
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 449: Chaos 3 Great Treasures

  Jehovah was shocked by the performance of Tai Chi Tu.

   He has used his most powerful power twice, but the effect he has gained is very limited. And this was completely different from what he had foreseen in his heart.

   You must know that he claims to be omnipotent and omnipotent, almost relying on the power of this power. Even among the countless gods on earth. This ability is also extremely special and powerful.

   This is a power that can be said to be above all things. As long as he speaks his wishes with divine power, what he said will become reality.

   Ignoring all existing factors, directly modify the possibility of the development of things from the fundamental causal probability. Even if it is impossible, as long as he uses this power to say it, it will become a fact.

   Of course, there are many restrictions on the use of this ability. Because once you want to change the situation involves too many people and things. Time or space. Will make the user bear a huge counterattack force. The serious ones will even be rejected and backlashed by the law of causality itself. This is a price that no one can afford, not even a god.

   Breaking the balance of causality is, to some extent, more terrifying than complete extinction and destruction. That is an act that completely distorts the laws of the universe, so those who do this will inevitably be wiped out by the corrective power of the universe. Not just death, but completely eradicating his existence.

  His life and history. Everyone's memory about him, everything he created will no longer exist in the world. It was as if this existence had never appeared before.

   This is a huge horror for any life. Even Jehovah, as God, dare not bear such consequences. Therefore, he has been using this ability very carefully. Of course, although caution limited the power of this power, until now. This power has never disappointed Jehovah.

   Until today, at this moment, on the Tai Chi diagram, his power is invalid.

   "It's just an artifact, how could it have such power!"

   The Lord couldn't believe it.

   He can't believe this fact, but he can't help but believe it. Because Tai Chi Tu had already hit him.

   The reality modified by the power of causality was repeatedly and repeatedly defeated by Taiji Tu.

   No matter how much power the Lord has instilled, it cannot stop Tai Chi from tearing apart the reality he has woven. And just in his feeling, there was only a thin layer of reality left between them, a layer of spatial gully that was broken.

   Maybe the next moment, the Tai Chi picture will bombard the Lord with the brilliant and endless mighty power. But compared to this. What Jehovah is even more reluctant to see is the only failure in countless years for the power he relies on to become the Supreme Father.

   So, facing the aggressive Tai Chi diagram. Jehovah gave up his caution and no longer had any scruples.

"I am the all-knowing and all-powerful, all-wise and all-seeing, all-power, all-love, all-created and even eternally supreme and eternal. I am omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. I am the creator of all things, The ruler of the universe, the revealer of truth, the savior of the elect, and the judge of sin. I am the Lord of all things and all souls, I am the Father, the Lord of the kingdom of heaven. I command you, heresy, you must not set foot in front of me , You will not be able to look directly at my brilliance. Your protection is vain. Your strength is extremely weak. You will fail, you will fall. Above the sky, you will not be able to stop!"

   The thunderbolt, the dark clouds roll. The entire alien space was shaking violently. This piece of heaven and earth was completely awe-inspired by the power of Jehovah. Countless beams of light stirred the dark clouds in the sky, and the thunder and lightning in the sky tore all the darkness apart. Above the sky, the Tai Chi picture began to fall into the clouds.

   began to lose its power, the intertwined flames almost lost their form in an instant, the thunder rushing in the sky and the boiling sea of ​​light underneath almost completely merged together. They smashed the golden light of the Taiji Tu like smashing glass, and then flew and hit the Taiji Tu's body.

   At this time, the Tai Chi Tu even lost the ability to fly. Can't even stand in the void.

   was hit by countless thunders and rays of light on the Tai Chi diagram, the flames blazed all over, thunder rumbling.

   can only fall from the cloud like a burning meteor.

   Just when the Taiji Tu was suppressed by Jehovah and the Pangu banners reluctantly protected themselves, the third treasure finally appeared.

   That is an ancient clock.

   Outside the bell, the sun, moon and stars, the earth, water, fire and wind surround it, and there are mountains, rivers, and land in the bell, and the great and wild peoples looming in it.

  Five-color light shines on the heavens, and the chaotic saint stuns the world.

   The bells sounded vigorously, the universe was brilliant, the heavens and the earth were eclipsed, the universe was shaken, and the power of chaos was undoubtedly revealed.

   Chaos Clock!

   has the power to suppress the "Hongmeng World", the power to reverse the "time and space of the heavens", the power to evolve the "Mystery of Heaven", and the ability to refine the "earth, water, fire and wind".

   Mystery is infinite, and good fortune is infinite. It can confine time and suppress space. Reflect any attacks from treasures and magical weapons and ignore all magical magical damage. The attack and defense are integrated, and they are invincible first.

   1. Suppress Hongmeng Qi Luck and act as the way of heaven.

  2, defense is invincible, once it is sacrificed, you can "stand in an invincible place".

   3. Time and space can be distorted, and yin and yang can be reversed.

   As soon as the Chaos Clock came out, only one chime was heard, and the great Qian Hongmeng was immediately suppressed.

   Jehovah is also inevitably affected~www.mtlnovel.com~ At the critical moment, Rashen lifted the creation power to protect the gods, but he could not resist the power of the chaotic clock, and the creation power was lost.

   Otherwise, with the sound of the bell, ninety-nine percent of the gods will turn into powder.

   With the help of the Chaos Clock, the Taiji Tu immediately slowed down, showing its power, and in turn suppressing the Lord.

   Infinite flames burst out of Tai Chi Tu in an instant.

   gushing, swelling endlessly, almost igniting the entire sky.

   The lightning and holy light in the sky were also swallowed by it in an instant.

As soon as    appeared, the raging flame shocked everyone present with a terrifying power.

   He couldn't believe that Tai Chi Tu had this kind of power, and he couldn't believe that his causal power had once again lost its effectiveness.

   He was not reconciled, but he was more inexplicable fear. This made him immediately use his most powerful power against the Taiji Tu.

   "Here, in the name of God, I command you to retreat! Retreat! Retreat!"

   Three straight sentences in a row, truly expressing the truest thoughts of Jehovah. It was different from the mantra of mantras that were full of curves and reserved a variety of leeway just now.