
Going Back To Sky Dragon Continent

Du Chan gave the painting back to Dai Xian Ying,

"When did war happened? Between your clan and other clans?" Du Chan asked, so want to check some details about it in Bai Ning Han memories, it needs a trigger to see the whole information from his memories

Dai Xian Ying looked at Du Chan,

"33 years ago" she said,

"Hmm" Du Chan closed his eyes and started to dig the memories of Bai Ning Han,

"Come one" Du Chan tried his best but still some memories can't be seen! He tried even hard,

Du Chan fall on the ground and some information came into his brain,

Dai Xian Ying was shocked, what happened to him all of a sudden? But she didn't help him

Du Chan sat on the ground and checked the information that just came into his brain, and some shocking facts came out!

After 5 minutes he opened his eyes and looked at Dai Xian Ying, his eyes were filled with pity,