
Finally! -- {R18}

Du Chan Wu Zentian came out of the house after meeting sect leader and Elder Yue.

"You all, go back to the sect," Wu Zentian said to the disciples who were standing outside 

"Y-Yes," they said, she was not coming with them? They don't know that she was leaving the sect…But no one asked her anything, they are just disciples, an elder from Yin & Yang sect fear to speak her.

Both of them came out of the Inner sect

"Why are you living in the outer sect?" she asked him, he can live in the best house in this sect, but why he was living in the outer sect? she didn't understand

"Became this room have many memories," Du Chan said with a smile, and took her to the room, while Ki Ken and Ah Li were waiting for him

"Senior…?" they were shocked to see the elder of the Yin & Yang sect here…

Du Chan looked at them and asked "What?"

Next chapter