
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 429: 1 Arrow Shooting God King

The mountains shook, and the dazzling white light bloomed like stars, piercing the clouds in an instant.

The light instantly occupied the center of the world, and the vast energy with unmatched aura, stripped and destroyed all the sights.

Zeus had an ugly face. He originally thought that he could defeat several great gods on the opposite side by relying on the invincible lightning spear. However, he did not expect a Thunder God to jump out. The thunder and lightning power of that body was so strong that it could compete with the lightning spear.

As a result, most of the power of the Lightning Spear was canceled, and the remaining supernatural power Thunderbolt, although still powerful, was easily blocked by the opponent.

In addition to the twelve main gods, the old generation of gods also jumped out when they saw something wrong.

This is obviously not a matter for the Zeus family, but a crisis in the entire Olympus God Realm, and they have to appear.

Heavenly Court has undoubtedly become a powerful enemy. The seventeen gods exude pure and powerful divine power, and even Zeus is not as pure as them.

Even that monster, even though it does not have the power and power, can swallow the main god, it is terrifying!

The old generation of gods did not have as big a package as the twelve lord gods, and they had complex and diverse powers, and even more wonderful works like Hermes that could not be counted.

Between the mountain ranges, a large piece of the earth was violently engulfed, thrown into the distance, and overlooked from a high place, it is very visually shocking.

The rest of the area is full of cracks and abysses, and the collapse of the mountain is difficult to complete, and a large mountain range has been bombarded into fragments.

Then there is a high-temperature flame burning, making the entire area black and completely reduced to a life forbidden zone.

The demigods and mortals under Olympus all fled in panic, and then they ran into the heavenly soldiers and were arrested by the heavenly soldiers to the heavenly dimension.

Seeing the shameless arrest of Heavenly Court, the Olympus gods felt that the Three Views were refreshed.

They have always been shameless. When did Heavenly Court learn this, it's damned!

Ares, the **** of war, burst into a blood-red arrogance, and the scarlet light wrapped the horse under the hips, and the whole ignited into a ball of red fire.

The people and horses are like one, the auras stimulate each other, and they rise steadily, making the air of soldiers and soldiers fill the space between the earth and the earth.

A red beam of light soared into the sky, and Ares drove the horse, holding a spear in the air.

The God of War Xingtian saw the doorway. Although the God of War still has Athena, the **** of War of Ares is not weak.

Ares's eyes loomed fiercely, and the spear in his hand was dotted with red lights, tearing the air, and whizzing towards Xing Tian's chest.

As a giant, Xing Tian didn't have any contempt for Ares, a small innocence. He would cross the sword and try to test the strength of Ares, the **** of war.

Cang! !

The red beam slashed across, and Ares swung his spear to cut off the mountain. The horse's front hoof was raised, trampled on the ground heavily, kicking the half of the mountain away.

He had just been chopped down by Xing Tian's axe and plunged into the mountain.

Zeus raised the lightning spear high, and the terrifying thunder was drawn to attach to it, and the whole body was surrounded by lightning, carrying a devastating aura to greet him.


With a head-to-head encounter, the lightning spear and the dry axe touched, accompanied by a flash of cold light, instantly smoothed the air and opened a clear dividing line.

The upper part is white and the lower part is red. The two rays of light are distinct, rendering the sky into their own colors along the dividing line. As the two unscrupulously vent their supernatural powers, the chaotic airflow continues to wash in all directions.

The violent whirlwind spread out like mountains and seas, the sky and the sea were tumbling and wailing, the vast ocean undulated up and down, and the sky was densely clouded, and the darkness was too heavy to see.

boom! Rumble!

The violent current condensed from all directions, pulling out a winding light and shadow in the dark, and Da Yi appeared in it.


The energy that had been compressed for a long time burst out like lightning, straddling the layers of space in the blink of an eye, like a light arrow hitting Zeus's chest directly.

This was originally an arrow, a sky-shaking bow and a sun-shooting arrow!

At the moment when the energy beam struck, Zeus, who had been prepared, set up a lightning spear with both hands, summoning boundless thunder to resist the defense.

The beam of light hit the thunder slurry, and the ultra-high-density high-heat energy jumped over the thunder and lightning tortoise shell, directly crashing and piercing it, and hitting the lightning spear.

Zeus was shocked, and the lightning spear shone brightly. He screamed hard, stepped on the thunder, propped up his hands and forcibly pushed up.

Lightning flashed, and the beam of light continued to move forward. The corner of Zeus's mouth was bleeding, and he was pushed back into the sky, but his arm straightening movement was not deformed at all. The arrogance of the king of the gods was to maintain a compelling position at all times.


Zeus was pushed into the clouds, the beams of energy light came to the end, and the horizon suddenly flashed, bursting into a roaring explosion that resounded through the world.

The sky was shaken for a while, and the dazzling white light pierced the sky, like a star exploding, the bright light suddenly exceeded the brightness of the sun. The white light gradually magnified from a small point, exuding a brilliant brilliance, and the vast energy with an unrivaled aura, drove away all the clouds wherever it could reach.

After the strong light passed, the deafening explosion gradually disappeared, and the sky was so blue that no white clouds were visible.

"Well, Da Yi made his first contribution with this arrow!"

The heavenly gods were ecstatic, and the Olympian gods looked at Da Yi in disbelief. The arrow was so powerful that even Zeus couldn't resist it. What a joke.

However, what surprised the heavenly gods was that the white clouds dissipated, revealing the intact figure of Zeus, his right hand holding a lightning spear upside down, and his left arm equipped with a dark golden ornate shield.


The Olympus gods widened their eyes~www.mtlnovel.com~ and blurted out subconsciously.

Aegis is an aegis in ancient Greek mythology. It has two sides, one is owned by Zeus and the other is owned by Athena. It is made by Hephaestus, the **** of grasslands and forests. The material is goatskin.

Although it is made of goatskin, it is full of magic and is a work that Hephaestus is proud of.

The Aegis in Zeus's hand has the strongest defensive power, and even his thunder is intact to it, and a storm can be generated by waving it. When you put it in the sky, the sky will become dark, and when Zeus picks it up, the sky will clear up.

In other words, the cloud just now is Zeus' Aegis, who has always been carried with him.

Aegis in Athena's hand had a slightly weaker defense. In order to make up for the shortcomings, she added magic to the four sides of the shield, representing fear, fighting, brutality, and tracking. Later, Medusa's head was embedded in the center to make anyone Seeing this shield will turn into stone.


Clouds swept, the raging thunder burst into the darkness, and the air became irritable.