
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 51: Tony Stark's genius

The terrorists didn't mean to beat him either. Hearing that Tony Stark refused to make a steel suit, he left.

   "You have spoken in another language these days. Tony Stark has learned Arabic through the previous dialogue between Inson and you."

  Zord said to the beast soldiers.


   The beast soldiers were surprised, no, someone is so perverted?

When Zod was also staring at Tony Stark, he realized that when other people talked to No. 2 Inson, he did not have the same awkward expression before, but he was still thoughtful, and immediately invaded his heart, and then Just know that Tony Stark has learned most of Arabic.

   Something unexpected, but it makes sense to think about it, after all, this is Tony Stark!

   So, next, Tony Stark discovered that the language of the terrorists had been replaced by something he couldn't understand.

   "Hansen, what language are they speaking?"

   Tony frowned and asked.

   "It should be Hebrew, which is the lingua franca of Israel."

   Hansen pretended to be unsure and replied. In fact, he was surprised that Tony Stark had actually learned Arabic. After all, he could tell that the terrorist had spoken another language.

   Not good, this guy is a monster, do you have to change another language every few days?

Zod doesn't panic at all. If the languages ​​in the Middle East are used up, you can still use the language of rabbits, such as the devil language Xiuzhou dialect, if Tony Stark can even learn that... Then there is Hunan dialect. , Cantonese, Hokkien... a lot of languages.

   Tony Stark was still stubborn at first, until he found out that one day, the terrorists didn't arrange food for him, Tony Stark panicked.

He was familiar with this method, and the same was true for the terrorists before. When he asked for red wine steak and cheeseburger instead of this sticky dough, the other party didn't say anything, but didn't give him the dough for the next few days. By the fourth day, Tony Stark licked the plate cleaner than the dog.

   The taste of hunger, even people with strong willpower can't resist eating cotton and dirt, and everything that can be stuffed into their stomachs is stuffed in, even if they die, they can't control so much.

   Torture? Zod was afraid of Tony's small body, after a few hits, he would become ill, and then the root of the disease fell, and he became a sick and abandoned person. How could this kind of hunger penalty be useful, similar to water boarding, but Zod felt that hunger had a better effect Great.

   Anyway, it's okay to be hungry for a few meals. On the contrary, it can help Tony reduce his stomach, detoxify by the way, and prevent fatty liver, alcoholic liver, vascular sclerosis, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

   After all, what he eats is high-calorie food, and he also drinks red wine. Red wine is not bad, but if there is no alcohol or not, it will be excessive. Eating vegetarian for a period of time is good for physical and mental health.

Tony Stark originally thought he could last longer this time, but he didn't go through systematic hunger training. On the contrary, he couldn't stand hunger even more. The next day he couldn't stand it. He was so hungry that he could see nothing. Wanting to stuff it into his stomach, Tony Stark had no choice but to surrender.

   Then Zod asked his subordinates to arrange a high-fiber meal for him to help clear the intestines. Anyway, seeing Tony Starkla's face full of food, he knew that his constipation had healed for many years.

  Zord withdrew his gaze on Tony Stark. Anyway, the Black Queen monitors Tony Stark around the clock, and if anything is wrong, he can find out and notify Zod.

Under Zord's arrangement, Bronsky successfully returned to Great Britain. He waited for the day when General Rose found him. I don't know how long it would take. The mission that BOSS arranged for him is estimated to be a long-term mission, and Bronsky can only restrain himself. thought.

  Zord didn't let the Hulk go. He had a good idea. Since you don't let me get the Hulk serum head-on, then I will get the Hulk serum in a roundabout way.

   Although it is said that Gu Yi could live until the time when the Zetarians invaded New York City, Zod felt that it was impossible for her to come out again to prevent me from getting the Hulk serum.

   Recently, people in New York City have often mysteriously disappeared, but because the people who disappeared were all from the Hell's Kitchen, they did not attract much attention. After all, it was so chaotic there, and people would die from time to time, which was nothing at all.

   But because Zod had the Black Queen, he still found some clues. For example, those who were missing were loose powder gangsters selling powder on the streets of Hell's Kitchen. At the same time, the Black Queen also found a black shadow from the surveillance.

   "The Reaper?"

Zod thoughtfully, there are many monsters that he can think of in Hell's Kitchen, black beasts with hands, enemies of the brave man and the Punisher, etc., but considering the timeline, the most likely one is the blood alien. The reaper is out.

  He intends to check it out. After all, the R virus of the Reaper variant is also very valuable for research.


   Hell's Kitchen, night.

  In the abandoned subway tunnel~www.mtlnovel.com~ groups of homeless people wander aimlessly. Such a situation is also very common in New York, an international metropolis. The more glamorous the exterior, the more serious the rot inside.

   When these homeless people need to rest, most of them will gather in parks or abandoned subways like this. The history of the New York subway is very long, so naturally, there will be no small number of abandoned and closed subway tunnels. Such places have become natural shelters for these homeless people, and of course they are not all shelters.

   This abandoned subway tunnel is just like that, with more than a dozen homeless people wandering around. To be precise, it is not a wandering, but a random formation. Directly in front of them, a few well-dressed guys were checking some people's bodies, and then pushing them deeper into the tunnel. However, the homeless people who come out from time to time in the room prove that they are not terrible guys, especially when these pale-faced guys are holding a handful of banknotes in their hands and grinning with sparse teeth.

   "Brother, it looks like you have come to sell blood for the first time."

   Maybe he was waiting a little eagerly. A thin tramp patted the tall guy sitting in front of him on the shoulder, and started talking about a topic.

   In front of him is a tall guy in a tattered trench coat and a hood. I saw this guy slowly turned his head, revealing his look different from ordinary people. His face was pale, as if he had never seen the sun. There is no hair at all on the entire face, no matter whether it is hair, beard, or eyebrows. His pupils are unrealistic in this gloomy environment, but they may be gray-blue. The strangest thing is that his chin has an obvious crack healing mark, as if he had undergone an operation.