but in his case, Bruce had to sacrifice even his soul together with his body in order to use his final attack on his Enemy Fuu from Dragon Ball world where he reincarnated by somehow while going to the Midtown High but he doesn't know what happened after his ultimate sacrifice in the Dragon Ball world but one thing he knows is that he is back. Yes, he is back on Earth where he was born and what do you know he is on the same bus of Midtown High, and from the looks of it he was sleeping all along. So does that mean the things that happen in the Dragon Ball world was just his dream? Was he sleeping all along? If that is the case how can he remember everything? How can he feel he is a lot weaker then he was in the previous world? The most important thing is he can use all the knowledge from that world as if they are real. So doesn't that mean he wasn't dreaming all along and everything was real? Also, more importantly, did he really arrive in his previous world, or is this some alternative world. To know to join us in the grand adventures of Bruce Wayne the Supreme God Of Time. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Also, try to give some good reviews if you have time and once it is above 4 stars I will update the chapters regularly. Stay home stay safe

Shaikh_Tohaa · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Birth of Spider 3

Planet: Earth.

04th of August 2008.

New York...

While Bruce brought Jean with him to the New York Public Presbyterian Queens Hospital where Gwen's dad is getting his treatment there is another person you may like to call "Balck- Widow" also left the Oscorp research facility together with the students of Midtown high but unlike previously where he was following Bruce this time he decided to stop following him after not finding anything significant enough to go against him so the action right now is to return to the headquarters and report to the Director.

After arriving in the headquarters she reported about everything she found on Bruce leaving behind his conversation with Jean as Fury said with a serious face "So you are saying he might know you are keeping an eye on him? "

"I am not sure after all this can also be a coincidence that he looked at me in the morning from his house but is it really possible for someone to see me from that far away. " Black Widow said in denial in that possibility.

"We can take that as a coincidence but if it happens twice how can we call this a coincidence when he also pointed you in the Oscorp? " Fury said with a serious face.

"So you suspect he knew we are keeping an eye on him all along? " Black Widow asked in a serious tone while being shocked inside thinking 'Can it be that time he was really talking about me when he looked at me from his window?

But even if he knew I was keeping an eye on him how did he recognize me when only the highest authority and some trusted members know about me? '

"Yes that is exactly what I think and to be honest I won't be surprised if he really knows everything about our organization. " Fury said with a wry smile remembering about the defense system Colson talked about Bruce's laboratory which can be a very good thing for the organization but the problem is from the description that is too advanced for their scientists to create a duplicate of unless they get the research data of the scrutiny system not to mention the Gravity Chamber that they don't even understand and want to get the research results using Colson's connection or if it is possible he wants to send Black Widow in his house in an undercover mission.

"Do you mean Colson told him about the organization? " Black Widow asked with a confused face thinking Colson can tell his nephew by mistakes or showing off or maybe just to inform him because of his status.

"No that is not it. " Fury shook his head and starter explaining about everything Colson and Clint informed him and finally he took out a paper that contained some kind of paper.

"So this is the DNA report from his blood that Colson got from him after you asked him to bring. " Black Widow asked before taking the report but when he finished reading she said "But this clearly says he is completely a normal just like everyone else. "

"That is indeed the case but there is also the fact his blood is a little too healthy than any of the common humans. " Fury points out a very important part which Black Widow seems to have missed.

"That might be related to his Martial Arts training. " Black Widow replied as if she wants to say this is a face, not a reason to get confused.

"Is that so. " Fury said shaking his head before he continued "Who among us top agents hadn't trained to the pick of human strength already? "

"Then it can also be related to his family using higher grade medicine which is not available in the market remember his family has the biggest medicine factory and research laboratories in the world. " Black Widow argued not believing the same thing.

"Yes I have also inquired about it from Colson and he said if there is really something like that he would know about it but unfortunately there is no such thing. " Fury explained shaking his head as well as informing her that he has already thought of the things she might think about.

"Then what did the scientists say about this? " Black Widow asked with a confused tone before handing over the reports.

"From the analysis, we have come to a conclusion he is not a double ganger or fake but indeed the real Bruce Wayne who is Colson's nephew but there is also the fact he had started behaving little differently than he usually did in London around a month ago. (The same time when he returned from Dragon Ball multiverse. )

He even fought a student in his school for a petty reason. " Fury started explaining everything he got from the agents who are responsible to keep an eye on Bruce for his protection.

(Remember he is the sole inheritor of trillions of Dollars corporations. )

"Do you mean something happend to him when he arrived here in the states? " Black Widow asked with a serious face although they want to take action against anyone who wants to harm the National Security however they also need to keep in mind whom they are offending and if they offended the wrong person that could very well be the end of S.H.I.E.L.D and the Waynes are one of the people even a large organization as S.H.I.E.L.D can not touch that is why they expected Bruce to be a fake and that will give them a good reason to taking him down but now it became even more complex then ever.

"Yes, that is exactly what I am worried and even contacted Xavier if someone is mind-controlling him however we found he is safe and nobody is mind-controlling him and he also confirmed he is a normal human. " Fury said with a serious face but one thing he didn't know is Xavier also hide the face he wasn't able to read Bruce's mind nonetheless he also told the truth from his perspective Bruce is indeed a human but with a very strong mind and have the potential of unlocking his X-Gean that is why he wasn't able to read his mind but he never explained that much to Fury because he didn't ask him that much and only wanted to know if he is human and being mind-controlled by someone.

"Then what do we do? " Black Widow asked with a serious face.

"You will be staying in his house as a housekeeper and your mission will begin once Colson returns and takes you to his house. " Fury said with a serious face.

"So it is another mission? " Black Widow asked with a smile thinking will her life ever change from this boring soy missions all the time or he will have to live in a fake identity all her life but unknown to her her life is going to change very soon.

"Yes. " Fury nodded before saying "You are dismissed. "

"Understood. " Black Widow said before turning to the left when Fury asked from behind "Are you sure you have reported everything to me? "

"There is one small event but I don't think that is necessary though. " Black Widow said remembering the conversation between Bruce and Jean on the phone on the previous night.

"No everything is important. So explain. " hearing she didn't tell everything Fury got angry before asking her to explain whatever she hide from him.

"After Colson left he talked with his girlfriend.

Is it important? " Black Widow asked with annoyance hearing how serious Fury is and sometimes she really doesn't understand his pattern of thinking even if you are willing to give up your life for the nation so are we but getting agitated for no good reason is that fine? I dont think so.

"Yes very important. " Fury said with a serious face before tapping on the computer before showing a smiling picture of Jean "This is his girlfriend Jean Grey. although she looks like a harmless gentle and beautiful young girl however don't be deceived by her looks because she is a mutant and has the potential of becoming an Omega level in the future.

At least that is what Xavier said when I asked him the lest time when he told me about Bruce Wayne. "

"If she is that dangerous shouldn't we hurry in capturing her and keep her away from Bruce Wayne? " Black Widow started getting the worst ideas in her mind.

"Because of the agreement between him and us we are not able to do anything unless she does something wrong and she is also one of the reasons for me assigning you in his house. " Fury explained with a sigh.

"As you have explained before if he is as much intelligence as you said he must know about us already, in that case, won't he refuse to let me be the housekeeper of his house? " Black Widow asked with a confused face not understanding the commander's plan properly.

"This is also a reason for me to sending you there if he knows your background then we will have to make him cooperate with us but if he doesn't that is even better. " Fury said with a smile.

"I understand. " Black Widow nodded as they continued their discussion about Colson and Hulk.


Parker house…

After returning from the school trip Peter went to his room directly and not long after cleaning himself and wearing clean clothes he passed out on the floor.

"Peter dinner is ready. Come join us. " May shouted from downstairs but no one replied.


After saying goodbye to the Stacy family Bruce and Jean went to the cinemas to watch a movie, Jean suggested.

"When I was a kid l really liked Star war but now I feel it is boring. " Bruce said shaking his head looking at the fight against Dark Vader and his master.

"What did you say? " Although he was relatively low when he said the movie is boring however everyone seems to have a super hearing as they glare at him angrily but the thing made him surprised the most is Jean has brought out a toy lightsaber from somewhere and pointing it him, she is also looking at him with an angry face.



Some other places in the city Colson are arguing with General Ross about his actions but Ross seems to care about Colson's anger and even threatened him to stay as far away as possible or he will take action against S.H.I.E.L.D.

"General I am again telling you to not attack Bruce Banner or you will put all of us..."

in the next chapter, we will do a spider special.


Shaikh_Tohaacreators' thoughts