The 2nd day Magnus planed on doing the same. Wondering in the secret plane and peeking up any good things he find.
As usual before going he destroyed any traces of him living here. After then he started walking one the mountain road he quickly reached the foot a mountain. The secret plane has only one mountain range and it's quite big. It took a 1 hours before Magnus managed to reach the peak of that mountain.
From there he could see the entire secret plane along with the mountain range before him. This is but a small mountain but before him stands a colossal mountain that Magnus can't even see it's top.
This is probably the tallest mountain in this secret plane.
As Magnus started walking along the path. One mountain peak after another. He started to enjoy his journey as he quietly travel his way through the mountains.
After traveling for about half a day Magnus finally decided to rest for a while. All of a sudden he heard a sharp cry for help.
The sound is coming from below so he decided to look for the source. After climbing down a little he finally reached a small cave. The cave is very small and it's very hard for more than two people to stay. He looks inside the cave and saw someone who he didn't expect to see.
" me, please?" A voice that belong to someone he knew. Magnus went closer to him and just as he expected it was Ale. He is lying on the floor in a miserable state.
There are blood everywhere and from the looks he has been for a long time. Theres hole in his belly indicating that someone or something managed to penetrate him.
Magnus quickly took out a small water bottle from his ring and slowly helped Ale to drink them. Ale's condition is bad. And judging from his wound he won't survive. The only reason he managed to survive till was because he probably run away.
" I thought you guys will run. How could you suffer like this? What happened?" Magnus was curious of what actually happened.
"We were ambushed. After entering we quickly managed to group up except for you. And as planned we were doing our best to survive. But that Green haired boy and his crew managed to find us." Ale took a break and drank another sip of water before telling again, "At first we managed to survive but when the night came they found us again. This time there's that guy named Thomas was with them along witg another guy. They both managed take out every one of us. Only I and Shen managed to escape. But I attacked at the last second by that unknown guy." There's inly grif in his eyes. Ale never really thought that everything would be that easy but also he never really thought that they'd never stand a chance. He looked at Magnus after telling their demise. He looks at him with a profound but happy face.
"At least you are ok. Please Magnus survive till the end. Thomas is probably looking for you. But I urge you to survive. At least our death will have a meaning and we will be remembered through you."
Humans are a strange creature. That small moment of friendship that they shared managed to make someone do unthinkable. Magnus knew deep down he is not a good person. If he actively searched for them the moment he entered not only Thomas even a single hair of this guys become wet. But he purposely didn't wanted to create a bond since he doesn't want them to depend on him.
And here he is in the end they did create a bind with him. He will remember them even though he didn't get all if their name. Ale looked at him one last time as if wanted to here something from Magnus. Magnus finally decided to break the ice, "Don't worry you guys I will forever remember you guys until the very last. And I will find Shen and save him."
"Than god." Ale finally let out a heave breath. He looked at Magnus and finally asked with a stone cold voice, "Magnus end my life. As this going I will suffer more. So end my suffering."
Magnus looked at him and with a smile on his face he said, "Then go to sleep don't worry. Everything will be alright."
Ale finally closed his eyes with a smile and the next moment hime died. Magnus used his Qi to painlessly end his suffering.
After Magnus buried Ale he got out from the cave. He went up the mountain and then sit down in a meditative position. Ale's death managed to shake his emotion and he doesn't like that. Anger is needed but not too much that you got blind by it. The urge to take the revenge of Thomas and his goons is alright but this also collud his thoughts too.
After half an hour later, he shout out a word, "Scan" an instant the his Qi burst forth as it travelled across the secret plane. In around a ten thousand meters every creature is detected.
"Found you." Magnus looked at the direction of the biggest mountain. 'Shen must've hidden himself there. Let's go.'
In a cave inside the mountain Shen is currently lying low as hard as he can. This particular mountain is crawling with monsters and beasts of all kind. And among them the most ferocious one is a Spider.
It's a monster queen level with that hunt around these parts with her swarm of childrens.
Shen was badly injured but far better than what other faced. He still visibly shocked by the outcome. He is weak. The whole reason of their demise is not because he angered Thomas or not because they never had a good plan. It's all because he was weak.
Even though they followed Magnus's plan tgey still end up this state is not Magnus's fault but rather they're own.
As he lay down in the cave without moving his body his life flashed before his eyes.
Shen was born in a village which had always beast problems. Aside from farming they had to fight every month inorder to survive. And last summer he kost his parents in the beast stamped.
He swear to avenge his parents by becoming strong and fighting them back. But he never thought his dream would end. Shen looked at the sword that he managed to snatch from Chris. The best moments in his life is probably the last few days where met new friends. He never thought that one day someone like him would be here but here he is laying in an unknown cave.
Shen finally felt the reason that he is a canon fodder in someone else's history.
As he lays motionlessly little did he know that there's a small spider in the cave ceiling, watching him slowly without blinking.
"Boom...booom.....bboooom" one sonic boom after another burst forth from Magnus's leg as be jumped from one mountain peak to another. Along the way he released a powerful observation Qi scan that swapped past everything.
"Hey look over there. It's that guy who humiliated me." Chris sae Magnus from below and quickly recognised him.
"Hey everyone. Follow that bastard. I didn't saw him with them but to think he has the audacity to show up. Luck is always on bad side for those who offend me."
Chris with his man quickly followed Magnus.
After running super fast Magnus final reached the periphery of the big mountain. Below the mountain there's a large empty flat land. Many beasts are roaming around the field. As Magnus made his entrance with a loud bang every beasts jumped up with surprise.
"BOOM" He landed on the ground as the dust rose in the sky. After finally the dust is settled Magnus looked towards the mountain. With a swipe of his eyes he quietly send his Qi in every corner of the mountain.
"He is inside." Upon closer look mountain is actually look much taller and there's a small narrow valley that runs through the middle of the mountain that basically divided the mountain into two.
"Damn it!" Magnus shouted. There's a swarm of spiders actually approaching towards Shen. They must have smelled the blood.
Magnus was about to make a move but just then he senses another group in his back. He stopped running and turned around.
There are 10 people that followed him here. All of them Magnus sae previously. Among them there is a certain green haired boy.
"Oh..look what we have here. Trying to run away. That's what they all tried to do but they all end up same."
Chris and his man quickly surrounded him as started circling him. They started to make various noise around him and time to time act as jumping on him to make him scared.
But after a minute of doing that they felt the reaction on Magnus's face didn't changed so they felt more angry.
"Dammit. Hey this guys is too scared to even react. You guys destroyed the fun of killing." Chris finally spoke as he is the first one to lose his patience.
"Hey dush bag. If you bagged to me and apologies I might let you go. Come kneel before this king and lick his boots."
Magnus still remained quite and emotionlessly looks at Chris. There's not even a single ounce of fear or any kind of emotions.
"You will not listen. Huh! Take this you bastard." A bulky guys from his behind finally snapped as he rushed towards Magnus with an intent to punch him. But just as he was about to punch Magnus dodged. The guy flew passed him and just as he was about to lose control and fall someone's knee hit his chest.
"Puffff" in an instant every single bone in his chest shattered into pieces and blood flew from his mouth.
Magnus hold that guy from his neck as he was falling down. This time from his back Magnus send a punch that is so powerful that his hand ripped through everything and came out from the front side.
"Burst." With a large burst the guy blasted into bloody mess. The blood flew every where and the entire place is tainted with blood.
"What!" Chris and his man didn't caught on to what just happened. They thought that Magnus would be knocked out by the punch but instead that guy just turned into a bloody paste. "Why?" It's too late to question that cause the moment Chris set his foot here his man along with him are about to become sacrifice for greater good.
Magnus disappeared and the moment later he appeared to another boy. Same as previous he luched his hand and grabbed his heart. Then another few punch and he became the same blood mess as the last.
"No stop. Everyone unite. No..Ahhh" another guy just fallen as his head flew towards Chris. Chris didn't process what happened. In front of him all his mans are dying and he still didn't understand anything.
"Ahh.... please. I didn't killed them. It was Chris. He invited Thomas and that guy Ruhan. Please....Ahh..." Magnus's fist ripped the shield apart casually and proceeded to do the same as he did with everyone.
After killing every single one of Chris's man Magnus finally walked close to Chris. That guy was so shocked that he didn't even tried to run away.
Magnus stopped before him and "puuuufffff" his hand is send inside Chris's chest.
"Burst."Chris heart is quitly destroyed by Magnus. The regretful look on Chris's face is still visible as he died.