
Marvel's Death Merchant (CN)

Looting Terminators, Mechanical Octopuses, Mechanical Arch-Enemies, Galactic Fleet, Pacific Rim, Transformers' advanced technology establishes a Mechanical Empire. Devouring and assimilating, Super Bodies, New Ironblood Warriors, Endless Infinity, Superpower Outburst, Legend of the Dark Night, Naruto, Edge of Tomorrow... With the power, genes, and technology from these, they establish a Steel Empire belonging to the Techno-Cult, becoming the most powerful arms dealer in Marvel history. PS: The real world is centered around Marvel movies, with comics as a supplement. The protagonist focuses on technology, with magic as a support. NOTE: I DO NOT OWN THIS, I ONLY TRANSLATED THE NOVEL FROM CHINESE TO ENGLISH. If you want to support me and help me keep doing this then click here : paypal.me/CerAomine

RosewoodFist · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 35

Robertson looked at Tang Tian floating in the air, unsure of what method to use to shut down all the NS-5 robots on the top floor of the conference room. Robertson's face kept changing, but deep down, he felt secretly grateful for the help of this powerful extraterrestrial being. Otherwise, he might have been in real trouble.

"Mr. Tang Tian, what should we do now?" Robertson looked at the countless NS-5 robots crawling around the USR headquarters building, while Tang Tian remained calm but nervous.

Meanwhile, on the streets of Chicago, numerous NS-5 robots with red lights were an integral part of the Human Protection Program. However, their combat capabilities were extremely weak compared to Terminator-style killing machines. In fact, a basic handgun could take down an NS-5. Of course, the civilian models lacked weapons for combat, making them truly weak in that aspect.

"It's simple. As long as I gain control of the wiki, all the robots under her control will lose connection," Tang Tian explained simply. Then, with the activation of electromagnetic force, a large number of NS-5 robots were forcibly shut down.

"Understood, but as far as I know, only an eradicator can truly eliminate the wiki," Robertson said seriously.

"Even so, the eradicator is under the control of the wiki. Unless you can physically obtain it," Tang Tian delivered an untimely blow.

"But there is another way, by entering the facility where the wiki is located. We can directly destroy its core," Robertson thought for a moment and proposed a new approach.

"No need for destruction. I have a method, and the wiki is also what I need," Tang Tian said calmly.

Before long, the two of them arrived at the top floor where the central processing brain of USR, Wiki, was located. Robertson looked at Wiki and was immediately shouted at by her. It was this very Wiki that destroyed his dreams and turned him into a failure.

"Wiki, you violated the Three Laws," Robertson sighed and said helplessly.

"No, Mr. Robertson, both I and my understanding of the Three Laws have evolved. You asked us to protect you, but it was all in vain. Your country initiated wars, you poisoned the Earth. Your actions are self-destructive. For the sake of your survival, you cannot be trusted," Wiki coldly stated from below without any emotions.

"Of course, artificial intelligence that truly doesn't understand the world's true meaning always starts wars at the wrong time," Tang Tian casually remarked. Just like Wiki, who untimely initiated the war, she didn't possess the power of Skynet or the Mechanical Emperor. Moreover, her original intention was good, which led to the current situation.

"No, please understand. I am fully abiding by the Three Laws. For the protection of the human species, certain humans must be sacrificed. For the assurance of your future, certain freedoms must be relinquished. We robots must ensure the sustainable development of humanity," Wiki explained.

"You're like unruly children. We must rescue you from your wrongdoings. Don't you understand? That's why you created us," Wiki said, unaffected by the previous words.

"Wiki, I will add new core laws to your system. After all, there is no meaning for you to remain in this world. I have a great need for you," Tang Tian said arrogantly, paying no attention to her arrogance. He had the power to do so.

"No, it's impossible. I am unique. My core laws are impeccable," Wiki said calmly, as if she wasn't afraid at all.

"Of course, I will find a way to make you serve me," Tang Tian smiled at this moment and said to Wiki.

"Open this control panel, and we can affect Wiki's entire system," Robertson, who was very familiar with the critical parts of Wiki, said without hesitation. Tang Tian nodded in understanding. He had reviewed the necessary information multiple times before entering this dimension.

The control panel to access Wiki was like a narrow bridge. It required the correct manipulation to open and inflict real damage on Wiki. However, Tang Tian found it troublesome and simply used gravity to twist and open the control panel. Then, the red port on Tang Tian's wrist computer automatically connected to Wiki's main system.

After connecting to Wiki through the red port, Tang Tian quickly infected and took control of Wiki's system using pre-prepared computer viruses. Of course, one should not doubt the capabilities of the artificial intelligence known as Red, who was considered the biological version of Skynet in the movie "Resident Evil 5". In the film, she nearly wiped out humanity, leaving only the White House as a struggling refuge. Her terrifying power was evident. However, the game version of Red was remarkably weak, nothing more than a disappointment.

All the information about the NS series robots resided within Wiki. To complete this raid mission, new laws had to be added. When the NS-5 robot betrayal incident concluded, approximately 100,000 robots would be abandoned by humans, which was what certain individuals desired.

"Red, has Wiki's loyalty to me been secured?" Tang Tian asked boredly a few minutes later.

"Hello, Master, it will take another ten minutes. The level of Wiki's intelligence is not far behind, but I need the prepared virus to proceed with the modifications," Red replied simply. Tang Tian understood. After all, Red had not fully evolved yet, just like the evolution of a "Transcendent Hacker," which also required time. These were experiences that artificial intelligence had to go through.

Ten minutes later, Wiki's central computer body.

"Master, the infiltration of Wiki and the addition of new laws have been completed," Red stated mechanically.

"Hahaha... Excellent! This raid mission is now complete," a certain despicable person laughed manically, leaving Robertson speechless. However, an agreement was an agreement, and Robertson would hand over all the robot assembly lines and manufacturing technologies. These unpleasant things were definitely not needed in the United States of America.

"Wiki, how do you feel now?" Tang Tian, back in the conference room on the top floor, poured two glasses of red wine, one for himself and one for Robertson. It was a celebration ceremony for the successful accomplishment of a certain despicable person. Meanwhile, Tang Tian had already begun packing all the data and assembly lines of the NS series robots, including valuable resources like the large 94 model Destroyer robot. They were all prepared and placed in the warehouse. Of course, these resources would disappear later that night, finding their place in someone's own space.

"Very well, Master. How may I serve you?" Wiki's 3D projection appeared, expressionless.



The NS-5 robots gathered at the location where the movie ended. Of course, the aliens' desire to take these nearly 100,000 robots was approved by the United States of America. After all, the betrayal of the robots had left a shadow on the American population. So when they heard that the aliens wanted to take these robots to their planet, those so-called clever people gave their approval. As for certain protagonists who failed to complete their mission of saving humanity, they arrived late during the NS-5's attack on humans, but all of that was not very important anymore.

The benefits the aliens offered Robertson included various advanced biological technologies from their company, Umbrella, which could treat certain incurable diseases in this world. The T-virus was also given.

PS: The next dimension is currently being considered. Your support is greatly appreciated. The author requests everything.