
Marvel's Ultra-Saiyan

If you have an issue with my writing skills then I can only say sorry because I don't have enough time to do a recheck but if I find any mistakes when I have time I will fix the errors. But if your eyes hurt and you don't think it is making you feel bad then please do me a favor and stop reading this no one is forcing you to read this book. Please do note this book is not only for you but also for me to pass my free time and at the same time, I want to create a good FF for my self to enjoy in the time to come. I am not a professional writer just passing time. Any suggestions are welcomed as long as you don't curse at me. Also if anyone wants to become the editor for this book than you are also welcome and I will send the character to that particular person first before posting it but know that I won't be paying you as I also don't earn anything from it. ........................... ..................... Death is never a good thing. But no matter who or how strong you remember you will have to die one day whether you like it or not. But if you have to save everyone you care and love then you might not think twice to sacrifice yourself to save them but in his case, Bruce had to sacrifice even his soul together with his body in order to use his final attack on his Enemy Fuu from Dragon Ball world where he reincarnated by somehow while going to the Midtown High but he doesn't know what happened after his ultimate sacrifice in the Dragon Ball world but one thing he knows is that he is back. Yes, he is back on Earth where he was born and what do you know he is on the same bus of Midtown High, and from the looks of it he was sleeping all along. So does that mean the things that happen in the Dragon Ball world was just his dream? Was he sleeping all along? If that is the case how can he remember everything? How can he feel he is a lot weaker then he was in the previous world? The most important thing is he can use all the knowledge from that world as if they are real. So doesn't that mean he wasn't dreaming all along and everything was real? Also, more importantly, did he really arrive in his previous world, or is this some alternative world. To know to join us in the grand adventures of Bruce Wayne the Supreme God Of Time. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Also, try to give some good reviews if you have time and once it is above 4 stars I will update the chapters regularly. Stay home stay safe

Shaikh_Tohaa · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs



03rd of August Year 2008.

New York...

Forest Hills, Queens…

Wayne's Residence…

As Bruce was explaining the Gravity Chamber and the way they can use it which was going over Colson's head but as an elder, he needed to try to understand everything and find if there is any kind of danger in this but in the middle of ther conversation Colson received a call from the Fury as they got interrupted in their conversations.

"I need to attend the call. " Colson said pointing at his phone showing he is really unhappy to leave Bruce in the middle of their conversation, however, in all honesty, he was happy while thinking 'Thank God Director called at the perfect time or else I would have become staying with him and hearing his explanation. '

This is the first time in Colson's life when he is happy receiving a call from the director however if there was Tony Stark, Bruce Banner or anyone else from the Technology sector were to hear his thoughts they would bit the shit out of him for escaping such a Golden opportunity of learning great scientific knowledge.

(Author's Opinion: Maybe Tony Stark would be too proud and argue he can do better but at the same time we can't forget he also accepted help from Bruce Banner in the time when he had created "Vision" or "Ultron")

"Now that he left the laboratory it's time for me to finish the final steps for the "AA" and put it in work. " Bruce said while typing on the keyboards with an inhuman speed but at the same time he is controlling the pressure of key pressing as he doesn't want to break the keyboard just by typing some codes.


Outside of the laboratory on the first floor, Colson received the call from Fury with a smile "Did you need me for someone Director? "

Hearing the cheerful tone from Colson which he never hears Fury got curious before asking "Did something good happened? "

"No. Colson said with a smile thinking he should never ask for an explanation about scientific matters from Bruce in the future if he wants to live a sain life.

"Then why are you so cheerful? " Fury asked in confusion.

"You won't believe how great my nephew is? " with excitement Colson said to Fury.

"Stop... Stop… " quickly cutting in Colson's words Fury added "Yes yes I know how much you love and care about your little nephew and the only person you think of besides "Captain America". So I don't want to hear you praise the two of them again and that is an order. "

"No, I don't always praise them. " Colson refuted in denial about Fury's claims.

"Do I need to repeat myself. " Fury asked with a dangerous tone.

"No, I understand. " Colson said with a sigh while thinking how unreasonable the Director is sometimes and even if he respects him for his loyalty at the same time he also gets angry and thinks of quitting because of this exact same kind of thing but thinking about the bigger pictures he can only let out a sigh of helplessness before doing what is right.

"So what happened? " hearing Colson's sigh Fury know he would not praise his family little kid or go in the fanboy mode once again and asked with a serious face.

"You see Director today after returning from "Afghanistan" I am staying at the house of my nephew right now. " Colson while walking to the sofa and sitting on it.

"Yes I know and you made me sending 2 bags of blood in the request of that precious nephew of years but did you know he not only helped the Police Chief with the blood but also got on a street fighting before that? " Fury asked with a serious tone.

"Just a street fight not a big deal, he is a black belt in Karate and a lot more fighting styles. Although he never engages in quarrels, however, a growing boy like him having a change of nature with involvement is also not strange. " although he is also suspicious about Bruce's strange behavior but he is still his nephew so he needs to cover up for him with that in mind Colson said with a confident smile before he continued "So it is alright as long as he is fine. "

"Do you think I don't know that and I would explain it to you if he had a normal fight? " Fury asked with a serious face.

"Then what happened? Did he do anything illegal? " although with his authority Colson easily knew the person he helped is Police Chief Stacy, however, he didn't investigate how Bruce arrived in the hospital or knew about his fighting.

"Your little nephew fought with the David gang and this time they even had guns with them and even fired a whole round while in the fighting. " Fury explained with a serious face while looking at the fighting footage that he received before calling Colson and trying to find some kind of clues.

"What? " hearing the fight Bruce was engaged in had guns involved Colson stood up in shock.

"I will send you the footage of you are interested in. " Fury said while still analyzing the video to continue onward " Anyway what is he doing right now? "

"He is in his laboratory. " Colson said looking at the laboratory in worry.

"What is he doing? " Fury.

"He is working on the Gravity Chamber. " Colson

"You mean Gravity technology but that thing doesn't have any base to work on till now. " Fury said with a surprise hearing the kid is working on a technology that doesn't have any background research to date.

"But he has successfully created it that is the reason I was saying he is amazing. " Colson said with a proud tone as if he is the one to do it.

"He did what? "

After a few minutes of conversation Fury said with a nod "Ok I will arrange for "Vibranium" as much as possible. "

"Alright, I will return to the headquarters after talking with him. " Colson said with a nod.

" Don't ask him about the CCTV video without my permission. " Fury said with a serious warning tone.

"I know what I need to do. " Colson said with a serious tone.


After finishing the final programming of his Artificial Association Bruce decided to name it after one on the Angle's that used to be his attendants in the Dragon Ball world.

"Anna are you there. " Bruce said looking at the monitor.

[At your service Sir. ] from the computer speakers came a charming young girl's voice.

"Good. " with a satisfied smile in his success Bruce gave his first order " Add yourself to my smartphone and watch as well as everything that you are able to control. "

[Processing Sir. ] after a few seconds from his phone and smartwatch came her voice in unison indicating she has already completed his order.

"Can you control the process of the healing chamber? " Bruce

[Thanks to your programming it is indeed possible Sir. ]

"Good. " with a satisfied smile Bruce gave another order "Ok stary refining the healing drug. "

[On it Sir. ]

As Anna started her retirement Colson finally arrived at the laboratory before saying "Bruce I need to leave right now for an emergency but don't worry about "Vibranium" I will send it as soon as I can. "

"Ok take care. " Bruce replied with a nod.

"Also can you give me a little sample of your blood for some blood tests? " Colson asked as he was asked by Fury to bring his blood to do some testing.

"Sure. " without any hesitation Bruce took a small amount of blood in a test tube and sealing its mouth he handed it to Colson.

"Ok, I will be off now but don't stay awake and go to sleep soon. " Colson said before leaving the house.

"Alright, Uncle I am going to sleep right now. " Bruce said with a smile.

After Bruce left the house Bruce said with a very serious tone "Anna keep a close eye on my blood and inform me immediately if anyone that touches my blood. "

[ I will Sir. ]

After giving his order Bruce went to sleep in his room but looking at his phone he gave an order "Anna keep a close eye on the man on the roof of the firth skyscraper at the other side of the road and the woman in the highest floor of the building right opposite to mine. "

[On it Sir. ]

As Anna's voice came from his smartphone Bruce went to sleep with a nod.

Not long after closing his eyes, he heard his phone ringing as he heard, Anna's voice from the phone.

[Sir Miss Gray is calling you. ]

Without opening his eyes Bruce said "Receive the call. "

"Jean, why are you calling so late in the night? " Bruce asked with a sleepy tone.

"Hey, have you fallen asleep already? " Jean asked from the other side.

"Yes, I was sleeping remember tomorrow we need to go on a tour in the Oscorp industry? " Bruce reminded her and finally opening his eyes he asked "Did something happened for you to call me this late in the night? "

"Yes my parents have left me alone for a business trip this evening and I am all alone in the house. So I am feeling a little scared. " Jean said with worry.

"Why didn't you come to my house then? " Bruce asked with concern.

"I did but you weren't receiving the call then. " Jean complained from the other side.

'Right I was very busy with Mr. Stacy back then and didn't notice her call. ' Bruce thought before apologizing "Sorry I was busy back then. "

"I don't want your sorry. " Jean said with an angry tone.

"How about a surprise then? " Bruce asked thinking about Gwen who told him she would give them a personal tour of the facility the next day can't that be counted as a surprise.

"What is it? What is it? " Jean asked in excitement.

"You will know tomorrow morning. " Bruce said with a smile.

"You are no fun. "

After a few minutes of talking and arguments, Jean finally curs the call before saying "Good night see you tomorrow. "

As he has finished the call he finally fell asleep.

On the other skyscraper's roof after keeping an eye on Bruce till midnight but no finding, anything suspicious Hawkeye left in disappointment when Bruce opened his eyes while murmuring "He finally left but the other person is still there. "

Sure enough not a moment after Hawkeye left Anna reported [Sir the man on the … ]

"Yes I know but still continue keeping a close eye on him till he arrives at the nest destination. " Bruce said with a nod and closes his eyes again but didn't care about the report of agreement from Anna.


The next morning.

04th of August 2008.

8 in the morning ...

New York...

Wayne's residence…

Unlike usual when he would do hard Physical exercise today he is spending the morning like a normal high school student which is not doing any Physical exercise but what if he is not doing any Physical exercise he is still doing a set of the Yadrathian's spirit exercise which will make a perfect balance between his Physical body and spiritual body that will let him achieve perfect control over his energy and no more excessive use of Ki.

Though he wanted to start Yadrathian's spirit training after transcending a thousand Ki level barrier, now that he can't do Physical exercise because of some unwanted people, does that mean he will stop training absolutely not.

So with no other choice, he decided it is best to do the Yadrathian's Spirit training because even if someone is keeping an eye on him they will be able to understand nothing and will think he is just doing simple meditation but even if they find out he is training how will they be able to understand it with the short amount of knowledge they have.

"Perfect. " After feeling, he successfully made the balance between his Physical body and spiritual body he decided to it is about time eats something and prepare for the school bus and after he finished his morning exercise standing up and looking out the window he murmured " Anna show me what is the person in the top floor of the building doing right now. "

After Bruce finished his words on his phone screen the video of a woman sitting beside the window and looking at his house with a binocular came in his view as he said looking at that with a smile while saying "So it is her? "


Black Widow who is looking at Bruce from the other building shook her head while murmuring "There is no way he can see me from that far away. I must be overthinking because of a night without sleeping. "


After he confirmed his doubts he shook his head before putting his phone in his pocket and going downstairs for breakfast.

After his breakfast, he went out for the bus, and not long after his arrival on the road the bus stopped in front of him, and getting on, he directly went to the empty seat beside Jean and sitting by her side he said with a smile "Good morning. "

"Good morning. " Jean also said with a smile looking at him than with a curious face she asked "So what is it? "

Hearing her question with a confused face Bruce got confused himself and asked back as he didn't understand her "What? "

"I mean what is the surprise that you wanted to give me? " Jean explained with she saw him getting confused.

"Oh that. " Clapping his hand in understanding Bruce said with a smile than giving a nod he replied with a mysteriously "You will have to wait for the till it's the proper time. "

"When will be the proper time? " as she was really curious about his surprise it was really hard for her to fall asleep but luckily for her, she managed to fall asleep thinking about him but now that he is here she thought he will give her the surprise but looks like she will have to wait even more time and because she doesn't want to wait longer she thought 'Should I read his mind to know? ' thinking till this point she shook her head 'No I better not. what if he wants to surprise me and if I were to read his mind then it will kill all the excitement. '

As Bruce didn't know her thoughts he thought she is too much excited and explained "Don't worry you will know after we arrive at Oscorp. "

"Oscorp. " Jean said with a smile and nodding to herself she thought 'I can wait until then. '


Author's note: Although Gravity Technology is a very important thing however after the Alien invasion in 2012 they will get their hands on it.

Although it is a great invention however it is not completed in Colson and Fury's mind even if that's not the case and Bruce needs strong materials for his training but with the legal transaction, he will not be able to get it however there are a lot of disadvantages in illegal transactions for a person of his high standing so the easiest way was to use the channels of SHIELD.

As you know in a few months Tony Stark will return as Iron man and by that time everyone will be concentrated on him and forget about him and by the time they remember he will have enough delaying this matter and be strong enough to go against anyone on the planet so using his technology as they wish won't be easy besides as a former warrior he also wants to fight against a stronger opponent if he has to create them himself that is also one of the reasons he died in Dragon Ball multiverse.

Hope he will learn from his previous mistakes.

As for Blood, he is confident in taking care of anyone that tries to do experiments with his blood as for finding out his strength through his blood that is not possible because his blood is not special and similar to anyone it's just that his blood has better health than anyone on the planet.


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