
Martial Universe: Sword Ancestral Symbol

[I have a sword that can separate mountains and seas.] [I have a sword that can decide life and death.] If there is no path I want to take in the world, then I will use the sword in my hand to open a path! This is a story about a sword practitioner walking in the heavens.

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 6: Yancheng Lindong

On a mountain road, a group of people were walking towards a distant city. Judging from the distance, there were probably no less than forty or fifty people.

Because they were accompanied this time by Lin Yunhao, a powerful mid-level talisman master who had reached the great stage of Qi Creation, the elders of the Lin clan were not worried about their safety, so they boldly allowed Wu Tao to take thirty young people from the inner clan to Yancheng, and then enter the ancient tomb together after it was opened.

As for the remaining dozen or so, they all looked middle-aged or elderly, and at first glance they were the "nannies" following these young boys and girls.

In addition to the team leader Wu Tao, who has reached the great perfection of the Yuandan realm, there are two old men who were arranged by some powerful elders and have also reached the great perfection of the Yuandan realm. Except for these three people, the rest have also reached the small perfection of the Yuandan realm.

The reason why these people were arranged to followChapter 6: Yancheng Lindong was to try not to trouble Lin Yunhao. Lin Yunhao's willingness to protect the safety of these young boys and girls was beyond the expectations of the elders, so the elders, who were experienced and shrewd, naturally would not cause trouble for Lin Yunhao again.

If this trip to the ancient tomb did not make Lin Yunhao feel impatient, then in the future, as long as the master was willing to go, the elders would be happy to have some free time and could leave the younger generations to Lin Yunhao without worry.

Even though these nannies were all quite powerful, they were only quite powerful and not strong enough to protect these newborn tiger cubs as they crossed the territories of many high-level monsters.

At least along the way, Lin Yunhao had to take action four times to clean up the mess for these little tiger cubs.

"Don't pay any attention to that monster. Just cross the forest ahead. But remember, don't cause any trouble. I won't attack you again this time!"

The cold voice came from the front, startling Lin Ke'er who was sitting on horseback and whispering with her sisters in the back. She thought everything she said was heard.

After reacting, I realized that it was not a warning, but a warning to them to stop causing trouble! Lin Keer, who was almost frightened, curled her lips in disdain.

"A man who says one thing and means another!"

However, although she said this, Lin Ke'er was still very obedient and reminded the people around her to be careful.

The little sisters beside Lin Ke'er saw Lin Ke'er's hypocritical appearance and took the opportunity to laugh at her.

"Ke'er, a man who says one thing and means another is probably not a man, right? Brother Lin Yunhao is just kind-hearted and friendly to his fellow tribesmen, but a certain girl has always been inconsistent in what she says and what she means!"

"Hey, Xue'er, if you say that again, I won't lend you the Bingmeng Sword to sleep with next time."

The Bingmeng Sword is a mid-grade spiritual treasure, refined by Lin Yunhao of the Lin clan. Among the many low-grade and mid-grade spiritual treasures, it is one of the few pieces that Lin Yunhao is satisfied with. Its power is even not lower than that of most high-level attack spiritual treasures.

As a sword cultivator, the spiritual treasures refined by Lin Yunhao were all known for their powerful attack power and a high success rate. However, what bothered many elders of the Lin clan was that this sword god loved swords too much and would not refine any other spiritual treasures except sword-shaped ones.

Lin Xue originally just wanted to tease Lin Ke'er, but she never expected that this girl would say such vicious words in public. Lin Xue was so scared that she quickly covered Lin Ke'er's mouth, while speaking in a flattering way in Lin Ke'er's ear.

"Okay, Xiaoxue'er was wrong, can you please forgive me?"

Only after seeing Lin Ke'er nod did Lin Xue let go of her hand.

As soon as Lin Xue loosened her grip, Lin Ke'er took the opportunity to take a few deep breaths. After she recovered, she leaned close to Lin Xue's ear and continued their whispering.

"Dear Xiaoxue'er, you like Brother Lin Yunhao, why don't you ask your father to talk to the clan leader? Is it necessary to sleep with a sword in your arms every day? It's not him."

"I don't dare. Besides, don't you like it too? Why haven't I seen you go there?"

"At least I won't sleep with a sword in my arms every day."

"Yancheng is just ahead. Let's speed up and get to Yancheng as soon as possible so that we can rest earlier!"

The voice that appeared in their dreams every night rang in the ears of the two girls, causing Lin Ke'er and Lin Xue, who were planning something, to shudder all over.

After realizing what was happening, Lin Ke'er and Lin Xue patted their full breasts at the same time.

"Ke'er, let's talk about this tonight. This stinky man is so scary."

Lin Xue stuck out her tongue and playfully suggested to Lin Keer.

Lin Ke'er also nodded in agreement.

"Let's hurry up!"

Yancheng is a big city in Tiandu County. It can be ranked among the top cities in Tiandu County. Its city walls are naturally tall and majestic, but the younger generation of the Lin clan are accustomed to the existence of Lincheng, a city that is second to none in the entire Yan Dynasty. In their eyes, this big city in the county is nothing more than that.

After entering the city, the group found an inn to sit down, rest their feet, and also to inquire about some news.

The waiter at the inn was also a smart man. Seeing that Lin Yunhao and his group consisted of about 40 to 50 people, most of whom were young boys and girls, and the remaining dozen or so people all had sharp eyes, he knew at a glance that they were not easy to deal with.

In addition, there is news that the tomb of a powerful Nirvana master has been discovered in the Tianyan Mountains. Therefore, this group of young boys and girls in front of them are probably the children of a powerful family, and these elders should be protecting their safety.

The waiter saw that Lin Yunhao was the first person to come in and the first to sit down. He thought that this person must be the leader, so he walked up to Lin Yunhao and asked.

"My dear guest, what would you like to eat? We have just received a new Yuandan-level monster. I wonder if you would like to..."

"Then bring it up."

While waiting for the food to be served, Lin Yunhao's expression changed. It was the conversation between two people not far away that caught Lin Yunhao's attention.

"Ah Zhong, why are there so many strangers in Yancheng recently? Is there something serious going on?"

The man named A Zhong looked around vigilantly. When he saw that no one was paying attention to them, he approached the man and whispered cautiously.

"Brother Ling, you would never have thought of this. Not long ago, someone discovered a tomb left behind by a powerful person in the Tianyan Mountains."

At the end, Ah Zhong seemed to feel that it was not shocking enough and added another sentence.

"It is said that it was left by a super strong man in the Nirvana Realm!"

"Really? Then let's go and see it for ourselves."

"Where are we going? Is that a place we can go?"

Unlike Brother Ling, Ah Zhong is clearly aware of his own strength, and such an opportunity is not something he can get his hands on.

"That is something that only the four great masters of Yancheng are qualified to touch. It is better for small minions like us not to get involved."

"Four great masters? Shouldn't it be three?"

"That was in the past. Now there are four major forces. It is these four who support the four major forces in Yancheng!"

"Hmm? The four major forces? Please tell me in detail."

"Hehe, Brother Ling, you are also familiar with the top three forces. They are the Blood Wolf Gang, the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, and the Fu Master Association. Their leaders are also the three great masters of my Yancheng."

"What about this fourth master?"

Ling Ge was obviously aroused by A Zhong and asked him eagerly.

"To talk about the fourth master, we have to talk about the fourth largest force."

"The fourth largest force is a new force that has settled in Yancheng. It is called the Lin family. It was originally in a small place called Qingyang Town. Later, under the leadership of its head Lin Zhentian, it was able to settle in Yancheng."

"Then could this fourth expert be Lin Zhentian? No wonder he dares to use this name, but why have I never heard of it before?"

Upon hearing this, A Zhong immediately denied it.

"That Lin Zhentian is only at the Small Yuan Dan Realm. How can he be qualified to become one of the four great masters of Yancheng?"

"Then who do you say it is?"

"That man, you won't believe it, Brother Ling. That man's name is Lin Dong, the grandson of Lin Zhentian. He's not even 20 years old yet, but he first killed Wei Tong, the leader of the Blood Robe Sect, and then defeated Gui Yan, who was known as the best person under the Great Perfection. He even took on Yue Shan's Mountain Fist head-on and chopped off one of Gui Yan's arms right in front of Yue Shan."

"How is this possible? There are still such evildoers in the world?"

The Yancheng City Lord's Mansion has always been aloof from the world and ignored these fights, so it has never been involved.