
Martial Soul Simulator

This is the story of a reincarnator with a simulator martial soul who awakens his memories after becoming an experienced fallen. ………………………………….. Similar to my previous two books, I am translating and editing it one chapter at a time. So even I don’t know what is going to happen in the story. Support me on pateron: www.pateron.com/dragonNEET Choose Simulators ……………………………………………… Original name: Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator. Original Author: Homophone of Fish.

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs

My herbs

When he first entered the treasure land of the Eye of Ice and Fire lake, Poison Douluo still had a smile on his face.

He is very happy that he was able to accompany his granddaughter this time.

It's just that when Poison Douluo entered inside and saw the bare medicine garden inside, his eyes froze for a moment.


"My herbs..."

Soon, Poison Douluo let out a mournful roar, and quickly walked into the medicine garden to check.


"It's gone..."


"It's all gone..."


"Who, who the hell took them?"


"I am going to kill you…"

Seeing that all the precious medicinal herbs inside had been picked, with not a single one was left behind, Poison Douluo roared again and again, and the Jade Scaled Snake Emperor Martial soul emerged from him, roaring to the sky.

It took a long time before Poison Douluo reigned his temper and continued to observe the scene with a gloomy face.

Soon, Poison Douluo noticed what Mu Ge left behind.

[You got the treasure without knowing it and dare not take it, so the treasure here is not destined for you! ]

[In other words, the treasures here should be destined for me. ]



Seeing the first two sentences left by Mu Ge, Dugu Bo gritted his teeth and cursed.

This is robbery!

[For the sake of protecting this place, I will tell you a way to suppress the toxins on your body. ]

[Find a soul bone, condense your toxins on the soul bone, the problem will solve itself! ]

It wasn't until seeing the next two sentences that Poison Douluo's expression changed.


"He even knows about my poisoning!"


"Could it be that the person who came here to steal my medicine garden is a Titled Douluo stronger than me?"

Sure enough, Poison Douluo immediately became suspicious. The person who stole the medicine garden is a Titled Douluo.

This made Poison Douluo's complexion change again and again. If the thief is a Titled Douluo, or a Titled Douluo who is stronger than him, then it will not be easy to take revenge!

And as for who they are, he doesn't know!


"Soul bone, condense toxins on the soul bone..."


"Is it really possible?"

After a long time, Poison Douluo focused his eyes on the last sentence, with his expression flickering.

He didn't know whether to believe this person's words or not, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

Concentrating the toxin on the soul bone will not have any effect on him.


"Don't think that just because you left this method, I won't hold grudge on you!"


"Don't let me know who you are, otherwise even if I am not your opponent, I will let you know that I am not easy to mess with..."

In the end, Poison Douluo still cursed angrily.

Even though he cursed angrily, his body was very honest, and began to try according to the method left by Mu Ge.

Coincidentally, he has a soul bone on his body.



While Poison Douluo was cursing, on Mu Ge's side, the situation finally changed.

The six soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black slowly emerged from Mu Ge's body.

Obviously, Mu Ge has successfully absorbed the 50,000-year soul ring.


"He actually succeeded..."


"This guy, is he a monster?"

Seeing that Mu Ge really succeeded, Liu Erlong and Flender, who had been guarding all the time, were extremely shocked.

Even if they didn't see Mu Ge explode and die with the passage of time before, but had been absorbing and refining calmly, the two of them had already guessed that Mu Ge might succeed.

But now that they really saw Mu Ge refining the soul ring, they still couldn't believe it.


"You have been staying here these days because of me, please forgive me!"

After Mu Ge woke up, he stood up and said to Liu Erlong and Flender.


"Hehe, no need, you helped us before, we should help you!"

Flender said hastily.


"My name is Flender, and I am a level 58 soul king. This is my righteous sister Liu Erlong. Just like you, she just broke through to the soul emperor and is now a level 61 soul emperor!"

Immediately afterwards, Flender introduced himself and Liu Erlong at the same time.


"Li Bai, Level 63 Soul Emperor!"

Mu Ge nodded, and at the same time said his soul power level.

After absorbing the sixth soul ring, Mu Ge's soul power directly upgraded by 3 levels.


"What? Level 63?"

Hearing Mu Ge's words, both Liu Erlong and Flender stared.

They knew that Mu Ge absorbed a 50,000-year soul ring, but he raised it to three levels all of a sudden, isn't it too much?


"It's not just the effect of the 50,000-year soul ring, I've already accumulated some soul power before that!"

Mu Ge explained lightly.

Mu Ge himself knew that it was because he absorbed the two immortal herbs, and now all of them have been brought out at once.


"I see!"

Flender suddenly said, and didn't pursue it.

After reaching a high level, without absorbing the soul ring, even if the level of soul power cannot be raised, one can still continue to practice and accumulate soul power, this is something he knows.

Whether it is Yu Xiaogang's theoretical knowledge or Master Hu Ge's training manual, they are all mentioned.


"Brother Li Bai, which sect are you from? A powerful soul master like you shouldn't be unknown!" 

Immediately afterwards, Flender asked the question he had been curious about.

Their golden iron triangle was able to gain a certain reputation in the early years. It is really hard to believe that a soul master as strong as Mu Ge will be unknown.


"I don't have a sect, I'm just a free cultivator!"

Mu Ge responded lightly, without too much explanation.

Why is he that? Because it's hard to explain, so he just won't say anything.

He didn't have the heart to make up a story.


"No sect?"

Hearing that Mu Ge was unwilling to say anything, Flender didn't continue to ask. After knowing that Mu Ge didn't have a sect, his eyes lit up immediately: "Brother Li Bai, do you want to come to my Shrek Academy? I can let you be the vice president of our academy."


"Shut up, Flender, what strength do you have? Do you have the nerve to ask someone to be the vice president for you?"

Before Mu Ge could answer, Liu Erlong, who was on one side broke the scene.



Flender just smiled feeling embarrassed.


"Thank you very much, but I'm used to wandering freely, and I won't stay in one place all the time. The academy is not suitable for me!"

Mu Ge smiled faintly, and directly rejected Flender's solicitation.

This guy is really shameless!


"Haha, that's such a pity, our Shrek Academy doesn't have that blessing!"

Flender was not embarrassed to be rejected, he just tried with the attitude of what if he succeeded?


"Is there anything else you two want?"


"If not, let's just say goodbye!"

Mu Ge looked at Flender and Liu Erlong, and directly expressed his intention to leave.

Flender is Yu Xiaogang's brother, and Mu Ge doesn't like to get close to him.

Liu Erlong has already been given up by him, so he doesn't want to continue to approach her.

The issue before was just a matter of helping her.


"No, no, brother Li Bai, if you have something to do, just go first!"

Flender said hastily when he heard Mu Ge say this.


"Li Bai, where are you going next?"

But at this moment, Liu Erlong suddenly spoke again.


Read 10+ advance chapters here
