
Marvel's Death Merchant (CN)

Looting Terminators, Mechanical Octopuses, Mechanical Arch-Enemies, Galactic Fleet, Pacific Rim, Transformers' advanced technology establishes a Mechanical Empire. Devouring and assimilating, Super Bodies, New Ironblood Warriors, Endless Infinity, Superpower Outburst, Legend of the Dark Night, Naruto, Edge of Tomorrow... With the power, genes, and technology from these, they establish a Steel Empire belonging to the Techno-Cult, becoming the most powerful arms dealer in Marvel history. PS: The real world is centered around Marvel movies, with comics as a supplement. The protagonist focuses on technology, with magic as a support. NOTE: I DO NOT OWN THIS, I ONLY TRANSLATED THE NOVEL FROM CHINESE TO ENGLISH. If you want to support me and help me keep doing this then click here : paypal.me/CerAomine

RosewoodFist · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 26

After Tang Xing prepared all the supplies, Tang Tian couldn't wait to activate his time-travel ability. At the same time, a spatial distortion occurred in the space of the "Mechanical Enemy" dimension in outer space. A massive spaceship, approximately one kilometer long and weighing millions of tons, emerged from a spatial crack and landed in the predetermined orbit of a satellite, and shortly after, it descended directly onto the moon.

"We've finally arrived in the 'Mechanical Enemy' dimension. It's time to make a big move," exclaimed Tang Tian excitedly in the command center of the medium-sized spaceship called "War God." Countless soldiers, enhanced with the emotionless expression of the new T-virus serum, stood in formation, eagerly awaiting orders. There was no need to mention who created them.

The power system of the "War God" spaceship was equipped with nuclear reactors from the Planet of the Apes and the Deep Space Amnesia dimension. Speaking of the power reactor, it truly left someone speechless. The spaceships obtained from the two previous dimensions turned out to have only nuclear reactors, despite one of them being from an advanced energy civilization. However, the power output of the "War God" was still impressive. Although it could only achieve the third universal speed, it was quite remarkable.

"Red Queen, wake up. You have a mission to accomplish," said Tang Tian after his excitement subsided, directly prompting the awakening of the spaceship's AI, the Red Queen. The Red Queen's artificial intelligence served as the operating system and intelligent core of the spaceship.

"Initialization initiated, 30%... 100%. Initialization complete. Welcome, I am here to serve you, Master," said a mechanical projection of a young girl that appeared on the projector of the "Red Queen" spaceship.

"Red Queen, begin by quickly blocking all the satellites in their orbits at the fastest speed and gather all information on the United States of America and the USR Corporation." In the dimness of space, Tang Tian issued commands to the intelligent core of the spaceship, preparing for the next step of the plan.

"As you wish, Master! Initiating the search and connection to American network information... Simultaneously, commencing satellite blocking," said the mechanized Red Queen. The idea of coming to this world was indeed correct.

Firstly, the Mechanical Enemy still relied on firearms as their primary weapons, and interstellar technology had not yet matured. When Tang Tian learned about the plot, he didn't find any mention of spaceships, and apart from the "Wiki" and NS robots, there weren't any distinct features in that world. Basically, there were only NS robots and artificial intelligence as the unique elements. Therefore, it was the right choice to sell the T-virus and bioweapons in this dimension where biotechnology was underdeveloped.

"First, dispatch a small space cruiser to this planet and prepare for my arrival," commanded Tang Tian, taking a puff of his Cuban cigar. Instantly, four small space cruisers from the Planet of the Apes were released from the War God spaceship.

They flew towards Earth from all directions, which was relatively straightforward this time. Tang Tian couldn't leave as easily as before, and this world had a legitimate government in place, making it troublesome to conquer. After all, the existence of nuclear weapons was a significant deterrent.

The main cannons of the War God spaceship consisted of five large-scale laser cannons and six large-scale electromagnetic railguns designed by Dr. Zola. They were specifically designed for armored groups and fortified structures. The secondary cannons were ten large-scale electromagnetic pulse cannons, targeting electronic mechanical devices. Additionally, the spaceship carried 20,000 tactical nuclear weapons weighing 1,000 tons each, serving as effective tactical deterrents.

In addition, the ship's interior housed 500 small space cruisers, which resembled the appearance of the spacecraft piloted by Leo from the Planet of the Apes. The energy source of the spaceship consisted of ten large-scale fusion reactors.

Other attacking forces included a large number of discarded biochemical weapons, such as the Tracers from the movie version, Devourers, and the game version's Tyrant T-O02. Of course, these were all prepared for sale or disposal. There was also a considerable force of troops enhanced with upgraded versions of the Super Soldier Serum. Biochemical weapon upgrades were progressing rapidly, and the Tyrants had reached the T-103 generation, capable of evolving into a terrifying attack and defense-integrated form of psychic power in their third form. Furthermore, the third-generation mutant Tyrants with enhanced human genes, such as the Black Emperor Tyrant and the Magnetic Storm Tyrant, as well as the Wolverine Tyrant and Silver Samurai Tyrant created through the accidental real-world clones, were all in full production. These were Tang Tian's new trump cards, and gathering these genes was no easy task.

"The connection to the American network is complete, satellite blocking is complete, information collection is complete," echoed the mechanical voice of the Red Queen, reporting the accomplished tasks.

"Very well, then I want to know if the USR Corporation's NS-5 robots in Chicago are about to go online, and if there are any anomalies in the artificial intelligence Wiki data," Tang Tian calmly inquired. In fact, by asking these questions, he wanted to assess if the plot had started and make more comprehensive preparations.

"Yes, Master. Based on the information obtained, the NS-5 robots are scheduled to be launched in one month, and through my special testing attack on Wiki, I discovered that it has completely bypassed the 'Three Laws of Robotics' limitations," the Red Queen answered straightforwardly.

"Good. Connect me to the American network. It's time for me to contact the American government and play the role of an alien prophet," commanded Tang Tian.

"Understood, Master. Please select the alien image you desire: an alien artificial intelligence, an alien from Independence Day, an alien from Mars Attacks..., etc.," the mechanical Red Queen asked.

"Use the template of the tentacled alien from Independence Day," Tang Tian answered after thinking for a moment. Originally, he had planned to land directly on Earth, but upon further consideration, he decided to abandon the idea for now. Of course, when it came to negotiations, he could send a human representative. The American government wouldn't mind the difference in appearance; they would assume it was a clone of an alien.

"Understood, Master. The connection time is 30 seconds. The alien image in the style of Independence Day is ready, and the connection to the American network will begin."

Although the upgraded version of the Red Queen couldn't control all networks, controlling the American network alone was more than sufficient. It may be inferior to the Internet from the day before, but it was still a powerful artificial intelligence. Connecting and controlling the network was relatively simple for an AI, but controlling other highly encrypted networks would be impossible.

Soon, the Red Queen's disguised alien image appeared on all communication network channels in America. It was an alien image combining the features of an octopus and a human. Like most aliens, it possessed a large brain and pitch-black eyes, with numerous slender tentacles waving around its body. This image undeniably represented an extraterrestrial being, and anyone who laid eyes on it would think so.

The appearance of the alien had an expected result: countless people were astounded. Although the robotic technology on Earth in this dimension was highly advanced, the arrival of an extraterrestrial visitor still caused a sensation among humans. Tang Tian was highly satisfied with his creation. The next step was to proceed with the transaction with the American government. Additionally, he needed a substantial amount of metal and nuclear materials, as well as a suitable role as a prophet to instill awe in the Earth's government. This was necessary to continue the collaboration.


PS: To all readers, please give your support with upvotes, bookmarks, and recommendations. The Mechanical Enemy will not disappoint you. By the way, this book is not about the clone genre, so please rest assured. Most of the clones will be destroyed after a period of time.