
Chapter 4 POWER

After getting the whole enrolment thing over and done with which took way less time than I was expecting but I guess that makes sense cuz if you have a bunch of newly rescued mutants you want to enrol them quickly to avoid time wasting.

"now that you have been fully enrolled I'll have one of the students come to give you the tour and show you to your room" Xavier said before looking off into space for less than a second 

while the professor was busy Dr McCoy turned to me "if it would be to much trouble please come to my lab I'd like to give you a full checkup to see how you abilities have affected your body and a general checkup" 

"yeah I'm good for that would want to learn later that my powers give me super cancer" I can see his smile twitch and I can't tell if it's from the joke or he's thinking about Deadpool

"yes you wouldn't want that but for now I must go back to my lab to set everything up have a good day Alex" after that he turned around and left 

facing Xavier again I asked "hey professor Xavier who's gonna give me the tour?" I wanted it to be someone I know of at least 

"ah that would be young Rogue a bright young lady with a power similar to yours if in a different expression" oh cool I wonder if this version also stole Ms Marvel's powers.

as the professor finished his sentence there was a gentle knock at the door "come in" the professor called 

"professor X you called" cool she has the white streak in her hair and everything 

"yes miss Rogue thank you for you timely arrival, this here is Alex a newly enrolled student and I'd like for you to give him a tour of the school and take him to Dr McCoy's lab when you are finished" 

"sure professor" after saying that she turned to me "alright you coming or not" she turned to leave and stated doing so

"Ight seems like it'd be fun and I wanna learn why the professor said we have similar powers" turning back to Xavier "see ya later professor" I ran after her to catch up

"So… nice to meet you my names Alex, Alex Mercer is Rogue your actual name or just the name your prefer" she turned to me slightly

"it's the name I prefer my actual name is Anna Marie but I'd rather you call me Rogue" wow I'm now realising I have no skill in talking cuz I got no idea what to say now 

after being shown a few things like the cafeteria and the courtyard I asked the probably dumbest question "so what's your power" I see her flinch just the tiniest bit but she covers it with a retort

"how bout you tell me yours first then I'll tell you mine" yeah kinda forgot some versions of Rogue are scared of their powers 

"well I got quite a few but the power that'll probably get the most attention is power absorption both temporary and permanent" she looks at me like I grew a second head "you have more than one power"

"yeah I got a shitton and I didn't even take any of them" now she's looking at me like I'm even weirder than before 

"ok" after a pause "well my power is also power absorption and I'm not aware if it's permanent or temporary but so far it appears to be the latter" aw no Ms Marvel muscle mommy Rogue 

After almost 20 minutes of silence because I don't know how to talk to people only broken up by Rogue explaining where we are on the tour we arrived at Hank's lab " well this is my stop so I'll see you later Rogue"

giving a quick salute I walked into the Beasts lab "yo Dr McCoy I'm here for the test you wanted" looking around I had a sudden thought 'I have absolutely zero clue on what any of this stuff is' I mean I've never been in a lab before so it's expected but still make me feel dumb

"ah Alex you here and just in time I've just got everything ready for you physical" after that it was a almost completely normal checkup with the exception of power testing and how swapping powers effects my body

"oh this is very interesting" oh that doesn't sound good "uh you gonna share with the class Dr McCoy" "ah my bad Alex I was just observing the results of how you different powers effect you body and I must say it's very fascinating" still sounds bad "how fascinating are we talking here doc" "well your body completely changes internally with every swap you perform. By that I mean your internal organs change according to the power you are using to best handle the ability"

"and that means what" he sighs "what I mean is if for instance you are using electricity you body changes to become a perfect conductor or in another example using neon your lungs become perfect filters making it possible for you to inhale neon gas without becoming incredibly sick" that probably the affect of making conduits have internal mutations 

"cool what about the other powers" I really wanted to know "well if you use concrete your body becomes immune to corrosives to handle the alkaline compounds found in concrete. If you are using paper you become made of paper with coloured paper making up your surface layer" he takes a deep breath

"using smoke is similar to neon making your lungs perfect filters. While video changes your body to become entirely made of pixels which makes you have no organs that I can find. And lastly your napalm which I highly recommend never using against another human or mutant changes you body to become resistant to heat and fire up to 2000 °C or 3632°F" cool well no that's actually very hot but my point stands 

"well is there anything else you wanted doc" he looks over at me for a second but turns back to his computer "no that is all I needed Alex you may go" hopping of the bed I leave the lab and go back to where Rogue said was my room