
Marvel's God of wrath

The true personification of wrath is has arrived. This is more for fun.

Thomas_Hodge · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

The Scy'ar tal

' It's been a few months since the death of corsair. Alex, I'm impressed he's been able to handle the stress of being captain. But he's slipping.'

Asura thought.

" Are we ready?"

Alex asked.

" As ready as we'll ever be."

Asura said bluntly.

" Where did that fire of yours go?"

Korvus asked.

" It died when I discovered how much of a coward Vulcan was. The way everyone described him, I was expecting a battle-hardened veteran, not a pitiful man child."

Asura said solemnly

" Are you alright?"

Rachel asked, putting her hand on the man's arm

" I will be when this is all over."

Asura said.

" It will asura. It will."

Alex said.

" Everyone ready?"

Alex asked again. After getting a nod from everyone.

" Alright! Let's go!"

Alex said as.

" Starjammers take them down!"

Alex yelled as the starjammers boarded the vessel.

" Kill them!"

One of the guards shouted.

Alex summers! Also known as havok.

" Remember we need the captain alive!"

Lorna Dane! Also known as Polaris.

" I'm pretty sure he was talking to you two Rachel. I stopped being crazy months ago."

Lorna said to asura and Rachel


One of the guards yelled as Rachel tore him apart.

Rachel Grey! Also known as marvel girl.

" I'll do my best. No promises."

Asura! Real name unknown.

" I don't take orders from the big brother I'm not taking them for the little brother."

Asura said to Alex.

" You x-men talk too much in battle."

Korvus said.

" Well, these guys aren't that much of a concern."

Asura said as the x-men took down the Shi'ar warriors.

" No! Do not let them take the ship. Activate self-"

The captain said trying to start the self-destruct sequence.

" Ah, Ah, Ah. Ye may wish to think about that lad."

" The bridge is secure. Open the channel."

Alex said

" Taking my ship will get you nowhere! There are eleven more warbirds guarding the supply line, and your one ship can't stand against them."

The captain said

" You are correct captain. But the Starjammer is not alone."

General ka'ardum said.

" By the stars. General Ka'ardum! Empress! You live."

The captain said

" Now, captain. Let's discuss you and your regiment joining the resistance."

Alex said.

" I still don't get why you won't just let me go after them alone. I can handle them."

Asura said.

" Because we don't need you guys wrecking the planet and killing all those people."

Alex said.

" I mean no offense, and I can't stress this enough Lady Lilandra. Millions will die before this is over Alex, You can't save everyone, especially not in war. The moment you accepted your fathers place your duty became to achieve victory. I can understand keeping the body count low, but That went out the window when Vulcan took over. The sooner I take him down, the sooner we end this."

Asura said.

" I won't have you endangering my people!"

Lilandra said.

" We won't lady Lilandra. We aren't going into this without amassing a stronger fighting force."

Alex said.

" Fine, we'll do this your way."

Asura said before walking away.

As he walked away, he noticed that something was wrong with Rachel.

" Hey? What's wrong pretty bird?"

Asura asked as he held the woman.

" It's nothing. I'm alright."

Rachel said, looking away from the man.

' She doesn't want to talk about it. I probably shouldn't press it then.'

Asura thought as he wrapped his arms around the woman's waist.

" It's okay. We'll talk about it when you're ready. Until then know I'm here for you."

Asura said, while holding the woman close to him.

" Thank you."

Rachel said returning the gesture.

" Let me know how this goes. I don't really care for alex's tactics."

Asura said.

" I will. I'll see you back in our room."

Rachel said.

" Yeah, don't make me wait to long."

Asura said before kissing the woman.

" I won't."

Rachel said before asura left the enemy ship.

' I need to settle this Vulcan shit before hulk goes to earth. I've still got time, but the trip back is going to be a pain in the ass. Maybe I can appropriate one of these ships to get back faster.'

Asura thought as he made his way to his room.

' Alex is too caught up with killing his brother himself he doesn't realize that he's harming himself. Vulcan maybe a crazy child, but he's smart. Smarter than the others give him credit for. And gladiator, he's forced to serve the emperor, whoever it may be. Does he deserve to die because of the constant failure of the Shi'ar leaders?'

Asura wondered.

' I can't say for now. All I can do is wait until hell breaks loose before I can see what decision was the right one.'

Asura thought before taking a nap.

Sometime later. Asura hears the door to their room opening as Rachel made her way back. The woman's eyes were reddened as if she had been crying.

" Oh, sorry I didn't mean to wake you."

Rachel said as she got undressed.

" Whoa, hey, hey come here."

Asura said as he pulled the woman into bed with him. Resting the woman on his lap as she laid her head against his chest.

" What's wrong pretty bird? Why the tears?"

Asura asked.

' I don't want to talk about it. Can we just sit here please?"

Rachel asked.

" Of course. We'll take as much time as you need."

Asura said as he held the woman.

after thirty minutes Rachel had calmed down enough for the two to join the others in their party.

" We don't have to be here. We can go back to bed if you want."

Asura said

" it's okay, I need something to help me take my mind off things."

Rachel said as she downed her bottle of beer.

" Okay."

Asura replied.

" Hey guys!"

Lorna called out.

" Lorna you aren't with Alex? I figured you two were inseparable at this point."

Asura joked

" Right, like you got a nerve."

Lorna said back to the man.

" Good point."

Asura laughed.

" Man, I could go for a cheeseburger. And sweatpants. I miss my sweatpants."

Rachel said

" Hahahaha!"

Asura laughed.

" What's so funny?"

Rachel asked.

" Sorry, just after spending so much time out here I can't imagine you in sweatpants."

Asura said.

" Speaking of time. How long have we been out here? Forever."

Rachel asked.

" Logn enough I'll tell you that."

Asura said.

" Alex told me that he can't beat Vulcan. he tried and failed, and his father died for it. That's what Alex thinks. I think I'm going to have to beat Alex up."

Lorna said.

" He's right, he can't beat Vulcan. that's his problem He wants to be the one to defeat him and as long as he thinks like that he never will."

Asura said bluntly.

" I swear you sound like logan."

Lorna said.

" Well, his daughter, or sister is one of my girlfriends, so I guess he rubbed off on her and she rubbed off on me."

Asura said.

" That makes way too much sense."

Lorna said

" What about you Rachel? Are you ok?"

Lorna asked.

Rachel went to say something but side eyed asura.

' I see.'

Asura said realizing why the woman was hesitant.

Asura turned the woman's face towards his and kissed her. After a few minutes he broke the kiss.

" I love you pretty bird. I'll give you ladies sometime alone. I'm heading back to our room."

Asura said before leaving the two women.

" He's so sweet on you Rachel."

Lorna said.

" Yeah, he really is."

Rachel said while she watched the man leave.

" Hard to believe he and that guy from earlier are the same person."

Lorna joked.

" So, what is it you didn't want him to know?"

Lorna asked seriously

" Did you know there's a secret order within the shi'ar empire? Well, there is. They're the ones who ordered my family killed."

Rachels said.

" Oh Rachel."

Lorna replied feeling sorrow for the girl.

" So, when we take down Vulcan, I'm going to find the secret order and I'm going to make them pay."

Rachel said as her phoenix powers activated.

Later Rachel went up to her room to join asura in bed.

" Mmm, What's the matter love? are you not going to touch me tonight?"

Rachel asked as she slithered into bed.

" Rachel. I want to ask you a question."

Asura said bluntly.

" What is it dear?"

Rachel asked with a playful grin.

" Do you want me on top tonight?"

Rachel said as she straddled the man's hips. Rubbing her pussy along the man's penis.

Asura grabbed the woman by her hips forcing her to stop.

" What's the matter?"

Rachel asked the playful grin now replaced with concern.

" Do you trust me?"

Asura asked.

" What do you mean?"

Rachel asked as she removed herself from on top of the man.

" Do you trust me? Plain and simple do you have faith in me?"

Asura asked

' Is this about earlier?'

Rachel wondered before answering.

" Of course, I do."

Rachel answered

" Do you trust me?"

Rachel asked in return.

Asura stared at the woman for a few seconds before smiling.

" Of course, I do."

Asura stated as he pulled the woman as close to him as he could.

" Can we forget about sex tonight? I want to stay like this.'

Asura asked.

" Of course."

Rachel answered back.

" I have been avoiding you, haven't I? I'm sorry."

Rachel said

" it's okay. I trust that when the time is right, you'll come to me. For now, I just want to spend as much time as I can holding you, before we have to go into another battle."

Asura spoke.

" Of course, dear. And thank you."

Rachel said as she snuggled into the man's chest.

The next star day.

" We'll be reaching feather's edge soon. So, get ready everyone."

Alex's voice rang through the intercom.

" Rachel, be careful out there. Do you hear me? I've got a bad feeling we're walking right into a trap."

Asura said.

" Aren't you being too paranoid? What's the worst that could happen?"

Rachel asked.

" I could lose you."

Asura said bluntly.

" And that frightens me. I've been able to control my anger much better ever since I arrived at Xavier's, but that doesn't mean it's not there. Just be careful, if things look dicey you get the others and you all get the hell out of there you hear me?"

Asura said sternly.

" Yes, I hear you."

Rachel said before kissing the man.

" I love you, Rachel."

" I love you too asura."

The two said affirming their love for one another with one last kiss.

" Now let's go kick my uncle's ass."

Rachel said.

" Hopefully he will be here."

Asura said.

With that last statement the two made their way to the bridge with the others.

" They haven't detected us. Good work polaris."

Alex said.

" Just hurry please."

Lorna said as she struggled to conceal the ship.

" Ch'od are we ready?"

Alex asked the green lizard man.

" Corsair used to sing a song to lead us into battle."

Ch'od said

" Seriously?"

Alex asked.

" No."

Ch'od joked.

" Let's do this."

Alex said as the attack began. The starjammers launched multiple missile strikes against the station. But they all exploded before contact.

" That's not good."

asura said as he squeezed rachel's hand.

" Ch'od report!"

Alex yelled

" Incoming captain. The energy signature. The shi'ar are here. Lots of them."

Ch'od said

" Rachel link us up. I'm going in."

Asura said.

' It's done. Asura be careful.'

Rachel said through their link.

Asura sensing the woman's doubts pulled her close and kissed her.

' I promise.'

Asura said.

" Open the airlock!"

Asura said as he ran across the bridge.

" He's here. Vulcan is here!"

Rachel said.

' Good! I'm ending this today!'

Asura thought.

" My empire's spies are good. Kill the X-men. Kill Ka'ardum. Kill Lilandra and the others will fall in line."

Vulcan said

" Or should we kill them all? Tell me gladiator. You said before that the Shi'ar who defected had no honor. Would you kill them all?"

Vulcan asked.

" I serve emperor. It is not my place to decide."

Gladiator said.

" And when you took my eye, was that service? Or was that your decision?'

Vulcan asked

" In any case it looks like your sparring partner is here. Go handle him. What the?"

Vulcan asked before the ship he was on blew up.

" What the hell was that?"

Asura asked

' Who are these guys Rachel?'

Asura asked

' They call themselves Scy'ar tal.'

Rachel said back

' Pretty bird, english please.'

Asura asked

' Death to the Shi'ar hon.'

Rachel said.

' Damn. Why do I get the feeling they won't stop with Vulcan?'

Asura asked.

' For now it's best not to engage. Let's wait and see what happens.'

Rachel said.

' Okay, I'm on standby.'

Asura said back.

' But I know as well as you do that blast didn't kill Vulcan and Gladiator.'

Asura said to the woman and sure enough a few seconds later Vulcan and Gladiator both emerged from the smoke.

" Asura do not engage them!"

Alex radioed.

' Rachel link us!'

Asura said to the woman.

' It's done.'

Rachel said.

' Alex, have you lost your mind! What do you mean don't engage?'

Asura asked.

' Let's wait this out and see what happens.'

Alex said.

' And if they escape? Then what?'

Asura asked

' Then we fight again another day. We have to play this smart if these people are our enemies, then it's best to let them destroy each other first.'

Alex said

' Well thought out Alex. Fine I'll sit this one out for now.'

Asura said before relenting his pursuit of the two men.

' Whoa whoever's on that ship just tossed gladiator aside like nothing. Now that's some strength.'

Asura said.

' See they're fighting each other. Let's wait this out.'

Alex said.

' That is a good idea, but what happens if I can't beat him. Our chances would have been much better if gladiator and I fought him together. I pray for our sake He's not stronger than I am.'

Asura said.

' Rachel try to link us up with their commander.'

Alex said.

' Alex are you sure that's a good idea?'

Asura asked

' I got it, don't worry.'

Rachel said

" But it matters not. All that matters is the end of the Shi'ar. The end of all things"

The eldest said.

" Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

Rachel said

" Who speaks? I see you in my mind?"

The eldest asked

" Astral projection, sorry for the intrusions."

Rachel said as she, asura, and Alex appeared on the enemy ship.

" My name is Havok, this is marvel girl, and Asura. We're the Starjammers. And we would ask that you pause and speak with us."

Alex said.

" We're wasting our time here Alex."

Asura said.

" Quiet asura."

Alex said

" Tell me to be quiet again and I'll beat you black and blue boy."

Asura threatened.

" Asura, love calm down."

Rachel said.

" Fine!"

Asura relented.

" We represent the resistance to the Shi'ar empire."

Alex said

" More not Shi'ar. You are like him. The pretend Emperor. Will you choose death as well? Will the finality take you, too?"

The eldest asked.

" How about i snap your neck?"

Asura asked.

" Asura!"

Alex yelled

" Thos guy ain't buying your peaceful bullshit Alex."

Asura said.

" Whatever problem you have with the Shi'ar, we can come to a peaceful solution. There's no need for this. The shi'ar's true leader is Lilandra Nermani. She's ready to take back control of the empire from the man you faced, Vulcan. My brother.

' This guy isn't buying a single word he's saying this is pointless. The longer we wait the more time they have to prepare. Which means the more we lose.'

Asura thought.

" What? Your brother? You lie! This...This makes no sense. You would see your brother fail? You would fight against your own blood?"

The eldest asked

" My brother is...The situation, it's complicated."

Alex said

" Nothing is less complicated than brotherhood. For if you cannot stand with you brothers, then you will die alone. You are within my mind. Your power, we know it. See truth phoenix."

The eldest said as he pierced Rachels eye with his finger.


Rachel screamed in pain as the memories of what happened to the Scy'ar tal flooded her brain.


Asura said before rocketing off towards the eldest ship.

" Mhmm."

Rachel moaned as she regained consciousness.

" Good you two are awake. Vulcan, Gladiator, and Asura have begun their counterattack against the enemy forces."

Ch'od said as Gladiator and Asura ripped one of their ships in half with their bare hands before moving on to another one.

" And we are most likely going to die now."

Ch'od said as the group watched the battle.

" The Shi'ar caused this."

Rachel said

" Rachel, you need to rest."

Lorna said.

" I saw it in his mind...They don't have names; they call him the eldest. The Shi'ar nearly wiped out their entire civilization, drove them from their homes. They're coming to take it back."

Rachel said sadly.

" Asura was right Alex he's going to try and kill us all."

Rachel said

" So, there's a simple solution The Scy'ar tal help us kill Vulcan Lilandra gives them their land back. Win-win."

Alex said.

" Scy'ar tal isn't their original name. They've spent the last thousand years changing their culture, changing themselves to fight the Shi'ar. Their races real names are the M'kraan. The planet they want, the thing they worshipped...They've come to take back the M'kraan crystal."

Rachel said.

" The Scy'ar tal command ship has fired a... Strange. It has the look of a Missile, but it isn't registering a weapon. It's transmitting a homing beacon.

The jammer said

" Will finality take you too? Oh god. Shoot it down! SHOOT IT DOWN NOW!"

Rachel yelled


Rachel yelled.

' On it love.'

Asura said as he rushed off to stop the Missile.

Asura landed in front of it and stopped it from hitting the planet, however the second he touched it a star appeared in front of him. Approaching him and the planet behind him rapidly.




Rachel yelled


Alex yelled before the ship made the jump.


Aura yelled as he spread his six arms, welcoming the coming star with an open embrace.


Asura yelled as he caught the massive star.

The star pushed him backwards towards the planet. The burning sensation of entering the planet's atmosphere began to spread Across Asura's skin.


Asura yelled.


Asura yelled as he pushed against the planet. Slowing its pace towards the planet until it finally stopped.

" Whoa, I knew I could do it but still. That was something."

Asura said as he stared at the star in front of him.

" Guess I should get rid of this."

Asura said before punching the star and destroying it completely.

" Now, where did the others go?" They left me! That's fucked up!"

Asura said as he flew off through space.

' Rachel can you hear me?'

Asura asked.

' Oh, thank god you're ok!'

Rachel said through their link.

' You guys left me?! Seriously!'

Asura asked.

' We didn't have a choice we couldn't have survived that blast.'

Alex said.

' Oh, Okay I know who I'm punching in the face when I get back.'

Asura said.

' Rachel I don't want to hear him, cut our link.'

Asura said.

' It's done. Are you okay?'

Rachel asked.

' Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little pissed off about having a star dropped in my face.'

Asura said.

' Yeah, you had me worried there. Hurry back you missed a lot of information.'

Rachel said.

' Oh, how bad could it be?'

Asura asked.


Asura said pointing to the Shi'ar Lilandra and ka'ardum

" We told you that was our home. We never invaded."

Lilandra argued.


Asura yelled.

" Why are you upset about them not killing them all?"

Alex asked.


Asura argued.

" I wouldn't mind helping you with that!"

Vulcan said as he and the imperial guard appeared on the starjammers ship.

" Hey Alex, Time out!"

Vulcan called for a cease fire.

" Oh. I am not in the mood for this shit!"

Asura said while glaring at the group.
