
Martial Universe: Sword Ancestral Symbol

[I have a sword that can separate mountains and seas.] [I have a sword that can decide life and death.] If there is no path I want to take in the world, then I will use the sword in my hand to open a path! This is a story about a sword practitioner walking in the heavens.

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 9: You are very good

"I am Lin Dong. I wonder who you are..."

After knowing that Lin Yunhao's strength was not something he could contend with, Lin Dong's tone was quite polite. A person with a strong heart may not necessarily be in awe of a stronger person, but will definitely respect him, of course, provided that the two have no grudges against each other.

"Lin Yunhao, the young patriarch of the Lin clan."

Be brief and to the point!

This was also the first time that Lin Yunhao called himself the young patriarch of the Lin clan.

Although he had the support of most elders and clan members in the past, Lin Yunhao had never expressed his own ideas, and Lin Fan had not expressed his opinion either, so the title of Young Clan Leader had always been given to him by Lin Yunhao's supporters.

But after this trip to the ancient tomb and meeting the younger generation of the Lin clan, Lin Yunhao felt that it might be necessary to make a decision.

Only when you are sincere in your heart can you be sincere in your sword!

Lin Yunhao has the Lin clan in his heart. Since he hopes to make the Lin clan stronger, he needs to do something for it.

As soon as Lin Yunhao finished speaking, Wu Tao, Lin Ke'er and the other three people behind him were all overjoyed.

A die-hard supporter, four fanboys and Lin Zhentian, all bowed respectfully to Lin Yunhao as soon as they realized what was happening.

"Meet the young clan leader!"

Lin Dong was somewhat shocked. This person was actually the young patriarch of the Lin clan? What about Lin Langtian?

Lin Yunhao waved his hand, and the six people stood up. Wu Tao and Lin Zhentian stood like Lin Ke'er and the other three. After all, how could a subordinate sit in the position above his master?

As a result, in the entire hall, Lin Yunhao was the only one sitting on a chair, and he was not even in the seat of the leader.

"Although you are only at the level of a three-seal talisman master, your mental strength is stronger than that of ordinary people, and your foundation is solid, not bad."

Although the training time is still short, Lin Dong's spirit does not feel empty due to the rapid breakthrough speed. It seems that Lin Dong is still using the mental grinding wheel to temper his mental strength every day like in the original work.

"Lin Ke'er!"

Lin Ke'er suddenly heard Lin Yunhao calling her and didn't react at first. She stared at Lin Yunhao blankly. After Lin Yunhao gave her several eye signals, she belatedly put away the Bingmeng Sword and walked to the middle of the hall.

"Lin Dong, no matter what, Lin Feng is also my uncle's son and my cousin. Since I am here today, I will naturally defend him. I will not bully you, so you go first."

Hearing this, Lin Dong thought to himself that it was indeed so. These inner clan members would eventually stand up for Lin Feng and the others.

At the same time, Lin Dong's movements were not slow either. The Yuan Power at the peak of the Lesser Yuan Dan Realm gathered in his palm, and then slowly formed the shape of a seal. It was the fourth level of the Qimen Seal that Lin Dong deduced through the ancestral stone!

At this moment, Xiao Diao's voice sounded at the right moment.

"Lin Dong, don't use your energy, use your mental power to fight that woman. Your evil young clan leader is testing you. Silly boy, do your best. As long as you can get his approval, you might be able to use him to get the ancestral talisman!"

After Xiao Diao said that, Lin Dong suddenly figured it out. It would have been fine if Lin Yunhao only talked about his spiritual power talent, but he also let the only talisman master among the four people attack him. Obviously, what Lin Ke'er said about venting her anger was just an excuse.

After figuring it out, Lin Dong did not hesitate and directly dispersed the Qimen Seal that was about to form in his hand. Then, a powerful mental force rushed directly towards Lin Ke'er.

Although Lin Dong's mental strength is stronger than that of ordinary people, Lin Ke'er is not an ordinary person either.

Facing the mental force pressing in from the front, Lin Ke'er's Niwan Palace moved, and a mental force wave that was several points stronger than Lin Dong's came out from Lin Ke'er's body. The next moment, it blocked the mental force that had already come in front of her one foot in front of her.

"This kind of fluctuation, the Four Seal Talisman Master!"

However, Lin Dong was not afraid at all. Not only was he not afraid, he was even a little excited. He had never fought against a Four-Seal Talisman Master before.

"Spiral wave!"

Facing a talisman master who was one seal higher than him and was from the inner clan, Lin Dong did not dare to be careless at all, and his first move was to use a top-level spiritual secret technique.

(The original novel doesn't go into detail, so I'll just talk about the settings I gave.

The three levels of spiritual secrets, Jing, Qi and Shen, correspond to the lower, middle and upper levels of martial arts respectively.

The refined level corresponds to the lower level one to three grades,

The Qi level corresponds to the fourth to sixth grades of the middle level.

The divine level corresponds to the seventh to ninth grades.

But because the mental power in the early stage is more strange, it is stronger than the martial arts of the same level.

Therefore, there is no such level of martial arts as creation for talisman masters. The peak of god level can be comparable to creation martial arts.

The subsequent spiritual martial arts and heavenly martial arts are the same.)

As the "spiral wave" got closer, the sharp feeling coming from it became stronger and stronger.

Lin Ke'er also calmly used a superb spiritual secret technique -

"Chasing the Moon!"

After a delicate cry, an illusory long sword condensed and took shape in front of Lin Ke'er, and then attacked the "sharp wave snail".


The advanced spiritual secret technique that Lin Dong used could not last even for a moment under "Chasing the Moon" and was broken.

Seeing his attack being broken so easily, Lin Dong's brows became more solemn. He knew that the geniuses of the inner clan might be difficult to deal with, but he didn't expect that Lin Ke'er would be so difficult to deal with.

At that moment, Lin Dong no longer held back and directly used his strongest spiritual secret technique - the Qi level spiritual secret technique, the Transformation Talisman Array!

Facing Lin Dong's Transformation Talisman Array, coupled with Lin Dong's flexible use of "Spiral Wave" and "Spirit Transformation Needle", even though Lin Ke'er's spiritual power was one seal higher than Lin Dong's, and she also had the advantage of "Chasing the Moon", she could only suppress Lin Dong but could not defeat him.

Just like that, the competition on the field suddenly fell into a stalemate.

Of course, if the battle continues like this, as long as Lin Dong makes good use of the Ancient Vortex Talisman and lets Xiao Diao give him a boost at the critical moment, Lin Ke'er will definitely lose.

However, if Lin Dong did not let Xiao Diao take action, Lin Ke'er would be able to win by a narrow margin with her skills as a Four-Seal Talisman Master.

And now that Lin Yunhao is watching from the side, with Lin Dong's calm personality, he will definitely take the first step to break the impasse.

Of course, all this is under the condition that Lin Ke'er still does not use the magic treasure. Otherwise, relying on the power of the Bingmeng Sword, Lin Dong would not be a match for Lin Ke'er at all.

Wu Tao, who was standing by, saw that his old friend could no longer hide his inner worry, so he could only sigh and take the initiative to talk to Lin Yunhao to get the ball.

"In the current situation, who does the young clan leader favor more?"

Lin Yunhao looked up at Wu Tao, then at Lin Zhentian beside Wu Tao. Seeing the latter's worried look, perhaps he was thinking of Lin Fan. Lin Yunhao unexpectedly answered Wu Tao's question.

"It seems that Lin Ke'er has firmly suppressed Lin Dong. She only needs to exhaust Lin Dong's mental power to win. But Lin Dong will not sit still and wait for death. Moreover, this talisman formation should be a spiritual secret technique at the peak of the Qi level close to the god level. It has not yet exerted its greatest power. When Lin Dong launches a counterattack, Lin Ke'er will be defeated, unless..."

"Unless what?"

When Lin Zhentian heard the word "unless", his heart skipped a beat.

Lin Zhentian knew his grandson too well. Lin Dong was good at everything: filial, hardworking, determined, etc. Lin Zhentian could list all of Lin Dong's strengths for three days and three nights without repeating himself.

But Lin Dong's shortcoming is also obvious, arrogance! This is also a common problem of geniuses. Geniuses are all arrogant.

Since Lin Dong showed his talent, he has left his former opponents far behind one by one. It is precisely these countless times of surpassing that made Lin Dong more determined to achieve his goal - to defeat Lin Langtian at the clan meeting.

If Lin Dong lost to Lin Ke'er right now, Lin Zhentian was really afraid that Lin Dong would suffer such a blow and never recover from it.

This is not only because Lin Zhentian placed his hope of returning to the inner clan on Lin Dong, the bigger reason is that Lin Zhentian really feels sorry for this grandson who has suffered since childhood!

At such a young age, he has already shouldered his hopes, Lin Xiao's hatred, and the life and death of the entire Lin family!

"Unless Lin Ke'er uses 'Asking the Sky', but with her current strength, she is still unable to master this sword technique."

Finally, Lin Yunhao added one more sentence.

"If Lin Ke'er had used the magic treasure, Lin Dong would have certainly been defeated."

These understatements made Lin Zhentian even more worried. The fact that he couldn't master it didn't mean that he hadn't learned it. What's more, Lin Ke'er still had a magic treasure that she hadn't used.

In fact, Lin Zhentian was also confused because of his concern. With Lin Dong's personality, if he lost to Lin Ke'er, he would only want to become stronger and use the mental grinding wheel more and more frantically to improve himself.

Of course, with Lin Dong's pride, he would never let himself lose, and even if he lost, he would never let his opponent have an easy time.

Just as Lin Yunhao and others were talking, the competition in the field also changed.

Lin Dong, who didn't want to lose, faced off against Lin Ke'er, who wanted to show off herself in front of Lin Yunhao. The two of them were at loggerheads and actually launched their final offensive at the same time, hoping to defeat their opponent in one fell swoop.

"Transformation Talisman Array, Transformation Green Waves!"

Lin Dong exhaled a cloud of white gas, and inside the Niwan Palace, the three natal talismans suddenly burst into dazzling light. His mental power surged out like a tide and poured into the transformation talisman formation.

"Wow, wow!"

As Lin Dong poured his spiritual power into it, there was actually a sound of waves coming from the Transformation Talisman Array. The spiritual power that seemed to be real suddenly surged out and actually turned directly into a real wave. The rumbling sound of the waves spread throughout the hall.

Lin Ke'er on the opposite side was not to be outdone.

The stubborn Lin Ke'er did not use the Bingmeng Sword. She did not want to be accused of winning unfairly. Instead, she used her sharp mental power to gather two extremely sharp ice-blue swords in front of her. The style was exactly the same as the Bingmeng Sword in Lin Ke'er's hand.

"Bing Meng, Chasing the Moon!"

Two ice-blue fantasy swords flew straight towards Lin Dong's brows.

Seeing the two swords flying over, Lin Dong's eyes flashed, and waves surged in the talisman formation. The spiritual waves rolled out with a rumbling sound and collided with the Bingmeng long sword transformed by Lin Ke'er's spiritual power.


Before the powerful wind ripples could spread out, they encountered an invisible wall and then disappeared into invisibility.

However, this time, Lin Ke'er's Moon Chaser was not as powerful as before, but was blocked by Lin Dong's Transformation Green Wave, and then both exploded.

Just when Lin Keer breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to reorganize her attack, she saw that after Lin Dong's Transformation Green Wave exploded, it did not completely dissipate. Instead, several needle-like objects suddenly shot out from the exploding spiritual waves.

These needle-like objects are the first spiritual secret technique that Lin Dong practiced - the Spirit Transformation Needles.

Just when Lin Zhentian thought that Lin Dong was about to win, he saw many tiny swords suddenly appear in front of Lin Ke'er.

"Swordsmanship, defensive sword stance!"

"Lin Dong, I have to admit that your talent is indeed terrifyingly strong. If you were born in the inner clan, with your talent, I would definitely not be your opponent. I could even become the second genius of my Lin clan."

At this point, Lin Ke'er shook her head with some regret. Although she was almost defeated by Lin Dong, which made Lin Ke'er a little angry, she also had to admit that Lin Dong's talent was really strong, even stronger than Lin Langtian.

"But you will never be able to imagine how much our Lin clan has changed in the past few years. If you want your grandfather to return to the inner clan, your current strength is far from enough."

"And now, I will let you see one of the unique skills of my Lin family, Asking the Sky!"

As he spoke, a powerful sword force gathered on Lin Ke'er's body. As the sword force became stronger and stronger, Lin Ke'er's face turned pale. It was obvious that this sword technique was not something Lin Ke'er could fully master at the moment.


A slender, white hand quietly landed on Lin Ke'er's shoulder, not only interrupting the sword force that was gathering in Lin Ke'er's body, but also injecting a gentle spirit into Lin Ke'er's body, helping her calm the mental power in her Niwan Palace.

Looking at the stubborn Lin Ke'er, Lin Yunhao thought that this girl was actually quite kind-hearted.

If it were anyone else, they would probably do their best to ridicule Lin Dong in order to highlight their nobility as members of the inner clan.

After Lin Ke'er was nearly defeated by Lin Dong using not-so-"bright" means, she not only did not do so, but also tried her best to comfort Lin Dong, praised Lin Dong highly, and said that she was able to win because of her good background.

But how could it be so comforting? Especially for a genius like Lin Dong, if he was a little more extreme and stubborn, he would probably think that Lin Ke'er was secretly laughing at him.

"You should learn how to use the spiritual secret technique from Lin Dong. Besides, your sword defense is a mess!"

However, when it came to what he had to say, Lin Yunhao was merciless.

"Go down."

Lin Ke'er, who had been scolded by Lin Yunhao, walked happily to Lin Xue's side, without a trace of disappointment on her face after being scolded.

After all, in the entire Lin family, there are not many people who can get Lin Yunhao's evaluation, because Lin Yunhao will only evaluate those who are truly recognized by him. It's just that this stinky man always likes to belittle others and say that they are worthless.

Thinking of this, Lin Keer raised the corner of her mouth in dissatisfaction and snorted at Lin Yunhao's back.

Lin Yunhao came in front of Lin Dong, smiled at the inexplicably nervous Lin Dong, raised his hand and patted the latter's shoulder, praising him.

"You are very good!"

As soon as he finished speaking the last word, Lin Dong felt his shoulders sink, and the next moment, a powerful and chilling aura swept through the entire hall.