
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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225 Chs

Chapter 190 Void Cemetery

The Sword Sect Hall.

After receiving the news from Yu Kongzi, the leaders of the four major sects came to the Sword Sect without stopping, with serious expressions on their faces.

"call out!"

A figure floated by, and Li Xiaoyao appeared in everyone's eyes with heavy steps.

"Brother Xiaoyao, what's the situation?"

Seeing Li Xiaoyao appear, Liehuo Sect's leader Yan Feng quickly stood up and asked.

"It's not going well."

Li Xiaoyao sighed and told everyone present what had happened before.

After hearing Li Xiaoyao's narration, everyone's faces became heavy.

"Brother Xiaoyao means that he can control blood freely?"

Biyun Sect's leader Xu Xiangdong frowned and spoke.

"Yes, the most important thing is that the Yuan Qi seems to be unable to stop his control."

Li Xiaoyao said in a deep voice: "This is also the reason why I did not get involved with him."

"With such abilities, it would be difficult to kill him unless we take him by surprise."

Yan Feng was at a loss for a moment when faced with the Blood Demon's tricky ability.

"But if we just let him do whatever he wants in our Southern Region, it would be devastating for the Southern Region."

Dan Sheng, the leader of Dan Sect, frowned.

"If we are to deal with his abilities, it will be very difficult to defeat him head-on."

Li Xiaoyao lowered his head, his eyes full of worry.

Li Xiaoyao felt full of remorse for deserting the battlefield just now, but if he stayed any longer, he would probably capsize in the ditch.

Therefore, he had to take the opportunity to escape and return to the sect temporarily, and then go into battle after he thought of how to restrain his ability.

"Pass the order down, secretly monitor them, I must know their movements at all times."

Suddenly, Li Xiaoyao thought of something, looked at Yu Kongzi beside him, and said in a deep voice.

Yu Kongzi nodded and then left the hall.

With Yu Kongzi's departure, the entire hall fell into silence, and a strange atmosphere filled the air.

"I remember that the Void Emperor once had a secret method called Void Severance, which could cut off his connection with the world. I wonder..." Yan Feng suddenly thought of the Void Emperor, and couldn't help but look at Li Xiaoyao and asked eagerly.

Upon hearing this, everyone felt a little hopeful and looked towards Li Xiaoyao.

"Unfortunately, the secret method requires mastering the power of the void, otherwise it cannot be used."

Li Xiaoyao certainly knew this secret method, but all the martial arts of the Void Emperor required the power of the void as a medium, otherwise it could not be used at all.

"Then we can borrow this secret method and improve it. Who knows, maybe we can create a new secret method."

Yan Feng didn't care about this, because he just wanted to know the idea, and then use it as a basis to create new martial arts.

Li Xiaoyao was silent for a long time after hearing this. Finally, he sighed deeply and said, "There is no better way now. This is the only way."

"Wait a moment, I will go get the secret book."

After saying this, Li Xiaoyao turned and left, heading towards the library.

"Why do you think he agreed so easily?"

Yan Feng was stunned for a moment, then looked at the others and asked.

"Guilt, maybe."

Dan Sheng said with a pursed mouth and a smile.

After hearing this, Yan Feng felt that it made sense and said no more.

After a while, Li Xiaoyao came in front of the crowd with a yellowed martial arts book and slowly opened it.

After watching it for a while, everyone felt that this martial art was very mysterious and they couldn't help but be fascinated by it for a while.

Just like that, three months passed, and after the five major sects lost hundreds of disciples, everything returned to calm, and the Blood Demon disappeared without a trace.

Although the people from the five major sects tried their best to search, they still couldn't find any trace of him.

Such a result made Li Xiaoyao breathe a sigh of relief. At least the Southern Region would not be destroyed before he found a way to deal with the Blood Demon.

However, a temporary calm also indicates that the storm will be even more severe.

In order to be able to cope with the impending disaster, the leaders of the five major sects also announced that they would go into seclusion and concentrate on studying ways to deal with the blood demon.

At this moment, in the ancient tomb.

After continuous battles, the strength of the three has been greatly improved.

Especially Bai Tianyi, after absorbing dozens of energy stones, his strength was greatly improved.

Before he was promoted to the Death Profound Realm, he was able to challenge the strong men in the late Death Profound Realm. Now that he has been promoted to the early Death Profound Realm, he has no rivals in the Death Profound Realm.

Lin Yuan and Yan Lu were also at the perfection of Shengxuan realm, only one step away from a breakthrough.

One day, as they continued to move forward, a terrible suction force came from the front.

The suction made the three people's expressions change drastically. They tried their best but still couldn't resist the suction.

When they flew to the front and back of the gate, the suction dissipated and the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"What on earth is going on with this suction?"

Lin Yuan stood up, frowning slightly, with countless thoughts in his mind.

The two shook their heads, obviously not knowing the reason.

"This door?"

Yan Lu walked to the front door, touched it gently with her hand, and frowned slightly.

"Isn't this the tomb of the Void Emperor?"

Bai Tianyi thought for a while and exclaimed in surprise.

"No way. At our speed, it will take at least a few months."

Yan Lu said with some surprise.

Lin Yuan stared at the door in front of him silently, then gently stroked it, and then said with certainty: "This must be the tomb of the Void Emperor."

Yan Lu and Bai Tianyi were puzzled and didn't understand why he was so sure.

Just as the two were about to ask, the door began to shake violently.

"The gate is about to open!"

After Lin Yuan finished speaking, the door slowly opened.

From behind the door, a beam of light shot out, shining on Lin Yuan's body and dragging him behind the door.

Bai Tianyi and Yan Lu wanted to follow, but the door closed quickly, blocking their way.

"It seems like we have no destiny."

Yan Lu looked at the closed door, feeling helpless and a little jealous.

It was not until now that she finally understood what was going on with that strange suction.

It should be to bring Lin Yuan here and let him enter behind the door.

"Why do you think it was him?"

Yan Lu turned her head to look at Bai Tianyi and asked curiously.

Bai Tianyi shook his head and sighed: "Maybe, this is fate."

…"Young man, we finally meet."

Lin Yuan looked up and saw an ordinary-looking man standing on a high place, looking at the boy kindly with a slight smile on his face.

"Lin Yuan greets the Emperor!"

Without any hesitation, Lin Yuan spoke to the man respectfully.

"You don't have to be so reserved. I am just a wisp of regret at this moment."

The void smiled faintly and said gently.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing the former Earth Emperor, even a trace of his regret made him feel under tremendous pressure.

Afterwards, Lin Yuan did not hesitate and directly stated his purpose: "Senior, I came here this time to obtain your inheritance. I hope you can help me."