
Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Becoming a wizard is something that Jerry must attain in order to survive in his new life, and that is living in the Marvel World. There would be a greater threat coming to earth, and he needs a way to prepare for that. Fortunately, he was given a System that allowed him to go to the Harry Potter Universe, where he got a letter that he would be enrolling in Hogwarts. Jerry needed to learn a lot of things from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and, perhaps prevent such incoming threats in the future with the knowledge and skills that he learned from there? Novel will be updated daily at 22:30 GMT+7 Discord Community Server: https://discord.gg/7weZqMdpTy You can read up to 40 chapters and beyond at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/pokapoka !

Poka_Poka · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 325 "Secret Passage"

Herbology class is on Fridays in September, October, and Halloween. Jerry was in a group with Hermione, plucking the plump pink pods from a plant's branch, peeling beans, and placing them in a wooden barrel.

Ron came over and said, "Did you see the announcement in the Great Hall? Tomorrow we'll be visiting Hogsmeade!"

"Oh, tomorrow?" Jerry's heart moved.

If he remembered correctly, Sirius would sneak into the castle quietly at the Halloween dinner tomorrow. While everyone is in the hall, he will try to get into the Gryffindor Common Room.

"It's a pity I can't go with you. My uncle and aunt didn't sign my form." Harry said dejectedly beside Ron.

"Harry, you can just go next time. There is also Sirius Black, who was wandering around." Hermione comforted.

Ron thought about it and said, "Sirius is not a fool. He won't go to Hogsmeade and act rashly. Harry, ask Professor McGonagall if you can go this time. Waiting for next year is just too long."

"No need. I've asked her, and Professor McGonagall said I can't go without a signature from a guardian because that's the rule." Harry lowered his head.

"Harry, don't worry. Tomorrow you need to bring your invisibility cloak and wait at the statue on the fourth floor. I will find a way for you to go to Hogsmeade." Jerry recovered from his thoughts and smiled.

He knew that Sirius wouldn't hurt Harry, so Harry had no problem going to Hogsmeade.

Children and adults are different. For an adult wizards, they wouldn't feel like going to Hogsmeade. But for a young wizard who has never been to Hogsmeade and has been looking forward to going, it's something that they yearn for. It would be too pitiful if all the students went there and Harry was left alone in the castle.

Hence why he wanted to help Harry by sneaking into Hogsmeade.

Just a while ago, he had traded the Marauder's map from the Wesley twins with various prank magic props he bought from Greece. The Wesley twins had memorized all the exits at Hogwarts, and with their current magical abilities, they could easily evade Filch.

So the map was basically useless for them, and Jerry was willing to trade them for a new prank magic item they'd never seen before. Of course, they would agree since Jerry gave them the catnip to deal with Mrs. Norris.

As for Jerry, of course, he has his own purpose in having the map. At least tomorrow, when Sirius enters the castle tomorrow, he needs to know where he will be at that time.

"That's a bad idea." Hermione looked hesitant.

There are many similarities between Hermione and Professor McGonagall. They are both adventurous in their bones, but on the surface, they are very disciplined people. When Hermione heard that Jerry was going to take Harry to Hogsmeade by going against the rules, her first reaction was that it was wrong.

"It's okay, even if you really meet Sirius. As long as you don't leave me, I have the confidence to protect you safely. Moreover, sometimes we have to be more rebellious a bit. Life's not fun if you keep on following the rules, isn't it?" Jerry winked at the three.

At this time, Hermione, Harry, and Ron suddenly remembered that although Jerry was only in the third year like them. But Jerry was superior to them. With his own power, he managed to take down more than a dozen Dementors and defeated fifteen Aurors at the same time.

In terms of actual combat power, Sirius definitely has nothing to Jerry.

"Jerry, do you really have a way to sneak Harry to Hogsmeade?" Ron was confused.

Jerry answered, "You'll find out later!"


The next morning.

Under the supervision of Filch. Jerry, Hermione, and the others waved goodbye to Harry sitting on the stairs and followed the group towards Hogsmeade.

After everyone disappeared, Harry hurried back to the Gryffindor dormitory on the eighth floor, picked up the invisibility cloak hidden under the bed, and went straight to the fourth floor.

Jerry, Hermione, and Ron after arriving in Hogsmeade Village. They quietly left and went to the Honeydukes shop specializing in candy.

"Why are we here?" Standing in front of the store, Hermione asked in a low voice.

Jerry heard the words and smiled, "Because there is a secret passage leading to the fourth floor of Hogwarts Castle in this shop. Wait here for a while. I will go through the secret passage and take Harry over."

"How did you know?" Ron looked surprised.

"From your brothers, of course."

Jerry got up and walked towards the Honeyduke store.

"They never told me there was a secret passage to Hogsmeade." Looking at Jerry's back, Ron's mouth twitched.

Hermione added after hearing Ron's complaint, "Neither did they tell you that the Sorting Hat was a Sorting Hat, not 'a test that would hurt us a lot'!"

When she entered the school that year, she would not have been so nervous if she hadn't heard Ron's words. Ron remembered the pranks his two brothers had done to him from childhood until now and suddenly felt that the incident just now really didn't seem to be a big deal.

It was nothing compared to turning his favorite teddy bear into a giant spider, nearly making him an unbreakable vow at age five, and feeding him sour bubblegum.

The most likely thing that would happen is that they would never tell him that there's a secret passage to Hogsmeade, but a secret passage to the Forbidden Forest and the nest of an Acromantula.

"Someone's coming!" In less than twenty minutes, Hermione suddenly pointed to the door of the store with a surprised voice.

Jerry was walking towards them from the door and waved at them. Although there was no one beside Jerry, Hermione was keenly aware of the shallow footprints on the ground next to him.

She knew that it was Harry who was using the invisibility cloak.

Chapters will be updated daily at 22:30 GMT+7!

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