
Marvel's Superman [Completed]

While playing an online game, after Luke bought an SSS rank gift card of Superman, he found himself in an unknown yes very familiar Marvel Universe. And with a twist of fate, the SSS rank gift pack has also come with him. After he started to do workout and exercise, he found that the loading screen to unlock the gift card was slowly increasing. However, after reaching 99%, it has stopped moving forward. And when he found the chance to get his hands on the Super Soldier Serum, will he take it? And will it be enough to push the bar till 100%? If no, then how will he survive in one of the most dangerous worlds? If yes, then will he be the Marvel's Superman?

BingeFics · Anime & Comics
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540 Chs

Chapter 463

When the Flash regained consciousness, he was already in his apartment in Central City.

It was like he had a long night's sleep, during which he also had a terrible nightmare.

In the dream, Sinestro forced him to run on the Cosmic Treadmill and drained the Speed Force from his body.

Then the timeline was successfully rewritten to remove all the relevant presence of the Justice League in one go.

In the end, there are only a bunch of villains left in the universe. They overthrew governments and established their own powers. The world was in ruins ...

"It was so bleak!"

Barry woke up from his dream with a jolt as if he had been frightened.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on a large bed in his apartment in Central City.

The sun came in through the window, and a bit of dust fluttered and floated.

Everything seemed fine, and so quiet, so ... beautiful.

"Are you awake?"

Luke pushed the door open as if he had noticed the noise and asked.

The Kryptonian cousin had a smile on his face, which instantly stabilised the Flash, who was a bit confused.

The other party seemed to have magical powers, like Batman, who could quickly calm people down and stop them from thinking too much.

"Luke ... I remember you saved my life. What happened after that?"

Barry rubbed his hair. The back of his head was smashed against the solid rock wall, and right now, he could still feel the pain.

He looked like someone drunk, who had been partying all night and had drunk himself to death.

The memory in his head was fragmented, like a long, poorly edited film.

"Nothing interesting."

Luke leaned against the door frame, his mouth hooked up, showing a kind smile.

"Sinestro, after being educated by me, decided to give up his evil plan to destroy the world and continue to devote himself to the great cause of the Green Lantern Corps to maintain peace in the universe."

"He realised that he had done something wrong and sincerely admitted his mistakes ..."

The Flash froze in place, then widened his eyes, wondering if he misheard.

'Could Sinestro change his ways?'

'That's ridiculous!'

"Okay, I'm just kidding."

Luke waved his hand. It seemed that his joke didn't work.

Even a guy like Barry, who could easily laugh, didn't get the punch line.

"I punched Sinestro to death."

He understated what had happened.

Now, Luke had two Power Rings in his hand.

"De... dead?"

The Flash subconsciously asked again.

After all, he was a superhero and a member of the Justice League.

As a rule, when usually the Justice League defeated a super-criminal or an evil villain...

They would all be locked up, thrown into a dreadful prison that they claimed to be 'maximum security'.

Then after a while, the gang of bad guys who constantly wanted to destroy the world and the universe would successfully escape from prison ...

Such things were always repeated in this studio.

It seemed like the super criminals and villains were some kind of extremely precious non-renewable resources in the eyes of the Justice League, so they had to be well protected.

"Of course, Sinestro is not the kind of person that can be easily persuaded. Any intelligent being with a Power Ring would always have a stubborn, paranoid side in their hearts."

Luke shrugged his shoulders. The Kryptonian cousin didn't have any 'no-kill policy'. He always adhered to the personal philosophy of 'never being soft on the enemy.'

"This is the best way to solve the problem once and for all."

Barry smiled passively. It wasn't that he didn't understand...

It's just that, in the Justice League, killing people was generally done by Wonder Woman or Aquaman.

Unless faced with an alien army, Superman and Batman wouldn't kill anyone.

The Flash felt a bit uneasy when he heard that this Kryptonian cousin had killed Sinestro.

Lex Luthor and Clark had a love-hate relationship for a very long time, and the former was still alive and well.

Luke curled his lips as if he had guessed what Barry was thinking.

He strongly recommended that Darkseid, from the planet Apokolips, should set up an alien protection association to condemn the double standard of the Justice League.

For psychopaths, criminals against humanity, executioners who slaughtered millions of lives ...

The Justice League chose imprisonment, imprisonment instead of the death penalty.

But when it came to the ruler of Apokolips, they would show no mercy and use all kinds of weapons of mass destruction.

'Maybe, only earthlings deserve to live. Aren't alien life also life?'

'I hope Darkseid protests against Superman and Batman as soon as possible. This is a double standard!'

"What about Reverse-Flash?"

Barry scratched his head and hesitantly asked.

"That guy ran away first. You can't expect me to catch up with a speedster. It's not a fair competition."

Luke shook his head. The Reverse-Flash saw that the situation wasn't good and decided to use Sinestro as the scapegoat, earning him a few dozen minutes. It was enough for him to run around the world in a full circle.

Therefore, he was too lazy to chase him. He directly took the Flash to Central City and waited for the final step to be completed.

"Well, I still have something to do."

Luke remembered that he hadn't bought Diana a bikini yet, so he had to hurry, or else when he got back to Themyscira, the 'dish' would already be cold.

"Barry, you have to fix the Cosmic Treadmill. This space-time is getting more and more chaotic; even Sinestro is involved. There's no telling what will happen later. "

The Flash, who had been collecting his thoughts, nodded.

He could no longer indulge in the warmth of family affection and ignore the impact of the Flashpoint on the main universe.



A few days later.

In Themyscira.

The afterglow of the setting sun spread all over the beach. Diana was sitting on a rock.

Not far away, snow-white waves smashed against the cliff, splashing crystal-like water droplets.

The Amazon Princess looked out at the blue sea, holding her chin with one hand, her thoughts flying to nowhere.

The dim light gave the beautiful silhouette a pale glow, like a vivid statue.

"Are you leaving?"

Seeing Luke coming toward her, Diana asked softly, with no evident emotion in her tone.

"I have stayed long enough."

Luke pursed his lips. He caught the fleeing Reverse-Flash with the help of Barry's Speed Force earlier.

After offering a 'sacrifice' to heaven, the Flash was restored to his full strength, enough to break through the time barrier.

The countdown to leaving the Flashpoint world had already started.

"What will happen to this space-time after you leave?"

The corners of Diana's mouth twitched. She looked out to sea with a complex look in her eyes.

Anyone who learned that the world they live in was just a distorted space-time born by mistake would find it hard to accept.

What's more, the lover they had an intimate relationship with had to leave because of it.

This was Wonder Woman. If it were someone else, they would have gone insane.

"It would be repaired by the inertia of time and space, and then ... ceased to exist."

Luke said with uncertainty.

He seemed to remember that after that, the Flash took Batman to the Flashpoint world once more.

'To investigate ... the 'Comedian's Button' that fell in the bat cave?'

"So, will I cease to exist?"

Diana turned her head and looked at Luke, who stood still.

The latter smiled gently and replied, "You won't be erased. We will meet again in another time and space."

"Is that so?"

Diana was in a daze. She hugged her knees and faintly said, "Will I recognise you then? Or will you remember me?"


Luke firmly nodded.

He took the hand of the Amazon Princess as they stood on the beach.

In the distance was the sunset, sinking below the horizon and the endless ocean.

The man and woman embraced each other like a touching scene.

"Let's take a picture."

After a long while, Luke placed a camera on the rock, then held Diana and stood in front of the camera.

The two looked at each other with a smile.


The shutter sounded.

The scene was immortalised.