
Marvel's Ultimate Spider!

Reborn as Peter parker in the Marvel Universe, with the ultimate partner symbiote!!! Warning- This will contain a big harem, so continue if you're okay with it!

LifeIsAJoke · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Heist And Fight!

*At Night*

"Do we have visual?" I asked Eve while checking out my suit in the mirror. I was going to steal, ahem- ahem, liberate some stuff, so I am in an Assassin Creed outfit.

[Positive, he is preparing the shipment as we speak.] Eve informed showing the picture of a dock, where multiple men could be seen carrying boxes, while one man kept barking orders. He wore a stupidly bright red costume from head to toe, but the most eye-catching thing about him was the metal claw he wore. The man was Ulysses Klaw or just Klaw.

His origins are different from the MCU. A little similar to the comics. He was a scientist whose research topic was the conversion of matter into sound and vice versa, but it was shamed by others because of being impractical. He was still a genius and used it to make sonic-based weapons for the market. That's where the CBI report ends. What really happened was that during his usual dealings, he was able to get a whiff of Vibranium and its properties.

He located it to Wakanda and proposed a trade for some Vibranium, in return for his research. But the king, T'Chakka refused to share any, and even tried to get him killed while he was there so the news of Vibranium doesn't leak. But what T'Chakka didn't know was a small fraction of the Wakanda had already given him the material, as they knew Vibranium armor of the king was weak to sonic weapons. The attack unintentionally caused an accident, which ended up giving Claw powers.

He gained the ability to generate sound waves but didn't have any control. He was kept in jail, and also studied on, when one day he not only managed to escape but also took the Vibranium, killing T'Chakka in the process. T'Challa took the throne after his father's death and declared Klaw Wakanda's enemy, while Klaw became known for being a Vibranium dealer.

Now how do I know this? Well, unlike comics, Klaw isn't an energy-based entity, so it is easy to read his mind, which I did when I opened a portal in the sky and came close while being invisible. It also gave me access to everything he managed to steal. He used Wakanda's own ship to steal their weapons and Vibranium, later abandoning it in case of traces. he also stole some of Wakanda's knowledge about vibranium and some blueprints, all that I plan to stea- uh, Liberate!, yes liberate.

Anyway, in case anyone ever wondered why Professor-X is considered dangerous, here is your answer. Klaw noticed yelling coming from the other side of the ship and went there. He noticed all his people brawling and yelled "You idiots! What are you doing! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO STAY GUARD!" He even blasted a few in anger. The men quickly realized the mistake and scrambled to their posts, but what can they do? Normal humans cannot ignore mental nudges.

And the 5 minutes Klaw gave me were more than enough. Eve hacked the cameras while I made the guards work as if nothing happened, and also set up an illusion in case. Within 5 minutes, the quarter-ton of vibranium he stole was replaced by iron, the weapons, and other items with similar-looking toys and Eve downloaded his research as well as what he got from Wakanda. Klaw won't know he got robbed until it's too late.

Taking care of the stash, I made distance and opened a portal to a different location. Nigeria.

I came out in Nigeria and entered the mirror dimension. My powers release some aura if I use them, so better take all precautions. I flew in it for a while and reached a military base. This was Stryker's supposed goldmine. The meteorite containing Adamantium. I sneaked inside, subtly trying to read their minds. Most of them had chips implanted to prevent telepaths, and there were some scanners to catch mental frequencies as well. Thankfully, Eve's technopathy can easily fool them. Eve downloaded all their data, while reading their minds for information and took the boiling containers, and made them enter the mirror dimension. I quickly took distance and opened a portal to our lab, where Eve had set up similar boilers, where I installed the stolen batch. Fuck you, Stryker!

I looked at today's haul and smiled in glee. "We got a lot of research material Eve!"

She materialized beside me and said, [Indeed, you did~]. Her voice sent shivers down my spine as I turned to her in confusion, but she pushed me down on the sofa that materialized behind me. [And I believe you deserve a reward] She said, licking her lips as her hands roamed over my pants. Oh boy, and I thought this couldn't get any better.

*1 month later*

I still get stumped about what happened the day I st- liberated the vibranium. Still keep messing up those words. I and Eve had gone a few rounds nearly every week, and she wasn't kidding about my libido.

Anyway, I laughed hard seeing the footage where Klaw stood still in astonishment when he found the piece he broke for the experiment was iron. He finally registered what happened and checked the containers. What followed after that was a lot of yelling and blasting. I didn't feel sorry for his crew. Most of them were the worst scum, and they were better dead.

Stryker's reaction to finding his meteorite and stash disappeared was just as precious. But he may vent his anger towards the mutants. Eve is keeping a close eye, and she would either inform X-men or Magneto about this, depending on who has them.

Right now, I'm standing in front of the mirror wearing the finalized suit we made. We weren't able to make proto adamantium, but this works as well. We have plans to get our hands on 4 more metals. Specifically, Uru, Adamantine, Arctic-Vibranium or anti-metal and Galactic Glaze, what silver surfer is coated with. I'm also working on possibly making UMF- the Unstable Molecule Fibre Reed had made, Badassium- The new metal stark made to power the arc reactor, based on the tesseract, Proto-Adamantium, what Captain America's shield is made of, and possibly, a mixture of Uru and Adamantine, to create metal with high magical conductivity.

We are close to creating UMF, Badassium, and Proto-Adamantium. Shouldn't take long. but my resources are still limited, so I hope to get my hands on Pym particles. Another option is to build spaceships and extractors to fam materials from other planets and asteroids. If Magneto was able to make one his home, then so can I.

[Sorry to burst your bubble, but you agreed to go with MJ to see the play she's participating in.] Eve said, snapping me out of my imagination. I looked at the time and ran to my room yelling "Thanks Eve, don't know what I would do without you"

[Probably messed up because of your lack of time management] She replied back in my head. 'Oh just you wait till I smack that ass' I said, making her blush.

I quickly washed up, while Eve made up nice blue jeans and a black t-shirt, with red and black sneakers. I grabbed my phone and recorder, then went to get her. She came out dressed in a black top and blue jeans, with red heels.

"Same pinch," I said with a smile, while she shook her head at my antics.

We reached the theatre while MJ went backstage to get ready. I met with Gwen, Liz, and Harry, then we went in. The play started and soon came MJ's entrance, and she just looked gorgeous. The Blue dress contrasted with her red hair made me slack-jawed.

Gwen hit me with her shoulder to snap me out of it, while Liz and Harry laughed seeing me. I could only hold my head down in embarrassment. I felt Gwen giving the feeling of jealousy and dissatisfaction, as I noticed her pout while taking a quick glance. Oh boy, I'm in trouble.

We continued watching the play when I sensed my spider-sense giving me a warning, or more like a feeling something is going to happen. Right then Eve spoke in my head.

[Alex, Abomination is destroying the Harlem area.] She said showing me camera footage, as I saw in horror Blonsky throwing a car at a couple sideways, killing them.

I immediately stood up, which the three noticed.

"Peter?" Gwen asked.

"Sorry, washroom," I said and quickly went out and rushed into the washroom. Noticing no one was around, I materialized a nanoid who transformed into me, and I covered myself with the jacket and jeans version of the spider suit and turned invisible. My clone went out as I opened a portal and teleported near the area and took off towards the roof.

I reached the place and noticed Blonsky pulling down the copter, as hulk chased after him. Shit! Why is everything happening so fast? While hulk distracted Blonsky, I quickly made my way over to the crashed chopper, while a ragged-looking old man, which I noticed was Thaddeus Ross, who was trying to get her daughter, Betty Ross out.

Damn, forgot about the leader. 'Eve, get a nanite on Samuel Sterns.' I told Eve while landing near the chopper. I stopped the leaking oil with webs, while Ross pointed a gun and yelled "Who are you?"

"Help," I said and webbed his hands. He panicked seeing his webbed-up arms, while I reached and lifted the metal part Betty was trapped under, which she was surprised by, but crawled out of. Ross was worried about seeing me appear near her but relaxed seeing me pull her out.

I immediately ripped off the chopper's door and started pulling the soldiers out quickly, but carefully. The ones who got out helped those who couldn't move. I evacuated the chopper when my spider-sense rang and I looked back to see Abomination throw a car towards the soldiers.

I immediately got in between and caught the car, surprising them again.

Abomination saw me catch the car roared at me, "You are strong for a bug, let's see how long you last." He immediately started running towards us. I noticed Hulk trying to break the chains he was bound in. The soldiers started firing at him, while I also ran towards him.

Ross yelled something, but I didn't pay attention. I adjusted my power to 20 times normal. He immediately punched at me when I entered his range, but I ducked and slid below him. I webbed his legs while he was surprised and pulled him. He lost balance and fell, then dragged as I pulled him further in a circular motion. After 3 spins, I threw him towards where he had just come from to avoid more destruction.

Abomination got himself up, only to be punched in the face by a green fist. Hulk started trashing him, but after a few blows, Blonsky was able to parry and return a few blows. Hulk fought like an angry child, while Blonsky was a trained fighter. While Abomination started getting the upper hand, a web covered up his eyes blinding him.

Hulk took advantage and started trashing him again. He picked up the chains and wrapped them around Blonsky's to choke him. He tried breaking the chains, but I appeared over him and shot two web lines up his nostrils. Then, I covered his arms and pulled them to prevent him from breaking the chains. He couldn't take it anymore and passed out.

Hulk threw him down and looked towards me, a little exhausted, while I gave him a thumbs up. Hulk roared towards the sky announcing his victory. He then growled at the soldiers closing in,

"Bruce, it's okay." Betty tried calming him down, which worked, but the spotlight flashed on him startling him, so he jumped away. They could only see him go away. Ross turned towards where I was standing but noticed I was long left. I lifted my invisibility and tried helping people around that were stuck. I patched up the serious cases somewhat and swung them to the nearest medics I saw, but prioritized the guy in my arms first. With the F4 defeating Doom once, guess it made them somewhat aware of the powers running around.

I did this for about the next half hour. in the time, I saw about 12 dead around here. I should have paid more attention to finding Bruce knowing it's going to lead to a fight in Harlem. Hell, Eve would have found him in seconds.

[It's no use thinking too much. We can only do better next time.] Eve said, as I slowly nodded. today was supposed to be a fun day.

"Are MJ and others alright?" I asked.

[Yes, nothing happened in Queens. they are safe, currently going back. She's pretty impressed by the amounts of compliments 'YOU' are giving her.] She said, showing me the POV of the nanoid as I hear my voice complementing her acting and beauty, while she is looking down blushing. I sighed seeing Eve's antics.

"What happened to Sterns?" I asked.

[Taken in by Shield. Same for Blonsky] She told me, while I nodded. They both might be dangers, but I'm not gonna be the judge, jury, and executioner. I will kill if necessary, but not when it's not needed. I remember Blonsky and Wong being friends in the future, maybe he was high on gamma radiation. Who knows? But if he continues this path, then I can't guarantee.

[Oh, by the way, Peter, I have collected the research materials as well as the blood of all three gamma-enhanced individuals.] Eve said

"...I completely forgot about that," I said shocked

[What would you do without me~] She said in a cheeky voice, and I chuckled hearing it.

[The bus is about to reach home. You should get back, our job is done.] I nodded hearing her and jumped into an alley, opening a portal to my house.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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