
Chapter 2

Everyone who has experienced the reincarnation world understands the horror of the reincarnation world. After transcending reincarnation, Shane continued to search for various genes in high-tech technology and the story world. In the end, when grabbing through the artifact's own device, the immediate attack of the Lord God was harmed. As a result, the Lord God came to this world with a part of the power of the "Seven Original Devices" and his own soul under the explosion of the super God.

Also, although the power of the "seven organ" representing time, space, energy, mind, taboo, soul, and chaos is only a part, the power of the organs adds up to the power of the little master god, so it can transform the Marvel universe. The power of the part of the law, in shane took out all his own million cause and effect points with the little master **** with a six-pointed star pattern on his arm, so that he can recover the power of the plane businessman who travels through time and space and owns an Umbrella company as his life. capital. The Umbrella company only saved villains and scientists in the Marvel World, and the others have been removed. Now Shane has replaced Umbrella's former chairman Oswell Spencer as the new chairman, and he controls more and more Powerful Umbrella companies.

The result is fruitful. Shane's foresight made him more and more powerful in future life. After participating in the "Super Soldier Project" in umbrella and discovering the mutant called Sebastian Shaw, Shane knew that this world is the world of the amazing universe also called Marvel Universe. So after knowing this situation, Shane, ​​who has a sense of anxiety, continued to study the T virus biochemical weapon program for three years. So far, the research on the prototype tyrant has been very successful. In the future, the tyrant after adding the mutant gene Strength must go to a higher level.

"Victor and Wolverine should appear during the Vietnam War. The genes of these two immortal bodies are also good, and you can consider transplanting their genes in the future." shane thought for a moment, but for the time being, Because the time for the story of Wolverine Prequel 1 has not yet arrived, the most valuable thing now is 'Super Soldier Strengthening Serum'.

Now, although the influence of umbrellas has not been developed for twelve years, the high-level governments of western countries have been infiltrated by umbrella's spokesperson secretly. When necessary, it can reduce some of the trouble and limit the company of umbrellas. The obstacle to entering the world market is World War II. This war with the largest number of deaths in human history has seriously affected the speed at which umbrellas can control the world.

Captain America, Shane, ​​is still interested in knowing it. After the plot of Captain America is the story of X-Men's first battle, it can be described as a very easy and slow development, and can pass through other movie worlds to rob advanced technology. Technological development is not so quiet. Only war and robbery should be done by arms dealers. War can promote the development of science and technology.

"Okay, boss." A black bodyguard next to Shane said affirmatively.

"Master, you are a fairy board, I didn't expect the old master to come back again." Then Shane, ​​who took care of himself, left with a smile.