
Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Becoming a wizard is something that Jerry must attain in order to survive in his new life, and that is living in the Marvel World. There would be a greater threat coming to earth, and he needs a way to prepare for that. Fortunately, he was given a System that allowed him to go to the Harry Potter Universe, where he got a letter that he would be enrolling in Hogwarts. Jerry needed to learn a lot of things from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and, perhaps prevent such incoming threats in the future with the knowledge and skills that he learned from there? Novel will be updated daily at 22:30 GMT+7 Discord Community Server: https://discord.gg/7weZqMdpTy You can read up to 40 chapters and beyond at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/pokapoka !

Poka_Poka · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 615 "Lily Foster"

What Jerry did was that after he set the rules of the world, the world began to automatically correct itself. Originally, they only planned to adopt one child, but because they considered whether Lily would be lonely alone, they adopted another child.

That child was the child originally adopted by John and Mary. Any subsequent butterfly effect caused by Lily will be corrected in this coincidental way.

The final result is that after twenty-three years, nothing has changed in the world except for the addition of Lily Foster. As for whether Lily Foster and Professor Snape can get together in the end, it depends on them.

All he can do is create a chance for Snape to start over. He will not forcefully use magic to bend their minds and make them fall in love.

If this is the case, there is no need for him to spend so much effort going back to the past. He can just find a witch in modern times and use magic to forcibly pair the two.

"Okay, it's time to go back to the original time."

To correct all the butterfly effects caused by the appearance of Lily Foster, Jerry once again activates time magic to return his time to normal.

The time was December 26, 1994, in Queens, New York.

Jerry looked at the thirty-four-year-old Lily Foster in the house below, staring at the recruitment information in the newspaper in a daze. Knowing that nothing had gone wrong in the past twenty-three years, Jerry apparated and returned to Hogwarts.


My name is Lily Foster, I am eleven years old and have no memory of before I was eleven. Fortunately, I was adopted by a kind-hearted couple. They treated me very well and I liked them very much.

On this day, I was helping my mother clean the room at home, and I received an acceptance letter from a magic school. At first, my parents and I didn't believe it.

But it wasn't until a wizard came to the house the next day and showed her powers that we knew that it was all true.

In this way, within less than a month of getting along with my parents, I started my own magical journey.

My magic school is called the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was founded in the 17th century and is located on the top of Mount Greylock in Massachusetts. It looks like a huge castle.

According to classmates at the school, this is the only magic school in the world that was jointly founded by No-Majs and wizards. It is also recognized as the most democratic and great school

Although it is not as old as the British wizarding school called Hogwarts, it still has its characteristics.

As for No-Majs, you may not know, it refers to people who can't do magic. It is the name wizards use for people like my adoptive parents.

On September 1st, I was driven by my parents to the place mentioned in the letter, which was under the Statue of Liberty. We entered the Statue of Liberty according to the instructions and came to a huge horse farm.

The farm has already gathered densely packed children who like me are going to school in Ilvermorny, as well as their wizarding parents. In addition, you can also see seven carriages of seven colors drawn by horses with large wings.

Following the guidance of the guide, I entered the red carriage that symbolized the first-year students.

The carriage is very magical. It looks like it can seat up to five or six people on the outside, but the space inside is larger than a house, and there are already a dozen students sitting there.

At eleven o'clock, the carriages set off on time. The horse spread their wings and pulled seven carriages into the sky, flying towards Ilvermorny.

Like other students, I lay excitedly on the window of the carriage and watched the big clouds passing by outside.

At five o'clock in the evening, the carriage landed in front of a castle on the top of the mountain.

Me and all the first-year students, put on blue and raspberry red school uniforms, stepped out of the carriage and were led by the teacher into the entrance of the castle.

There are four huge wooden statues in the hall. According to what the young wizards from the wizard family just said in the carriage, they represent the four houses.

Horned Serpent House, The Wampus Cat House, The Thunderbird House, and the Pukwudgie House.

Now we are about to conduct the sorting ceremony. Each new student must walk past four statues one after another. If the crystal on the forehead of the Horned Serpent statue lights up, it means that you have been selected for the Horned Serpent House.

If the Wampus Cat statue roars, it means you have been selected for the Wampus Cat House.

If the Thunderbird statue flutters its wings, it means that you have been selected for the Thunderbird House.

If Pukwudgie raises the bow and arrow in his hand, it means that you have been selected for the Pukwudgie House.

If several statutes react at the same time, you can choose a college to join according to your preference.

However, this situation is relatively rare. Generally speaking, a situation where two statues can move at the same time may only happen once every ten years. If four statues move at the same time, there has only been one case in history.

Her name was Seraphina Picquery, and she later became the president of the Magical Congress of the United States of America.

According to what my classmates just said, the Horned Serpent House prefers scholars, The Wampus Cat House prefers brave students, the Thunderbird House prefers adventurers, and Pukwudgie prefers healers. I don't know which academy I will be admitted to.

Watching each of my classmates step forward to be selected by each house, I felt nervous inside.

Finally, my name was called, and I walked up a little nervously. When I passed the Horned Serpent statue, its forehead lit up.

When I passed the Wampus Cat statue, it roared.

When I passed the Thunderbird statue, it spread its wings.

When I passed the Pukwedgie statue, it drew its bow and arrow.

I was selected by four houses at the same time, becoming the second student in history to be admitted by four houses.

But I didn't choose the Horned Serpent like Seraphina did. Instead, I chose the Thunderbirds House because I think I like adventure.

In fact, The Wampus Cat House is also good, but in the end, the Thunderbird House attracted me more.

In this way, I began my seven-year journey of learning magic.

I like magic very much, and I don't know why. I am particularly good at potions. Many times, I can even learn some potion knowledge without a teacher.

During this period, many male wizards tried to pursue me, but I refused them all. Because for some reason, I always felt in my heart that I was not ready to fall in love yet, so I had to wait.

Seven years later, I graduated with the best grades in my school, rejected the invitation to join the Ministry of Magic in the United States, and began my journey around the world.

I enjoy collecting rare herbs in various places, and researching and making various high-level potions.

However, I have not been to England because it is said that there was a war there and there were a large number of dark wizards there, so it was not very safe.

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