
Marvel's Prime

I'm not good with synopsis so I'll keep this short. This story is about a guy who reincarnated as Superboy Prime into one of the many Marvel Universes.

Mottor_Writing · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

A Sorcerer's Dungeon

'You must awake!' a voice whispered in Ethan's head, making him stir in his sleep. He looked a little uncomfortable for a moment before he continued sleeping.

'YOU MUST AWAKE, NOW!' the voice suddenly shouted, making him startle awake. As soon as his eyes opened, he was assualted with all kinds of light making it look like his entire vision was dominated by all manners of colours.

He shut his eyes painfully and tried to soothe their ache with a rub of his eyelids but he realized he could not move his hands no matter how hard he tried. This made him open his eyes again, momentarily forgetting about the lights and thankfully, he was not blinded by them for his vision was back to normal. Looking down, he noticed his hands were bound like he was in a straitjacket, the chains binding him glowing with golden colors. His feet were bound by the same kind of chains to a black glowing tiled floor. Looking around him in alarm, he noticed that he was in a medieval like dungeon.

"What kind of joke is this?" he asked, straining to free himself to no avail.

"I assure you, this is no joke, creature," a woman said as she walked out of the void right in front of him. She was bald, wearing colorful monk clothes with an all familiar necklace hanging on her neck.

"As I thought, you know of this universe if you can recognize the Eye of Agamotto with a glance," she said, warily.

"This can't be real!" Ethan exclaimed in shock. To him, this can only be the works of a sick joke.

"Why can't it be real? This is as real as it can get, creature," the woman said as she came closer to him. "Tell me, what kind of creature are you? The way you mimic a human look is flawless. You have every organ a human has, but you have a few holding so much power it is inconceivable."

"Answer me this, are you the Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth?" Ethan asked her, hoping what he was thinking was truly not what was happening here.

"You have heard of me, good. Then you know what is going to happen to you if you are what I think you are," the Ancient One growled menacingly.

Ethan, on the other hand, was having a mental breakdown. The reason being, he was a hundred percent sure he had been transported into the Marvel Universe, just like the questionnaire had said. He was a successful Tiktok content creator, having more than a hundred thousand followers, which was quite a lot even though it was meagre to the more successful creators. In his off hours, he was a comic book and manga nerd, he can't saw he was the most knowledgeable but he can't be called ignorant. His biggest regret, however, was that he couldn't read a the One Punchman manga to its completion.

So, while he was busy 'pirating' some One Piece episodes, a sudden window appeared in his screen. It was about a reincarnation questionnaire. No matter how much he kept on closing the window, it just kept popping up. So, he ordered a new CPU online before deciding to open it.

The first question in there was if he were given three wishes, what would they be. Now, that completely caught his attention and any thought that it was a virus was temporarily thrown to the back of his mind. Three wishes, now those are things he would constantly think of thanks to a new tread among fanfic writers. Thinking for a while, he decided to go for the cliche, overpowered route, becoming a Kryptonian. Not just any Kryptonian, Superboy Prime, a Kryptonian whose yellow solar radiation absorption was as fast as his consumption. However, his faster and higher absorption meant that he was more powerful than Superman in so many levels. However, to most, the power drainage would be a problem but he had a solution to that, Viltrumites. They are the unofficial offshoot branch to Kryptonians when some scientists from Krypton went far, far away and founded the race.

Viltrumites were the perfect kind of war mongering race. Their physiology made them become more powerful the greater the foes they fought with their regeneration helping them overcome most more powerful foes they met. But what truly makes them a menace is their long lives. A viltrumite can live thousands of years, meaning they have millenniums worth of fighting experience combining into their growth of strength that keeps of growing the more they get older. They may not be as powerful as a Kryptonian under a yellow or blue star, but they can hold their own overall. And he chose to be a combination of Superboy Prime and a pure blooded Viltrumite.

For the second wish, he took longer to think of it than the first wish mainly because the first wish would carry him very far. But, he thought hard about it and decided that what he really needed was to be adept in fighting. Coming from an era that the biggest fight he ever had was in Call Of Duty II online where a thirteen year old boy trash talked him till he rage quit in front of his fans, he knew that he was pussy with the codes to a nuclear warhead. He might be powerful, but he can amount to zero shit when the nuke is gone. So, he decided to get the perfect skill for this, a skill that one of his favourite manga protagonists had, Fighting Instinct. This would make his instinctually better a fighting all kinds of enemies with efficiency and deadliness.

For the third wish, he decided to get an amped version of Superboy Prime's solar armor. He decided to make his like a symbiote, living inside his body, nourishing his cells with yellow solar radiation. That meant he didn't have to get it out for it to work, he would be getting double the radiation if he is out in the open with the yellow sun shining down on him.

With the wishes done, the window started showing incomprehensible words before it disappeared. He was left a little disappointed and with his mood down, he went to sleep. Who knew it would be the last time he ever slept on that bed, waking up chained in a sorcerer's dungeon.


"You chose the wrong moment to be distracted, interloper," the Ancient One said as she cast a lightning spell on him. Ethan was woken up to his sand castles by the sudden light, only to see a lightning bolt heading to his chest. He wanted to scream in fright but the lightning had already impacted him,only to worm around him harmlessly and fizzle out of life. He was stunned.

"Was...Was that a lightning bolt?" he asked her, not sure how to comprehend this.

"Your magical immunity is quite high, that would have paralyzed a demon," the Ancient One mused as sparks of lightning started appearing on her fingers. Ethan didn't want to find out if this one would kill a Demon Lord.

'The floor,' he thought, raising his leg, rattling his chains, then brought it down as fast as he could.


As if a bomb had been detonated inside the room, the black glowing floor broke apart in a tidal wave as a shockwave decimated everything around him. The Ancient One was quick to act, disappearing into the void before she was harmed. But the dungeon was not spared. No matter how much the sorcerers at Kathmandu thought, they never guessed they would be one day imprisoning a desperate Kryptonian who has no idea just how powerful he is. But, the power of the magic and runes used to make the dungeon had probably made sure the damages had not spread outside the dungeons or many of them would have died.

"Right, Viltrumite and Kryptonian genes. Not to forget the solar armor still nourishing me. They must have kept me here for a little while if I am this powerful," he said as he looked at the damage he had just caused. He then looked at the chains binding his arms, took a deep breath and with a little groan, tugged at the chain, making it to slowly start breaking, each crack making a sound that revibrated all over the mountain. With a final groan, the chains broke with a sound akin to thunder. The pieces were sent flying into the distance, he didn't mind their location as long as they were off him. He then ripped off the chains to his other leg before looking at the oncoming sorcerers.

"Time to dip," he sighed before squatting, taking a deep breath then jumping to the sky. The jump proved to be more potent than he thought for a shockwave was produced, forcing the sorcerers to protect themselves with wards. Weaker ones with weak mentality were even blown away, their fate unknown. With complicated eyes, they watched their prisoner disappear into space.

"He is powerful, Master," one of the Masters said just as the Ancient One appeared beside him.

"His power reminds me of that Eternal the United States of America have captured into their pet, though he is even more powerful than the child," the Sorcerer Supreme said. "But, we won't be bothered by him for a little while. I sent his waves of destruction to an overeager Monarch. Hopefully, they will destroy each other and leave Earth in peace." She looked back at her monestary which should not be standing and shook her head.

"Though I do admit, his gift for destruction even while being twelve days old is quite a headache," she said solemnly.