
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 406: Heaven comes

Without knowing if he could win, and there would be no chance to come back if he lost, the Dimension Demon God was more cunning than one.

Is it not good to bully the reality dimension, is it not good to bully other single universes?

Isn't it good to reap the soul? Everyone is kind, there is no need to fight, right?

But if the dimension where the Lord of Dimensions is not there, then there is nothing to say, basically it is the fat that is delivered to the door.

Zod would naturally not let go of such fat. Heaven Dimension didn't know that a Dimension Demon knew that their Dimension Lord was not there, so he thought that Dimension Demon didn't know.

They decided to give this dimensional demon a warning.

Anyway, it is recognized that the dimensional devil will not physically appear in the real dimension.

No one would have thought of such a wonderful work as Zod.

So this time, hundreds of angels descended directly.

The arrival of angels does not require possession and projection, which is different from the dimensional creatures of the dimensional devil.

This is because the earth dimension is closely linked to the heaven dimension. The reason why Jehovah is omnipotent, omnipotent and omnipotent in the earth dimension is because he is about to include the earth dimension into the scope of the heaven dimension.

The dimensional demon is of course omnipotent and omnipotent in his own dimension.

As a beneficiary, angels do not need to possess possession or projection when coming to the dimension of reality like creatures in other dimensions.

They directly descended physically.毊灪baolaishiye.com毊灪

Even the angels did not descend properly, but directly created the big scene.

The gate of heaven was opened over New York, America, countless feathers of light fell, and then the scene of hundreds of angels descending together was shocked to the extreme.

Countless American citizens who believed in the Holy Lord couldn't help kneeling to the ground.

S.H.I.E.L.D. had a headache watching such a big scene. As people in the know, they knew that this might be the beginning of the holy war.

A holy war between the **** of destruction and destruction and heaven!

At the center of these angels is an archangel.

Three pairs of huge snow-white wings either opened or closed to protect him. The simple white linen robes gave him a very special sense of holiness.嬯寷bⅹшⅹ●С〇寷

The delicate face has neither joy nor sadness, and even the slightest gender difference is invisible.

In his drooping eyes, he can only see a kind of indifference and emptiness that is not like a mortal, as if he has no personality and emotions in his heart. This is an angel in myth, a person can recognize the existence at a glance.

Soon, the angel landed on the ground.

However, he did not land, but hovered in the air with his bare feet.

The huge wings flapped gently, giving him the ability to move in the air.

And when he did this, a special divine power agitated when the air was neutral, and even those faint voices became clearer.

That kind of voice is very familiar to humans. It will be heard in churches every Sunday. It is a hymn to God that many people sing in a chorus.

But compared with ordinary voices, this kind of voice is obviously clearer, more pleasing to the ear, and more shocking.

If you are a devout believer, you must have knelt down on the ground at this moment, and began to appreciate God's grace.

However, this is the United States. Even though there are many believers in the worship of God, they are not absolutely pious.

Thunder and dazzling light began to appear in the sky.

Countless beams of light tore through the night like a sharp sword.

The sound of the hymn rang, as if countless angels were singing.

At the same time, a huge beam of light completely penetrated the night in the sky.

Zod is very envious of such big scenes as heaven, and this group of birdmen are good at making such big scenes.

Unlike him, when hundreds of angels and the archangel did not react, hundreds of Kryptonians were ready.

They were all wearing golden saints, and there were golden wings behind them. Obviously Zod had planned to use this as his signature.

Just like an angel, as long as you see an angel, the Dimension Demon will know that it is Jehovah's hand.

This also makes the angels who want to declare a holy war have to first turn their eyes to these guys who look higher than them.

"Here, in the name of God, I command you to retreat! Retreat! Retreat!"

The archangel pulled out the holy sword and pointed at the group of golden angels on the opposite side.

The response of a group of golden saints on the side of the black hole dimension was to shoot a golden arrow directly!

The holy war started immediately!

The golden arrow that can be used by the Kryptonians is naturally not an ordinary arrow. In addition to the necessary Edman alloy and vibrato, this golden arrow also adds the death power bestowed by Zod.

Even if the goddess of death Hela got a shot, it wasn't much better.

Unfortunately, one of the angels was shot by a golden arrow and turned to ashes.

Then the golden Kryptonians armed with Vulcan swords, Thor's hammers and supernatural shields that can cut subatomic planes to fight with the angels~www.mtlnovel.com~Ghost knights on the ground also appeared out of thin air and joined the hunt. In the feast of angels.

The angels did not expect that the fighting power of these heretics was so strong. In the blink of an eye, most of the hundreds of angels have fallen!

After all, they are all Kryptonians. Zod resurrected the Angel Legion who had died under the attack of the rune, and this time they were truly alive.

So the angels had to call heaven because they were horrified to find that the soul of the killed angel did not return to the heavenly dimension to be reborn, but simply disappeared.

When they die, they disappear completely, which makes the angels who have always feared death to the extreme.

When they were created by Jehovah in the first place, they might not fear without much life experience and experience, but after living for so long, the angels naturally have their own thoughts, and they don't want to die.

So the sky opened, and a new world appeared in this New York City.

Endless white clouds and holy light meet together. Countless angels lined up neatly in the clouds.

The chants of the chant are layered on top of each other, without stopping. The bright waves rushed down like a galaxy connected to the sky.

Heaven has come!

Countless holy lights turned into surging torrents, gushing along the gates of heaven.

At the same time, countless angels also shouted to kill, flying out of heaven along the torrent of light.

These angels are all middle-level angels who serve in front of the seat of God. They possess supernatural powers far above the common.巗攮攮

In terms of combat power alone, they are not inferior to some powerful mutants. And there are three million such angels in front of God's seat!

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