
Martial Universe: Sword Ancestral Symbol

[I have a sword that can separate mountains and seas.] [I have a sword that can decide life and death.] If there is no path I want to take in the world, then I will use the sword in my hand to open a path! This is a story about a sword practitioner walking in the heavens.

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 4: World Fame

Time flies. Two years have passed since the competition between Lin Yunhao and Lin Langtian before the clan hideout.

The result of the duel two years ago shocked the entire Lin clan after it was "accidentally" leaked. This was especially true when the "victim" Lin Langtian became angry and injured someone after being vaguely asked about it. This made Lin Yunhao's reputation rise to a new level.

There is no harm without comparison.

It's not that no one has ridiculed Lin Yunhao in the past, and they did it to his face. This was even crueler than asking Lin Langtian indirectly about the victory or defeat of the competition. But Lin Yunhao didn't hurt anyone, and Lin Langtian had always been extremely cruel to his clansmen, so Lin Langtian's prestige kept declining.

This made Lin Langtian even more furious, but he was helpless. He couldn't force all the elders to support him, nor could he take action against the person who leaked the news. After all, the second one was much more difficult than the first one.

That day, Lin Langtian and Lin Yunhao fought in front of the clan's storage. What was the clan's storage? It was the important place of the Lin clan, and it had always been guarded by two powerful people in the realm of creation.

However, those two elders were on Lin Langtian's side, otherwise Lin Langtian would not dare to provoke Lin Yunhao in front of the clan and force Lin Yunhao to take the first step.

However, just after the two of them exchanged a move, Lin Fan and Lin Mu sensed the fluctuations of Yuanli coming from the place where the clan's treasure house was located. They were worried that something might happen, so they rushed to the outside of the clan's treasure house as soon as possible.

The arrival of the clan leader and the great elder made the two elders who were guarding here extremely embarrassed. It was their dereliction of duty that Lin Langtian was able to fight with Lin Yunhao in front of the clan hideout, and Lin Yunhao was the clan leader's son.

So in the following fight, the two elders didn't even dare to help Lin Langtian, let alone take action to stop it. They hid in the back and didn't dare to say a word, for fear that the two protective bosses would take the opportunity to attack them.

Lin Fan and Lin Mu saw that Lin Yunhao easily suppressed Lin Langtian, so there was no need for them to interrupt. However, in the end, Lin Yunhao was able to defeat Lin Langtian who used the Spirit Wheel Mirror, which really shocked them.

You know, after Lin Langtian took out the Linglun Mirror, Lin Fan was ready to take action, but Lin Yunhao defeated Lin Langtian very easily.

So, on the second day after Lin Yunhao and Lin Langtian fought, "rumors" began to spread within the clan that Lin Langtian was defeated miserably by Lin Yunhao.

If it were just that, it would be fine, but Lin Yunhao is a monster. After this monster did something a year ago, his prestige reached its peak.

A year ago, after Lin Yunhao came out of seclusion for three months, he went to look for the great elder Lin Mu. At that time, Lin Mu was meeting with many elders of the Lin clan to discuss some important matters of the clan. There was no other way because the clan leader was a hands-off boss, so Lin Mu had to take care of these things.

Even when Lin Mu was discussing matters with many elders, Lin Yunhao did not shy away and just pushed the door open and walked in. Or in Lin Yunhao's eyes, he did not care about the so-called discussion. After all, Lin Yunhao was not interested in these trivial matters.

Lin Yunhao, who pushed the door open and entered, interrupted the elders' discussion. After seeing the person coming in, some elders were not happy, but they did not say anything. Not to mention that Lin Yunhao was the son of Lin Fan, even if Lin Yunhao was now the first genius of the Lin clan, he was qualified to participate in the discussion.

However, the elders who stood on Lin Langtian's side secretly took note of the incident, preparing to take advantage of the opportunity to attack them in the future. However, what Lin Yunhao did next completely wiped out their little thoughts.

After Lin Yunhao walked up to Lin Mu, he did not speak, but directly took out the Qiankun bag and took out eighteen martial arts books from it. All of them were created by Lin Yunhao when he was organizing the swordsmanship he practiced in the past three months.

Among them, the lower-level martial arts, one book each for the first, second and third-grade martial arts, a total of three books; the middle-level martial arts, three books each for the fourth, fifth and sixth-grade martial arts, a total of nine books; the higher-level martial arts, two books for the seventh-grade martial arts, two books for the eighth-grade martial arts, one book for the ninth-grade martial arts, a total of five books; the most important last book is the quasi-creation martial arts!

It's called Across the Eight Directions, and it was revised by Lin Yunhao based on his own understanding and the art of horizontal sword. Although it's only quasi-creation, the sword art is known for its killing, not to mention the sword art of vertical and horizontal sword. Therefore, the power of Across the Eight Directions is even stronger than most creation martial arts, but the threshold for practicing it is slightly higher.

Looking at the receding figure of the young man in green, most of the elders had a good impression of the young man. Even some elders who had complained about Lin Fan's favoritism towards Lin Yunhao in the past were kind to Lin Yunhao.

He did not take any treasures when entering the clan's treasury, but merely studied the martial arts techniques. However, he was able to create his own martial arts. If such a person cannot enter the clan's treasury at will, who else can?

Now these elders are wishing for a few more geniuses like this. The clan doesn't need to do anything, as long as they let you comprehend martial arts, you can obtain so many powerful martial arts. If there are a few more Lin Yunhaos, it will be hard for the Lin clan not to rise.

The next day, a list was posted in the clan's martial arts building. The gist of it was that Lin Yunhao, the clan's peerless genius, had created eighteen martial arts with his extraordinary talent. All clan members could practice these martial arts, but they were not allowed to pass them on to outsiders. Anyone who disobeyed the order would be hunted down by the entire clan!

As soon as the list was released, Lin Yunhao not only became the idol of all the young generations of the Lin clan, but also became completely famous in Dayan!

The news spread to all parts of the Great Yan Dynasty like the wind. Within two months, the top power in the entire Great Yan Dynasty, the Lin clan, had produced a peerless genius who was not only extremely powerful, but also had an astonishing understanding.

Time never stops for anyone, it goes its way.

Becoming the leader of the younger generation of the clan or becoming famous throughout the world did not affect Lin Yunhao, and he still insisted on practicing sword skills every day.

Maybe it was because of his rebirth, or maybe it was because sword cultivators were born with extraordinary mental fortitude. Even if he didn't deliberately practice mental strength, Lin Yunhao's skills as a talisman master had always been almost the same as his Yuan power.

A year ago, after creating eighteen volumes of sword techniques, Lin Yunhao's sword practice hit a bottleneck.

After practicing hard without any results, Lin Yunhao suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Perhaps, the talisman master could help him practice the way of the sword.

After practicing the art of talisman master, just as Lin Yunhao had expected, his understanding of the way of the sword improved by leaps and bounds. In just a few months, he created another god-level spiritual secret skill, which was created by the vertical sword technique and was opposite to the Hundred-Step Flying Sword created by the horizontal sword technique!

One blade cuts the throat, and the sword flies a hundred steps!

Wherever the sword passes, everything is cut off and not even a blade of grass grows!

The only thing that made Lin Yunhao feel regretful was that even though he had created martial arts secrets based on the supreme skills of vertical sword and horizontal sword respectively, he still had no idea about the strongest sword technique of Guiguzi that combined vertical and horizontal sword - Zongheng Tianxia!

Moreover, as Lin Yunhao's spiritual power deepened, his understanding of the way of the sword once again reached a bottleneck.

"Perhaps, it's time to go out for a walk. How can I become a strong swordsman without encountering a strong opponent?"