
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 38: Super Kryptonian

  Zord felt very uncomfortable, as if he had just begun to adapt to the sun when he first came to Earth.

   He estimated that he would awaken a new ability again. The problem is that he has already awakened a full set of super powers, as well as mental powers that Da Chao does not have. Now he has new super powers?

   "Zod, what's wrong with you?"

   Uuld looked at Zord looking very uncomfortable, thinking he was sick.

   "I'm fine, just basking in the sun."

  Zord refused Uuld's support, he was not as weak as this.

   "Black Queen, establish a surveillance of my body, I need to know any changes in this situation."

   Zod found a specially built room, and the bright sunlight was shining in. Zod lay on the bed, bathed in sunlight, and fell asleep.

   The Black Queen began to scan Zord's body, recording subtle changes.

   The Zord in the dream seems to be back in the amniotic fluid. Because of the asexual reproduction of the Kryptonians, Zord does not have any mother-fetal experience, but this is also very magical.

   And his body is also evolving at an amazing speed.

   When Zod regained consciousness and woke up, he also knew what kind of superpower he had acquired.

"No way..."

   The corners of Zord's mouth are raised, is it such a superpower?

   The current Zod may be called a humanoid vibration.

  Because his new superpower has the ability to absorb all forms of energy and convert it into its own energy, and can release the energy.

   This ability allows Zod to withstand attacks to become stronger, and every blow to him will only make him stronger.

   He can strengthen his body, strength and speed by absorbing kinetic energy and all other energy. This strengthening is permanent.

   can also convert the absorbed energy into energy output, and has a third energy output method besides thermal vision and freezing breathing, and this energy output can be heat, kinetic energy, electrical energy, wind energy and so on.

Originally, the steel body and biological force field of the Kryptonians were enough to make Zod ignore all physical attacks. Now there is a new super ability of energy absorption. Even if Zod is standing still, no one can move. he!

   There is also spiritual power in the mind, so that Zord does not need to worry that he will be controlled. Now the only thing to worry about is the power on the mysterious side.

   "Marvel's sun can actually make such a big change for the Kryptonians. Even if I compare with the super Kryptonians, I am not much different, although the hard power is not that strong yet."

  Zord feels that he can be called a "super Kryptonian" just like Hack.

   I don't know if he will continue to awaken new superpowers. Of course, after Zord awakens this energy absorption ability, he has the capital to break through the gravity of the earth.

   Zod, who wanted to do this a long time ago, soared into the sky without saying a word. During the period, he asked the Black Queen to erase all traces of her own cause, such as temporarily shielding surveillance such as satellites.

   The air shock wave generated by the flight slapped on Zod, and Zod absorbed the kinetic energy inside, and he used the kinetic energy to strengthen his body.

   The heat generated by breaking through the thermal barrier was also directly absorbed without causing any trouble. Immediately after, Zod broke through the atmosphere and came into the starry sky.

The vacuum of the universe and the vacuum that humans call it are two different things. The concept of human vacuum is that there is no gas, but the vacuum of the universe has a lot of deadly cosmic radiation and dust. Fortunately, these cosmic radiations have energy for awakening. The absorbed Zod is purely a tonic, and Zod has simply liberated the biological force field, allowing his body to be exposed to the vacuum of the universe.

   At this time, the sun was facing the North American side. Zod was irradiated by the sun at close range, and he felt his body become stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although he wanted to be close to the sun, Zod suppressed this impulse. He knew how the death of Superman came about. It was because Da Chao was too close to the sun, which caused the body's energy to be too much to digest, so there was nothing left. After a day's life, by the way, this is Lai Bald's strategy again.

   Zod was bathed in sunlight and did not return to Earth until 100 hours later.

   Blade Technology Industry didn't get messed up just because Zod was missing for a few days. After all, Zod used to keep himself in the research room for several days before coming out. This time it was regarded as the same as before.

Except for the red sun, although the sun is a tonic and golden finger for the Kryptonians, it does not become stronger all the time in a short period of time. Zod also got new abilities and stayed for so long. Now his whole body energy is saturated. , It takes time to digest.

   "Sir, an unexpected situation has been discovered."

   The Black Queen said suddenly after Zod was busy for a while.

   "What unexpected situation?"

  Zod was debugging the machine, and then asked.

   The Black Queen projected a video. The video showed a big green man who was smashed in a laboratory. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm


   Zod's eyes lit up, and it looked like this Hulk was just born.

Then the Black Queen gave a map. Although the Hulk was just born, he had only a child with an IQ. After being attacked, he immediately fought back, and then ran away feeling boring. However, under the influence of Banner's subconsciousness, the Hulk did not run into the city. Instead, he ran into the remote mountains, although Zod really wanted to complain about where there is such a big mountain in the vicinity.

   At this time, Bruce Banner was waking up from confusion. The rain was pouring. He had only a pair of big pants on him, and his clothes had been directly torn due to swelling.

   Fortunately, Banner quickly remembered why he was like this and the troubles that followed.

   Just then, a person appeared in front of him out of thin air.

  With the convenient ability of teleportation, Zod can directly appear there with just a glance. Although he consumes a lot of mental power, he recovers after a while in the sun.

"who are you!"

Banner was taken aback. After all, there have not been endless superheroes and super villains in this world. Nick Fury, who has seen Captain Marvel Carol, will not talk about it everywhere, so for Banner, the sudden appearance of Zod It was beyond imagination.

   "Dr. Banner, I'm here to help you."

   Zod said with a smile, and see if he can beat Hulk by the way!

   "Don't come near me, I don't need your help!"

   Banner turned around and ran away. He was very emotional now, and he knew exactly what kind of experience he would face, so he would naturally not believe other people's words indiscriminately.

  Zod saw Banner's heartbeat speeding up and adrenaline was secreting through his perspective eyes, and if he stimulated it again, Hulk was about to come out.