

See how An Otaku Died and Transmigrated to another world and Wanted to hold His own Destiny in his own hands. See how he will tiumph6 over all the challenges and rule over the whole . leave the mark of his name eternal through whole Ages. In last novel I don't have any plots I don't where I could bring any twist that's why I have stopped writting it. and written a New story Ao plese like subscribe and share. And plese leave comment . about development of novel thank u.

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CHAPTER 9 : lockdown

After Combineing his techniques he then had them gather all of them saying .

Wang Yigao : From today onward all the wang family member are ban from going out for 1 month . because all of u need to cultivate Newly gain power and polish ur Foundation and trust to breakthrough houtian stage in 1 month .

Yeah u guys heard right they need to breakthrough houtian realm . thanks to bloodline fusion nearly 95%people have strength of pulse condensation peak period. they are like cub of beast reborn at peak pulse condensation period. his father is now middle stage of houtian . while his mother has broken through houtian . and 5 % people all have broken through houtian stage .whole family is now reborn . all people have life span of nearly 700 to 1000 year of life thanks to there bloodline.

1 Moth period is as follows -

1 st week they have to train in Gravity cave to polish there Foundation in morning and enter martial arts tower In afternoon .

2nd week was same they have to enter law Tower which help them in understanding laws .they have chosen law according to there bloodline . which can help them in understanding law easily. In this week majority of people have broken through houtian realm.

3 and 4th week they have started there auxiliary professions. whole family treasurery was open for them to practice. slowly wealth accumulated from generations was used up .

but thank to auxilary inheritance that they got which contain memory which gave them experience of people like Godly alchemist etc.

they didn't waste resources. less then 3 to 5 time they started making pills wepons etc . and then wastes were gather in wang yigao yard from which he extracted usefull materials .like pills. and poison ,wepons.

1 Month ends ...

in this month his father has broken through houtian peak he was No.1 power house in wang family . rest of the people were either at houtian early stage or middle stage . leaving only children under 10 who cant practice they were at pulse condensation early stage .

so after whole moth of training family members have grown in strength now comes the time to gather resources in this moth they have made pills, wepons , recording array discs, sound transmission talismans etc. wang yigao also made some special pills like sweet vitality healing pills and wepons with his 4 subordinates . his 4 subordinates are now at Xiantian peak it happens last month when family updated .

Today family has anounce they will opening of universal trade union next week . which will sells all things related to warriors. like pills, wepons , arrays , food. etc , auxiliary professions including chefs . wine maker , treasure hunters, assassins. etc. .(they are not present In martial world but he got it from martial arts tower.it is Fantasy so so every things can be used so don't get hype.)

As soon as news was released capital was in uproar . wang yigao went to his father .

wang yigao : Father we need support of some one with high standing in kingdom . so that we can gather crowd quickly enough.

wang gan : I was also thinking about this who do u think is best supporter for us .

wang yigao: Gran Marshall Qin Xiao. the man who is following is higher than emperor of sky fortune kingdom .

wang gan : why do u think Qin xiao will help us .while emperor can't.

wang yigao : today sky fortune kingdom it's time for emperor change . if we want emperor to support us then we have to support crown prince or 10 prince .I don't want to support them which will result in wasting our family resources on those waste prince it's better we get supper of Qin Xiao with less resources we can get best results .

wang gan : Haha u truly are my son what a wonderful plan . u truly have changed from waste to genius.for best ...

wang yigao was started blushing slightly. then he told : why don't we prepare some gifts for Marshall Qin Xiao.

wang Gan : ok ,

then wang gene shouted servants . then servants enter hall he ordered:" prepare 5 high grade human level wepons and armor 50 body strengthening pills , 25 pulse opening pills , 3 houtian level bottleneck breakthrough pill."

Hearing this Wang yigao couldn't help but praise his for his fox like character. althrough the gift look exaggerated . they didn't even have to give 1% persent of there resources for other party help.

Next day wang yigao and one his subordinates with his father. went to Grand Marshall house with gift package. Wang yigao and his subordinates hide his cultivation because they want be low key . but wan gan didn't because they have show some power to get help .

after arriving near grand Marshall house they were stopped by soldiers patrolling area. but feeling pressure emitted from wang gan captain of the square came forward ask.

Captain: sir do u have permission letter to enter house.

wan gan : I am wan gan . Patrich of wang family we don't have permission but we want to meet grand Marshall for important matter . can u send some to ask for permission.

captain herring about him went to soldiers. one of his soldiers for asking permission. after some time some time servant came back and told them they can enter.

after they enter they saw grand place standing surrounded with flowers . which showed elegance of place. with that they entered place.