
Martial Soul Simulator

This is the story of a reincarnator with a simulator martial soul who awakens his memories after becoming an experienced fallen. ………………………………….. Similar to my previous two books, I am translating and editing it one chapter at a time. So even I don’t know what is going to happen in the story. Support me on pateron: www.pateron.com/dragonNEET Choose Simulators ……………………………………………… Original name: Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator. Original Author: Homophone of Fish.

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs

Doing the deed

Spirit Hall, Pope Hall.

A tall and straight blond middle-aged man stood at the door of the Pope's Palace, looking in the direction of the Slaughter City.

   "It's been half a year, Xiao Dong should be fine, right?"

Qian Xun murmured, somewhat worried about Bibi Dong's situation.

Bibi Dong was once his most valued disciple.

Besides, Bibi Dong is still the mother of his daughter Qian Renxue, so of course Qian Xunji doesn't want anything to happen to Bibi Dong in the Slaughter City.

Originally he did not agree with Bibi Dong going to the Slaughter City, but it was the first time Bibi Dong made a request to him after forgiving him, and Qian Xun Ji could not refuse.

Thinking about it now, it was a little thoughtless to agree to it. A place like the Slaughter City is still too dangerous.

But now, even if he is worried, Qian Xun Ji has no way to save her from the Slaughter City. The situation there is so special that even he dare not enter rashly.

   "I hope you can still come out of the Slaughter City!"

Qian Xunji shook his head quickly, he only thought of Bibi Dong by chance, so he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

But if Bibi Dong really can't come back, Qian Xun Ji won't be too sad.

Back then, Bibi Dong was forced to stay. In order to not let Bibi Dong and Yu Xiaogang be together, he even used that despicable way to keep Bibi Dong, but he didn't want to waste Bibi Dong's talent.

A great talent who has been cultivated by him with great difficulty is about to join the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect to perfect other sects. How could he agree.

Now, after having his daughter Qian Renxue, he doesn't care so much about Bibi Dong.

After Bibi Dong became pregnant, he never touched Bibi Dong again. Of course, it was also to make her forgive him sooner.

Now, all his focus is on his daughter Qian Renxue.

Last month, Qian Renxue's martial soul awakened. Undoubtedly, the angelic martial soul, with a talent of level 20 innate soul power, made him extremely satisfied. Even his father Qian Daoliu was very excited.

Before Qian Daoliu had always been very dissatisfied with him using that method to keep Bibi Dong in Spirit Hall. After Qian Renxue's talent was tested, Qian Daoliu didn't mention her anymore.

   "Xiao Xue should have learned everything she should have learned today from her grandfather!"

Thinking of Qian Renxue, Qian Xunji immediately forgot about Bibi Dong, he turned around and walked in the direction of Douluo Hall.

Qian Xunji didn't know that his disciple Bibi Dong is suffering at this moment.


After a long period of time.

Bibi Dong woke up slowly, feeling like her whole body was falling apart, her whole body was not right.

Recalling everything, Bibi Dong's pupils dilated slightly as she stared blankly at the ceiling of the training room, unable to recover for a long time.

She never expected that when she came to the Slaughter City to get away from the nightmare she had encountered in the Spirit Hall, the same nightmare would actually happen again.

It's just that the person who was the perpetrator this time turned into herself.

After she lost her mind, she actually became the person she hated the most.

To be honest, Bibi Dong really wanted to give up on living at this moment.

   "No...I can't die yet..."

   "Qian Xun Ji, Muge, I want them all to pay the price..."

Very quickly, strong resentment surged in Bibi Dong's heart, she didn't want to die like this, she wanted revenge.

It's just that her revenge target was only Qian Xun Ji before, but now there is Muge added to it.

Even though she was the perpetrator this time, Bibi Dong still blamed Mu Ge for her mistake. If it wasn't for Mu Ge, she wouldn't lose her mind and lose control.

   "No big deal, just one more depraved beast!"

When she came back to her senses, she found that she was still lying in Mu Ge's arms, and Bibi Dong didn't break free.

Bibi Dong just felt the soul power in her body silently, and found that she still couldn't mobilise it, so Bibi Dong restrained her hatred for Muge even more.

No matter what, Muge must first release the seal of soul power on her body.

After a while, Bibi Dong got up silently after successfully escaping from Muge's grasp and picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on one by one.

At this time, Mu Ge also woke up. He looked at Bibi Dong who was getting dressed and smiled with satisfaction.

It's Bibi Dong who took the initiative, so of course he wouldn't refuse!

   "I didn't expect the Saintess of the Spirit Hall to not be a virgin. Hahaha!"

Feeling very satisfied, Mu Ge started to put on clothes, while mocking Bibi Dong.

It seemed like he is looking down on Bibi Dong!


Hearing Mu Ge's words, Bibi Dong, who had just dressed, had a look of embarrassment and indignation on her face.

   "...Shameless beast!"

Bibi Dong finally couldn't help but glare at Mu Ge and cursed a few words.

She understands that there is a problem if she completely expresses that she does not hate Muge all at once.

It is normal to express your anger and hatred appropriately.

   "Haha, don't worry, although you are not a virgin, I am still very satisfied!"

Hearing Bibi Dong's scolding, Mu Ge was not angry.

Mu Ge had already vented all his anger on Bibi Dong for looking down on him.


And at this moment, the bell hanging at the door rang.

   "I'm going to participate in the Hell Slaughter Arena, quickly release the seal on me!"

Hearing the bell, Bibi Dong immediately raised her head and said to Muge.

She is very afraid right now, if the seal of soul power on her body is not released by Muge, then she will be finished.

   "Do you think I will unseal someone who wants me to die?"

Mu Ge laughed, and after getting dressed, he walked directly to the door, as if he was going to leave directly.

"You bastard…"

Hearing Mu Ge's words, Bibi Dong immediately became angry and panicked, seeing Mu Ge still walking towards the door, she stamped her feet and said, "As long as you help me unlock the seal, I can promise you whatever you want in the future! "

   "That maid from Hell Slaughter Arena can't be compared with me at all, right ?"

Bibi Dong endured the shame, indignation and humiliation in her heart, and continued to speak anxiously.

"For real?"

After hearing Bibi Dong's words, Mu Ge stopped, and looked at Bibi Dong suspiciously.

   "That's right, quickly undo the seal on me! Then you can do whatever you want me to do!"

Bibi Dong glared at Mu Ge shamelessly, and confirmed again.

   "That's what you said!"

Mu Ge nodded, and then came to Bibi Dong, the index finger and middle finger joined into a finger gun, and tapped Bibi Dong's body a few times.

   "Okay, let's go to your Hell Slaughter Match!"

   "I hope you don't die in the Hell Slaughter Arena!"

After the Muge finished speaking, he opened the door of the training room first and left.

   "Damn it!"

Looking at Muge's back, Bibi Dong's silver teeth were almost crushed, and she really wanted to eat Muge raw.

After feeling that the soul power in her body could be mobilized, Bibi Dong breathed a sigh of relief.

   "What kind of soul skill is that? Why have I never heard of it!"

Although she hated Muge to the core, Bibi Dong was still shocked by the acupressure techniques shown by Muge.


Read 10+ advance chapters here
