
Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Becoming a wizard is something that Jerry must attain in order to survive in his new life, and that is living in the Marvel World. There would be a greater threat coming to earth, and he needs a way to prepare for that. Fortunately, he was given a System that allowed him to go to the Harry Potter Universe, where he got a letter that he would be enrolling in Hogwarts. Jerry needed to learn a lot of things from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and, perhaps prevent such incoming threats in the future with the knowledge and skills that he learned from there? Novel will be updated daily at 22:30 GMT+7 Discord Community Server: https://discord.gg/7weZqMdpTy You can read up to 40 chapters and beyond at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/pokapoka !

Poka_Poka · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 617 "Their First Meeting"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Foster. I seemed to remember something."

In the principal's office, after a very awkward silence. Professor Snape moved away and apologized to the person who looked very similar to Lily.

At this time, Snape felt very embarrassed. He hugged the person whom he met for the first time and burst into tears. When he calmed down, he realized that he was too excited and made a mistake.

But he can't be blamed for it, because the witch from America in front of him looks so similar to his beloved Lily.

"It's okay. You have already explained that it is because I look very similar to your friend who died many years ago. This is understandable." Lily smiled and replied.

She really didn't care. After all, Principal Snape did nothing but hold her and cry.

She heard from the wizards there yesterday at the Leaky Cauldron that Principal Snape was not an easy person to get along with and she felt a little uneasy inside. She didn't expect Principal Snape to be so emotional.

Just now, she could really feel the strong feelings that Principal Snape had for her friend who had passed away.

At that time, she was thinking that there really was such a person who could still have such strong feelings for her more than ten years after her death. So from a woman's perspective, she really appreciates a person like Snape.

"Good to hear that." Snape breathed a sigh of relief, and then couldn't help but quietly raise his head and look at Foster.

"It's so similar, how could they look so similar?"

However, it has been determined that Ms. Foster is not Lily who has been dead for more than ten years. But Snape couldn't help but look at her because she looked so much like Lily. There are many similar ones in the world, but it is really rare to find one that looks exactly like a copy.

Not only are the facial features similar, but also the color of hair and eyes, and height are exactly the same as the real Lily. Of course, if you look carefully, you can find some differences.

There are some differences between Foster's and Lily's skin. Foster's skin tends to be tanner, and it seems that she is often exposed to the sun, while Lily's skin appears to be whiter.

Secondly, Foster is physically more mature and has a better figure than Lily in his impression, which may be due to regular exercise.

Finally, in terms of accent, Lily has a London accent, while Foster has a very standard New York accent.

Snape didn't know that the two were indeed exactly the same, because Lily Foster was cloned by Jerry using Lily Evans' genes. But the different life experiences of the two made them quite different now.

Lily Evans attended Hogwarts, married James after graduation, gave birth to Harry, and became a wife and mother. Finally, she died in the hands of Voldemort to protect Harry.

Lily Foster studied in Ilvermorny and traveled around the world after graduation. She often went to several places to collect herbs for potions, so her skin was darker and her figure was better.

Lily Evans had just left school at the time and was more idealistic. But now Lily Foster has traveled around the world and created a business. She has experienced a lot and will be more mature in her thinking.

Therefore, except for the kindness that has remained unchanged in essence, Lily Foster and Lily Evans are actually not the same person.

"So, Principal, can we start?" Lily looked at Snape and stared at him again in a daze, and reminded him.

Snape was startled and looked back in panic, "Oh, Yes, yes, yes. Let's talk about the review process of the Potions Professor. You can stay in the dormitory of the castle today."

"Mr. Principal, don't you need to test my knowledge of potions?" Hearing Snape's words, Lily was stunned. How come the interview had entered the final stage before it even started?

Snape's face turned red when he heard this, and quickly replied, "I have read your resume, Ms. Foster, and I believe that your ability does not need to be assessed."

Before she came, he had already prepared a dozen difficult potion science questions, just to test her. But just now, for some unknown reason, he had subconsciously forgotten all about it. Maybe he hopes that she can stay in Hogwarts for a moment.

She chuckled, "I didn't expect you to trust my ability so much, which makes me feel honored."

At this time, she looked at Snape and suddenly felt that this principal, whom everyone said was very strict, was actually a bit nice.

"What do you mean, Ms. Foster?" Snape's eyes couldn't help but reveal a hint of expectation.

Lily picked up the suitcase in her hand and chuckled, "Nothing, Principal. I have already brought my suitcases, so if it is convenient, can you show me the way to the dormitory? I am not familiar with this place yet."

Hearing Lily's request, Snape was obviously filled with happiness.

"Allow me to take you around."

Just after Snape had a pleasant conversation with Lily took her out of the principal's office and headed to the teachers' dormitory, a figure emerged from the office.

It was Jerry who also came here early in the morning, but he had been hiding. Having spent so much effort, of course, he wanted to see the result.

Judging from the situation just now, although there were some minor troubles in the first meeting between the two, overall it was pretty good.

Jerry felt that Lily's impression of Professor Snape should be okay, and Professor Snape's impression of Lily was really good.

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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