

On the way to school, I kept using Observe on anything in my sight as per usual. It was a habit of mine at this point.


[Observe has increased to Lvl. 3]

Nice, now the skill provided me with even more information. When I used it on a person, it told me more about their history and current dealings.

I sat on my desk in the classroom, and I was about to start meditating when Kurt entered the room. Again, he was watching me suspiciously. Well, stare all you want I will just ignore you.

I did notice that his level has increased, however.

[<Nightcrawler of the X-Men> Kurt Wagner Lvl 21]

I wonder how. I'm having trouble raising my level, and I'm only level 2. How did Kurt get 2 levels in such a short time?

Anyway, I used Observe on him, hoping to find out what his mutant powers are, but it didn't show me. I did, however, learn something else.

{Kurt Wagner, the son of Mystique and ???, was born in Bavaria, Germany. Due to circumstances, he wasn't raised by his parents, and he grew up in a circus for the first 12 years of his life until he was recruited by Charles Xavier. Kurt currently believes that his friend, William Williamson, has been abducted and replaced with a robot made by aliens.}

What the hell?

So, Kurt is the son of the leader of the Brotherhood? That was an interesting thing to know, but there was something more important!

He thinks I've been abducted and replaced with a robot?

Wait, is that actually possible? I mean, I see the world as a game, am I actually a robot, who has replaced the real William Williamson?

Nah, I would've known if that was the case.

Ah, Kurt, you are making me doubt myself, and you haven't even done anything!

I hope he doesn't try anything drastic. I have no idea how to deal with him without even knowing his mutant powers. Hell, even if I did know then, he will still probably subdue me with ease. He is 19 levels higher than me.

Class ended, and Kurt walked up to me in the break.

"Hey, Will."

"Hey, Kurt."

"I was vondering, have you ever lied to me?"

Oh, man. You don't even know what being subtle means, do you, Kurt? But I can work with this.

"So, you found out?"

Kurt's eyes widened, nearly popping out of his sockets, and he balled his hands into fists.

"I mean, I thought you will figure it out sooner."

Kurt looked as if he was about to jump at me.

"Our handwriting isn't even the same. Like, I could never write as good as a girl."

Kurt was pulling his hand backward before he tilted his head sideways.


"The love letter you received from 'Liz.' I was the one that wrote it. I wanted to prank you and make you embarrass yourself when you go and ask her out, but it turned out she did like you. It worked out for you two for a while before you broke up. I thought you would've found out sooner about it."


"I mean, come on, there is no way I can write like a girl. The letter looked as if someone wrote it with his left foot. I don't know how you were fooled by it."

Kurt laughed out before he punched me in the shoulder. Not cool, Kurt, that was -1 HP right there.


Kurt gave me a good look and walked away.

Whoosh. Crisis averted.

After leaving, Kurt walked up to a Jean that was observing from a distance.

"It's okay, he is the real one. Are you sure you're not having issues vith your powers? Or maybe you vant to go out on a date with me, and you planned to make us fight and svoop in to make me feel better? Or, or, maybe you vanted to go out with him?"

"No, you dumbass. I don't want to go out with either of you! And no, there are no issues with my powers, I still can't sense him!"

Kurt got no say in it as Jean stomped towards Will.

"I will deal it with myself."

I was walking towards my next class when I felt danger looming over me. I turned around, spotting Jean walking towards me with vigor, and Kurt following after her.

Oh, no! The crisis has not been averted. I repeat, the crisis has not been averted!

"I know what you are doing!" Jean pointed an accusing finger at me.

Think fast. Oh... I got an idea.

"You do? But I haven't even told Kurt about what I'm planning."


"I mean, I picked up a cooking book just so I can get better at cooking and make you the most delicious pizza, so I can show you how much better it is than salads."

"Is zat vy you haven't logged in the past few days?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah, I've been grinding my skills."

That wasn't even a lie.

"What? Why would you do that? I don't even want to go on a date with you," Jean said.

Well, I can play that game too.

"I don't want to go on a date with you too."


[Lying has increased to Lvl. 10]

Shh. Not now.

"I just want to make you a pizza to prove you it's better than salads. I never said anything about going on a date with you."

Now Jean looked offended.

"You don't want to go out with me?"

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.



Stop betraying me!

"I just want to show you pizzas are better. Nothing more."

"I doubt that you will succeed, but if you do, I will give you a chance and go out with you."

Nah, nah, nah. You already hurt my feelings by saying you don't want to go out with me.

"No need, I just want to prove you I'm right. I don't want to go out with you. I hope that's all because I have a class to attend."

I walked away, feeling like the winner of that conversation. Midway to my next class, I felt like crying. Did I seriously turn down the chance of going out with Jean out of pettiness? I'm going to die alone...

School ended, and I made sure to meditate in all the boring classes. Sadly, the skill didn't level up, but at least Kurt no longer looked at me suspiciously.

After I got back home, I started working on my Cooking skill and learned a valuable lesson. Just because I had the skill didn't mean I could actually cook.

The Cooking skill increased the taste of my meals, but if they tasted like garbage, to begin with, they would end up as just a bit tastier garbage.

Thankfully, grandma was there to save the day. With her helping me out, I actually managed to prepare a good meal and raised my skill by 3! I love you, grandma, you are the best superhero out there! I wonder how high her Cooking skill is? Probably maxed out.

With that out of the way, I was back to my usual routine and found myself standing in front of my nemesis. The one I destroyed with Energy Blasts was in the ID I created, so the tree was still standing there, albeit with its bark being damaged by my kicks and punches.

I gained a level of Physical Endurance and Martial Arts before I started spamming Create ID and Exit ID.


[Create ID has increased to Lvl. 5. You can now create an Instant Dungeon filled with monsters. Currently available ones: Zombie Dungeon]


I can make my own mobs. Hell, yeah. Let's do this. But first, a quick meditation session to recover my HP and MP.

"Create ID: Zombies!"

I wasn't transported to a different place. I was still in the location I used the skill, but this time, I heard groaning sounds.

I carefully peeked from behind a tree and saw a mob.

[Zombie Lvl. 7]

Holy crap. It's 5 levels higher than me. Can I actually fight it? I can at least try and run away with Escape ID if I can't.

I made sure there were no other zombies around before I fired an Energy Blast.

The zombie fell on the ground from the impact, but it slowly got up. Just as slowly, it started moving towards me.

Oh, yeah. This is perfect. If zombies are this slow, I can just keep my distance and fire Energy Blasts at them.

There was no way I'm going anywhere near one. I don't want to be infected and turn into a zombie myself. I didn't know if it was possible, but I didn't want to find out.

"Energy Blast!"

"Energy Blast!"

"Energy Blast!"

"Energy Blast!"


[Energy Blast has increased to Lvl. 3]

[You have slain Zombie Lvl. 7. +700XP]

[Your Level increased to 3]

This is glorious! So much XP, I leveled up from a single zombie. I'm gonna have a blast killing them all.

The zombie dissolved into nothingness, and I saw something left on the ground where it stood.

I quickly ran there and found a tooth, rotten flesh, and a Dime. I ignored the first two, but I grabbed the Dime and stored it in my Inventory.

I checked my status and saw my cash had risen by 0.10. The cool thing about my ability was that I can put a 5$ bill in my inventory, but I can pull out however much I want.

Oh, man, I no longer need to care about money! This is so good!

I was so happy, I almost rushed out searching for more, but then I remembered I was low on MP. I didn't want to be attacked while meditation, so I climbed up a tree and sat down on a branch. My meditation even leveled up!

With my MP back to full, I went out searching for more and found my next target, another lone zombie.

"Energy Blast!"

"Energy Blast!"

"Energy Blast!"

"Energy Blast!"

This one fell down after four spells, but I didn't get to level up. The XP I received was less this time. No biggie, at least I got another Dime.

And so it began. I kept doing this over and over. Kill a zombie, meditate, and do it again.

I was having such a good time, happily humming as I killed a zombie after zombie. None of them dropped anything good besides a Dime, but I was perfectly fine with that. I was slowly gaining money while also increasing my Energy Blast, Meditation, and my Level.

A few times, I got surrounded by zombies, but I just used Exit ID and regenerated my MP before making another Dungeon. Ah, this was life.

I also learned something important. When I got to level 5, not only did I receive 5 stat points, but my HP and MP increased on their own by 50. I will have to see if this is a one-time thing, or if I gain 50 HP and MP every 5 levels.

I had just killed my 25th zombie, I knew that because I was counting the money I got from them, when something happened.

I was picking up the loot and heard someone speak from behind me.

"Do you know what you are doing?"

I froze on the spot. I didn't know someone could enter my Dungeons.

Slowly, I turned around to see a bald woman dressed in white priest clothing.

[<???> ??? Lvl. ???]

Ah, shit. This was someone I couldn't see anything about. My Observe skill failed me! Why now?!?

[Name: William Williamson

Mutant Power: The Gamer

Level: 5 Next Level: 34%

Title: The Gamer]

[HP: 248

MP: 252]

[Strength: 18 + 1.8

Vitality: 18 + 1.8

Dexterity: 17 + 1.7

Intelligence: 18 + 2.16

Wisdom: 19 + 2.28

Luck: 10]

[Stat Points: 20

Cash: 9.50$]

[Skills: Lying(Passive) Lvl. 11/50

Observe(Active) Lvl. 3/10

Physical Endurance(Passive) Lvl. 6/100

Martial Arts(Passive) Lvl. 5/100

Cooking(Passive) Lvl. 4/100

Meditation(Passive/Active) Lvl. 6/100

Create ID(Active) Lvl. 5/100

Exit ID(Active) Lvl. 5/100

Energy Blast(Active) Lvl. 5/10

Crafting(Active) Lvl. 1/100

Gamer's Body(Passive)

Gamer's Mind(Passive)]