
Martial World: I Choose To Be A Villain

A tiny soul escaped the cycle by chance. A mere significant thing before is here to change things and make it bigger. Will that tiny soul choose chaos or order? Be the predator or the savior of that new universe? As the void declares, everything is nothing and oblivion is beginning. Now, tremble before him, the one and only one. _______ (Read the tags before you read and I warn you! This have gore, rape and sadism and many more so don't complain later on! If this isn't your taste then you shouldn't read it in the first place and complain to me later on! Happy reading!)

coolduckkk · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 6

[Life 4]

Xiaosheng came back at his room again.

Started meditating the manual he pick inside the hall of core inheritance in both DemonDawn Palace and Monster Race Palace.

Seeing his unparalleled talent and hardwork, his two grandpas decided to let him pick one of the core inheritance there.

He picked a body cultivation technique and an essence cultivation. Since there are no good soul cultivation you can find on both since there is only one known person who cultivated in the Divine Realm, and that is Empyrean Divine Dream.

He picked the body cultivation manual named, 'Dark Eldritch Body Manual' after using the Fiery Golden Eyes. And in the essence cultivation, he picked a cultivation technique named, 'Primal Monster of the Divine'.

The first technique can be regarded as a demonic body cultivation technique, while the latter isn't since as it uses the bloodlines mainly of the user.

He is also cultivating on other arts, Grand Reincarnation Technique, but he still hasn't stuck a bottleneck that he can't break. So invoking this Technique is still isn't a time to use it.

There is also the 'True Dragon Transformation' given by his mother and the renowned technique of his Grandpa Mo, Heavenly Absorbing Demon Art.

Aside from that he also study on how to wield staffs. So he requested to his father to give him a 'good' staff arts.

His father gave him a formidable staff art that is at the Pinnacle of the Divine Realm and also one manual regarding the foundation of Staffs. Namely, the 'Crushing Heaven Staff'.

It might seem unnecessary to have that much techniques to study but not for him. He had the monstrous talent of comprehension and a martial intent that boost his comprehension on it.

He called it, Monkey King Intent. Because, when his intent is activated, he felt transported into a mountain filled with flowers and fruit and gave the aura of nature that reminded him off where the monkey king was born.

A manifestation of a dark being around him with a wisp of light flickering from time to time and a suction force absorbing the pure Heaven and Earth qi in the surroundings.

Inside his body, the Revolving Core, or rather, the black hole is forming cracks because he kept absorbing Heaven and Earth qi at a rapid pace.

He can step into the 1st Life Destruction once he decided to break the core.

But Xiaosheng didn't let it broke just like that. He kept pouring qi in it to make it larger and larger.

Then he he patched the crack of the cores with pure Heaven and Earth qi.

He kept doing it again and again till the core can't contain the qi anymore and explode!

His body crumbled away from the explosion of the black hole, leaving only his dantian and soul.

Then his heart formed slowly, every beat is like a drum from heavens, containing a little bit of great dao!

Dum! Dum! Dum!

The heart is as red as wine and it beat furiously, pumping his precious blood.

Then the next, the blood vessels. His blood vessels formed from the lingering energy and it is like a river made out of blood. Blood flowed intensely, his blood is shining like a metal that have been smelted by a finest blacksmith.

The blood of demon, human, and dragon are circulated throughout.

After the blood appeared, his bones started forming, from skull to toe. It formed slowly, his dragon body along with his claw, wings, and tail also form.

Then a black crystal like bone formed also in his forehead. His bones are like crystal of ice, precious. But also contained hidden explosive force.

Xiaosheng not only have the blood of dragon. He is a true dragon. His bones is much harder and sturdier than any other cultivator in the same realm.

If any cultivator were to let his hands on his body, and refined it, that cultivator will have a heaven grade step weapon in an instant.

Then a cocoon of darkness covered him. Inside the cocoon, his flesh started to form. Darkness crept up all over his body as his flesh is made from darkness.

The darkness squirmed and with the help of regeneration of the dragons his body formed much faster.

His flesh made from darkness squirmed and forming his muscles, facial features, eyes, ears and everything along with his flowing black hair.

Outside the cocoon, many monster cultivators are there, some are guarding there young master, some are there to watch his cultivation.

His family also came, worried for his cultivation.

Ji Xian is with them too, watching her fiancé with a worried look. In fact, she is in love with him, it's just Xiaosheng kept avoiding her.

So she had no choice but to stuck her head in his side always. Why can't she fall in love? Xiaosheng is so handsome, talented, he had a background, what else do you want. Xiaosheng is the embodiment of perfectness in her eyes.

Many Young Girls admire him, even some humans admire him. When he go outside sometimes, some human girls saw him and they instantly fell in-love.

Suddenly, the Heavens rumbled furiously.

The elders, and even the monster emperor hurriedly came.

Shocked and speechless by what they saw, they can only hope that their young master can survive this trial made by the heavens.

The more you defied the heavens, the more it will struck you. Pursuing the martial path is defying the heavens.

And Xiaosheng, the Heavens can't tolerate his existence anymore. His existence is already an anomaly from the heavens and now he is advancing in cultivation much faster that what should be and the heavens had no choice but to be angry!

But the elders and the monster emperor knew what they had to do. They set up an array to hide him from the heavens.

The Obscuring Leaf of the Heavens Array.

They knew he still isn't ready to face the tribulation. He will be incinerated by the lightning that will descend on him.

They've already talk about this. He will only face the tribulation once he reached the 4th Tribulation.

At first the elders didn't agreed of risking his life. But seeing his stubbornness again, they can only nod their heads in agreement.

Inside the cocoon, Xiaosheng is asleep, with peaceful expression, curled up like a newborn baby, naked.

The Heaven and Earth qi in the surroundings are being absorb by him endlessly.

The array not only help him hiding from the heavens, it also gather the heaven and earth qi for the user.

Nearby people watched with bated breath. For a whole day, he is asleep inside the cocoon. However, they didn't leave and anticipated his end of cultivation.

Suddenly, the Heaven and Earth energy stormed.

After the martial artist successfully crossed the Life Destruction, the excessive energy in their dantian would spread inside their body. The dantian becoming empty.

This will result in devouring and absorbing large amount of energy in the surroundings.

A massive storm of qi is formed and absorb by Xiaosheng greedily, like abyss that have devoured countless beings.

One day has passed again as the crowd watch with anticipation.

The cocoon of darkness started to have a crack. Like an egg, it started cracking with a loud sound along with the sound of great dao. As if the birth of the mighty being is coming.

A handsome teenage boy was revealed inside the dark cocoon. With his usual white dragon indifferent and cynical eyes, it mesmerizes everyone as if it contained the wonders of the universe.

His slender build but built with a compact muscles, he look like a scholar. But hidden inside his body is a sleeping dragon ready to bared its teeth to eveyone.

He unfurled black dragon wings along with his tail and two horns are revealed.

Then he roared mightly.


His mighty roar shocked the crowd as Xiaosheng bloodline suppression spread. Every monsters and god beast weaker than him prostated on the ground.

Unable to look up at his divine presence and dark and mysterious temperament.

While the older generations on the other hand, nods their head in approval.

Ji Xian and his cousins burned with intense fighting spirit and desire to catch up to him and stand beside him, a supreme genius.

The elders smiled at the inner competition in their younger generation.

The monster emperor nodded approvingly as he murmured lowly that only he could hear. "The golden era is really coming."

