
Martial Tale

The above used photo is drawn by FionaHsieh if she wants me to take it off i will

abouda · Eastern
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2 Chs

Worthless Treasure

Li Peng sat on the lotus position and swallowed the pill after some time.


Suddenly a purple ball appeared floating around him. A small, delighted smile appeared on Li Peng's face. "Senior, I succeeded but do you know under what type of spirit foundation is this spirit classified?" said Li Peng while looking at the old man that is laying motionless on the ground.

Li Peng got closer to him and checked his breathing. "H...He died" said li Peng, he knew that this was gone happen but this is the first time someone died in front of him.

He said with sadness in his voice: "Senior, you gave me in one day more than my father gave me his whole life, I will never forget your favor."

Li Peng was about to carry the old man and bury him but he stopped when he noticed a golden circle started glowing on the old man's forehead. Curiosity got the better of Li Peng and he touch it and then...Nothing happened. Li Peng then dug a grave and buried the old man in it.

Li Peng reached home at sunset. He greeted his mother and two brothers and then quickly went to his room, he closed the door and started to cultivate. While cultivating he began wondering, "I still have to pay Zhu Di 500 spirit stones but I only have 300 spirit stones, maybe I should sell some of the stuff the Senior left me but I don't feel well about selling them." said Li Peng in his head.

"But the Senior left them to me, so I should be able to do anything

I want with them, it has been settled, tomorrow I will go to the market and sell some stuff."


Li Peng opened his eyes with joy and said: "Did I just make a breakthrough to the 7th layer."

Happiness swelled within him as he was checking his cultivation level. "It's true, I finally broke through, ahh after all these years finally.", Only after 10 minutes did Li Peng stop celebrating. "Since I already stopped cultivating why don't I check what is inside the ring."

Li Peng imbued the ring on his finger with some Qi, then the image of a large expensive-looking room come into his head. The room had three bookshelves filled with books, many crates filled with pills, and many clothes floating in the air. The room was decorated with many swords and armor and some art pieces, but in front of every item, there was a small white paper with the word "Relic" written on it.

Li Peng s heart pounded with happiness then said: "What a lot of treasures" But then he swallowed his saliva and said: "But w-why are all they so high ranking? even the xiao auction house never auctioned an item within the "Relic" rank."

"If I tried to sell these treasures powerful Clans will probably kidnap and torture me till I tell them, where I found it."

"If I tried to sell these treasures powerful Clans will probably kidnap and torture me till I tell them, where I found it," said Li Peng in frustration. Then he shouted angrily in his head: "What is the point of owning treasure if you can't sell it."

He sighed for a few minutes then slapped himself with both hands. "Focus Li Peng, If I can't gain money from selling my treasures, then there must be another way." He thought for a while then said: "I could join the Great Arena and fight there, but the problem is that only the experienced fighters, fight there, they all have powerful techniques."

He went silent for a moment then said: "I can learn one of the techniques the Senior left me but even yellow-rank techniques require at least months to learn. Or maybe I can join the underground fighting arena." he sighed: "But they are illegal and killing is allowed."

"There is no point in thinking about this anymore, I will continue cultivating for now and tomorrow I will think about this," said Li Peng then he closed his eyes and continued absorbing Qi around him.

Sunlight started to enter Li Peng's room from his window as sunrise came.


"D-Did I just breakthrough again?"

"D-Did I just breakthrough again?" said Li Peng as happiness overtook him. "how is that possible, did the awakening of my spirit foundation boost my talent this much?"

"Today I was planning to join the Great Arena, but with this talent, I should continue cultivating for now." said Li Peng as he quickly rushed to sit on the lotus position.

Five Days Later

"No way did I really breakthrough to the... "

To Be Continued...