
Marvel's Ultimate Spider!

Reborn as Peter parker in the Marvel Universe, with the ultimate partner symbiote!!! Warning- This will contain a big harem, so continue if you're okay with it!

LifeIsAJoke · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The Spiders!

After a while, we reached a room where screens showed multiple lizard species and their DNA. In the middle stood a skinny man, one-armed man, Dr. Curt Connors.

He turned towards the class and said, "Welcome to the LR department of genetics in Oscorp. It good to see young people take interest in the future of mankind." He noticed most paying attention and continued.

" I am Dr. Curt Connors, Ph.D. in Genetics and Medical technology. The LR here stands for 'Limb Regeneration'. In this department, we research ways to make humans be able to regrow limbs they had lost, or were born with a deformity. As you can see around us, the screens show examples of many species of lizards. Their DNA is the main backbone of this, to find the secrets of their regeneration, and if we would ever reach that level as well. The ability to generate so many cells related to it's function and have it work perfectly.

These are one of many brilliant projects going on at Oscorp, I hope you have learned and would later participate with us in the future. The young should always strive to do better than us. Any questions?" Dr. Connors finished explaining and asked.

Finding the opportunity, I raised my hand. "Yes?" Dr. Connors asked, intrigued.

"I have two questions sir. First, I noticed all the screen display the DNA of the lizards mostly found in the wild, hence feral in nature, hence would the ones who undergo this process be prone to have their personality shift? And my other question is that Starfish are known to be better at healing than lizards, so did you have some problems with their DNA that you shifted the research towards lizards?" I asked him.

Connors just stood there, staring at me blankly, while I could see the gears in his head turning.

"Why didn't I think of this?" He muttered in a low voice, but I deduced from lip reading. He snapped out of his stupor and looked at me with eyes filled with caution and curiosity, which got replaced by realization.

"You're... Parker? If I'm not wrong." He asked.

I acted to be startled and said, "Ah, y-y-yes sir, I'm Peter Parker."

"You do take on your parents, definitely on the smarts. I could really use help from minds like yours to aid on the projects." Connors said, giving me an opportunity, while Gwen stared with an open jaw, seeing how I got an readily while she had to wait for it.

"I'm sorry Dr. Connors, I'm more into computer design and mechanics than genetic engineering." I apologized.

"Ah, a missed opportunity, you would have done wonders in it. What do you want to do in the future.." He asked.

"I'm leaning towards software and Game designer." I answered.

"I see, well you would probably ace it." He said.

"Thank you. I hope you succeed soon as well." I said, while he nodded in appreciation.

We were then lead away by the teacher when Flash, in all his annoyance spoke up, "Look at Penis Parker, showing off his nerdiness."

"Well, to some people, even a third grade may look like a nerd." I said aloud.

"What did you say, Parker?" Flash yelled angrily.

"Hmm. Oh Flash, you saying something? Sorry, my brain filters unwanted noise for me when I'm thinking." I said in sarcasm.

"Mr. Parker and Mr. Thompson, stop the bickering" The teacher said before Flash could yell at me.

"Get outside, today we'll see you." Flash said growling at me.

"Of course, you use 'we'. Can't do anything yourself can you? Bet you ask for their help to please your girlfriend as well." I talked back. Flash literally leapt at me but the others caught him before it. I gave him a sneer and walked away, while Gwen and MJ followed behind.

"Was that really necessary? He'll cause you trouble" Gwen said, scared for me.

"The more I ignore, the more he'll try to push me down. I don't have enough patience to just sit silently while he curses my mom" I said with some anger in me. I have always wanted to break his nose whenever he dared to say that, but Gwen, MJ and Harry held me back. " As for the trouble, I took some measures for that." I said as I showed her my watch. She looked at where I was pointing and noticed a camera.

"Peter, is that-" She exclaimed surprised.

"Yup! Installed one in the locker as well. We'll see who gets in the real trouble." I smirked and moved in the next exhibition. The spider enclosure.

"Finally" I muttered as I entered.

[Indeed.] Eve said, while the display on the glasses showed me the identity of the scientists in there. An arrow popped up, and a pop-up opened showing me a red and white spider. Interesting. I expected red and blue. It was wandering right above where I stood, when suddenly another spider entered the screen. Though, it was barely visible, like a camouflage. But the nanite showed it to have a black and red body with blue legs. Holy Shit, that's the spider that had bit Miles.

'Eve, the cameras?' I asked in my head.

[Lenses are covered in nanites. The spider, or spider's shouldn't get on it.] She said.

'Good, create two similar spiders in the MD(Mirror dimension) and have them fill the place for today. Also let one in to steal the serum and data.' I told her, while using a slight hypnotism charm, making them not pay attention to me.

Both spiders then attacked each other and fell down. The black one on me while the White fell on the one standing next to me. Gwen.

'Eve' I said. On cue, the spider about to bite me got engulfed by her. The spider on Gwen bit her though. Eve had the camo drone near her pull the spider and store it.

Gwen immediately started to show signs of dizziness and was about to fall, when I caught her. MJ, Harry and Liz noticed to and came close. "Gwen, you alright?" I asked holding her. 'Eve, take a sample and tell me is that bite safe for her or not.' I asked Eve mentally.

"Huh, yeah, I-"She tried to stand, but collapsed again. The teacher noticed and came closer. "Miss Stacy, are you alright?" Gwen couldn't say anything, while I looked at the teacher with a deadpan face.

She coughed, correcting herself. "Mr. Parker, please take her to the bus. Class, the trip will be cut short." She announced.

I looked at Harry, who nodded and called someone to come here. Eve then said to me, [bad news peter, she was not compatible. She may die because of it.] she said.

'What? there must be something to prevent that.' I asked, while secretly using holy magic to increase her vitality.

[Actually yes you can] Eve said.

'How?' I asked.

[I am the Necrosword, so I can create lower level symbionts. I can inject her with one that will keep her alive and make sure the serum integrates perfectly. it won't give her any other advantages though.] She explained.

'Do it. I'll ask more later' I said. A small part of symbiont entered Gwen, just when a team of medics arrived. They deduced her state as an allergic reaction. We stayed with her until captain Stacy came to take her home, and thanked us.

Uncle Ben also came since we stayed behind when the bus left. After reaching home, I asked "What's up with making baby symbionts?"

[They are technically not fully conscious, just partially, and each one I create can only perform the function either me or you made it to do. We can also track it and prevent the host from using it. You can also give others powers through it, only if you own it or increase theirs with the symbiont's help.] She explained.

"Damn, I could technically go maximum Carnage with this." I whistled in awe.

[Hmph, of course I can. I am wayyyy better than him~~] She exclaimed, while I sweat-dropped seeing Zerotwo on my HUD with her arms crossed and head held up in pride. She liked the look and since then always used this.

I then turned serious and asked. "Did we get everything?"

[Yup~! Spider's and a vial of OZ Serum secured~] She said, as 2 drones, decloaked, while a hand came out of my shadow holding a box. I opened it to see 6 vials containing a green liquid. Perfect!

"What's your analysis?" I asked her.

[Well, as predicted, the Oz serum indeed has dangerous effects on the human brain, creating a second personality using the negative elements. Kind of like Sentry and Void. It increases the power by almost 12 times, depending on the strength the base body before experiment possessed. For the Spider that bit Gwen, it's venom gives from 8 to 10 initially, just after bitten. After full integration, it increases approx. 25-40 times. The second spider, which landed on you gives 8-10 times the power after the bite. After full integration, it becomes 20-35 times. But it gives additional powers like stealth mode and bio-electric shocks.] Eve explained.

I looked at all three of them and compared it with the notes on mutation I had obtained before. "Hmmm, I feel we can make a much stronger and better version, don't you think?"

[Yes, after all, we have the resources in front of us.] I told Uncle Ben I'm going to sleep and cast a repellent rune on the door, to make them avoid coming in. After that, I opened a portal to my lab. We extracted the venom from both Spider's as well as the Oz serum. taking a few base products we had improved from Stryker's and Trask's research, and by a lot, we went to work. We formulated a plan within 2 hours and set up the apparatus. We also laid multiple magic and runic formations to enhance the process, as well as the serum.

We worked till 2 in the night, when we finished it. A tube holding a reddish-black serum, but with an occasional golden hue.

"Eve." I asked, for reassurance.

[Analysis is complete Peter, we have succeeded.] Eve spoke, but this time through her own techno-organic body besides me.

"We sure did." I said, observing the serum. "By the way, how's Gwen?" I asked.

She took a thinking pose, then said, "She's fine. the serum has integrated, giving her approx. 12 times the strength, with spider powers. She's sleeping right now, though. Everything else is fine" She said, as I sighed in relief.

"Well, tomorrow's Saturday, guess it's now or never." I said, laying on my bed in the base. "Take my position in the room, please." I asked Eve.

[Already set a nanite body with limited motor functions. I will stay with you until the serum is completely integrated.] she said, as she dissolved into me. I lay down naked, as Eve injects the serum, and after a minute I feel dizzy and black out.

*At Oscorp*

"... So you're telling me that the healing properties of wild lizard species should be easier to research, but has an 80% chance of making the patient have wild tendencies?" Osborn said while staring at the one who gave him the news.

"Yes sir, but the one who pointed this out also indirectly gave me the solution" Connors explained his irritated boss.

"Oh, and what's that?" Osborn asked.

"Starfish DNA. It could give us the answers we need. honestly, I don't even know why I didn't think of that." Connors explained to Osborn, who immediately understood what Connors was trying to say.

Osborn then narrowed his eyes and asked, "You mentioned some pointed this out. Who was it?"

"Oh, that's your son's friend. Peter Parker. A shame, he didn't choose to study genetics. Wonder what face Richard would have made knowing his son wants to be a game designer." Connors answered and chuckled to himself remembering his late friend.

Osborn's eyes widened hearing this, but went back to his usual stoic face. He has met Peter a few times, and he knows very well how smart he is. And from what he heard from Harry, he takes his studies on computers very seriously. But irrespective of that, he had not only pointed out a potential lead in the project he was planning to shut down soon, he also pointed out a big flaw. A flaw he was also facing regarding the Oz serum.

"I will allocate necessary resources to you soon, till then try to make out the part which causes the mental instability." Osborn ordered Connors, who nodded and left the room. After that Norman smiled slightly, but if anyone looks at it, they would feel they are in front of a psychopath.

"Hmmm, the Parker boy is good, maybe I should give him a job. Harry is trying but not smart enough, maybe he'll do. But first, I have to make sure I'm ready to rule the empire, KuKuKahAHAHAHA" Norman laughed maniacally while his screen the blurred image of a green monster destroying a laboratory.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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