
Avengers vs The X-Men part 2

Atom, Rachel, Kyle, Storm, nemesis, and Amara took their mission to Wakanda and there they meet and engaged the team the Avengers sent in the force of Black Panther, Quicksilver, Iron fist and black widow.

" Give it up speedy, you can't outrun my mind."

Rachel said to quicksilver as she mind blasted him dropping him to the ground.

" You should probably give up, Panther. You guys are outnumbered and very clearly outmatched."

Atom said to the man as he and storm tag teamed the man with nuclear energy and lightning.

" Argh!"

T'Challa grunted in pain.

" I don't think she's here."

Kyle exclaimed.

' She's not. But we do know where. Everyone get ready to be teleported out.'

Emma said to the men and women telepathically.

The group of X-Men all retreated from their fights and grouped together. Magik appeared behind them and with a wave of her sword the groups from all over the world began teleporting away from their fights.

" What's going on? Where are they?"

Atom asked as the groups gathered together.

" She's on the moon."

Scott said to the man

" Atom, Colossus, Rayner, Namor, Emma you're all with me. Let's go!"

Scott said to the men and women picking out his powerhouses to accompany him.

Those whose names were called stood together and with a wave of Magiks sword they were teleported to the moon. The team arrived to see Logan and the Avengers.

Scott opened fire and blasted Logan away from the girl.

" Avengers. Please step away from the girl."

Scott said to the group.

" Not gonna happen summers! Take your X-Men back home."

Steve ordered the man.

As the group was gearing up to fight once again, Nathan felt a familiar energy begin to seize his body. He grabbed Kyle's arm and forced the man to look at what he was.

" Everyone look out!"

Iron man yelled to the group as an object was approaching their location fast.

Slamming down into the moon, much to the avengers shock, was a defeated Thor.

" Oh no Thor!"

Hawkeye exclaimed.

" What did this to him?"

Ben asked.

" It's here."

Hope exclaimed.

The group turned to see the phoenix soaring above them.

Atom raised in the air in an attempt to drain the cosmic beast of its energy, and though he was able to absorb some of it. The beast quickly swatted him away.

" Okay, there goes my plan."

Atom stated as he got to his feet blood leaking from his mouth.

However, as he got up, he was hit in the head by Steve's shield.

This caused the rest of the X-men to attack the avengers.

Atom got to his feet once again and attacked Steve in an anger. However, before he could he was grabbed by Red Hulk.

" You haven't learned your lesson yet?"

Atom asked the man.

" Fine."

Atom said to the man as he punched him in the side of the head.

" We do this the hard way!"

Atom declared as he drilled Red Hulk into the ground, cratering the moon below him with force.

As the two teams battled Rachel sat off to the side gathering energy.

" Please stop."

Rachel whispered as the teams fought wanting nothing more than for them to end the violence.


Rachel yelled out this time. Her power erupted from her body and blasted the men and women away with ease. The only ones who held on were Atom and Kyle as Atom started absorbing the power of the small leftover radiation of the phoenix force and Kyle managed to create a shield strong enough to stave off most of the blast, however he was pushed back a great distance.

" Logan. Logan. I was wrong. I thought I could but I can't I can't it's too much, Logan. It's too much!"

Hope exclaimed in a panic as the power of the phoenix flowed through her.

Logan clawed, howled and crawled his way towards the girl.

" You have to kill me. You think you can do that for me, Logan? You promised."

Hope said to the man.

" Kid... I'll try."

Logan said to the girl as he lunged to kill her.

However, he was stopped by cyclops optic beam.

" NO!"

Cyclops yeleld to the man.

" Atom get her out of there!"

Cyclops yelled.

" I can;t the energy, so... Dense."

Atom complained as his body struggled to adjust to the new energy mixing inside of him.

' This goes beyond Quantum physics. Is this the power of cosmic?'

Atom asked himself as he collapsed to his knees.

Despite Hopes Pleas for help the X-Men and the Avengers are all too distracted fighting one another to care for the girl.

" Hey, Hope. Quite the mess we got ourselves in huh?"

Atom asked the girl as he looked over at her kneeling on the ground.

Hope turned to see the man talking to her in severe pain.

" Please Kill me."

Hope begged the man.

" I ain't doing that kid. I'm sorry. But I can talk you through this. As best as I can anyway."

Atom explained to the girl.

" What's there to talk about. A purifying star from across the stars has come... And now it's too late for us all."

Hope exclaimed as the phoenix loomed over her.

" No, hope it isn't. Because you're here. I know what it feels like to have so, much power that you're a danger to everyone around you. But even with all of that power. All that matters is what you want to do. If you want to destroy, then destroy. But if what you want is to rebuild what was lost then rebuild. Or if you simply wish to deny the phoenix then deny it. Be strong Hope. Believe in yourself and you'll succeed."

Atom said to the girl before collapsing to the ground in pain.

Hope sat and thought on what the man had said and completely blacked out from the battle for a bit.

" Cyclops... Scott... We don't have much time. You have to stop this. Step away from the girl, Scott. We have to get her out of here. Time to be a leader, son. Don't fall sway to all this madness."

Steve said to the man in hopes to end this once and for all.

" Madness? I'm trying to save my race. You're trying to snuff us all out. None of you understands this thing like I do. None of you knows this girl like me. This was all meant to happen. Hope and the phoenix are meant to be together. And you can't stop it."

Scott explained to the group as the mutants minus Atom and Kyle stood together.

However, as they waited for the phoenix to bond with Hope, Ironman used a device and shot it at the phoenix causing another explosion of energy.

" Avengers. Sit rep. Are we alive? Who's alive?"

Steve asked as he got off the ground, blood leaking from his mouth heavily.

" Wolverine. Wolverine? Are we... Are you.."

Steve was trying to ask but couldn't due to his injuries.

" The girl cap. Can't see. Where's the girl?"

Logan asked.

" You... guys... Have really fucked things up badly."

Atom exclaimed.

" What are you talking about?"

Logan asked the man.

" Look."

Atom gestured for Steve and Logan to look at what he was seeing.

" Cap... This is Stark. Did. Did I kill the phoenix? Because it looked amazing and..."

Tony was asking as he celebrated his potential victory.

" Tony. One sec."

Steve said to the man as he looked at what Atom saw.

Behind the man Stood Cyclops, Colossus, Namor, Emma frost, and Illyana all thriving with the phoenix force.

" The gift of the phoenix was meant for her, not us. You people did something... To it. And now she... Now we are phoenix."

Was the last thing Atom heard scott say before passing out.

" She needs our help. We will take her home. To heal her. To ready her."

Scott said to the others.

" We shall do its work while she is prepared for what comes next."

Namor exclaimed.

" This world can still be saved, be healed."

Emma declared.

" We have much work ahead of us."

Colossus stated apparently having regrown his hair.

" Time to evolve tomorrow itself. Beyond everything you've ever imagined."

Illyana exclaimed.

" The power this one stole. Gone for good."

Scott declared as he looked down at atom.

" Scott Stop! You're all talking like lunatics. And the young lady made her decision known. She stays with us. Pyrotechnics and scary voices don't change that."

Steve exclaimed as he and the avengers stood ready to fight.

" Hah. Captain America. We are more than you now. More than human. More than mutant. Our task is more than you can even conceive. As you cannot stop tomorrow, you cannot stop us. Do not even try."

Scott explained to the man before blasting the avengers away with ease.

Scott then grabbed Atom and Kyle and drug both men back to earth along with the others.