

"We need to look out for him. The test is scheduled to be quite a long one and this is just the first phase of test-1. Although his actions lie in line with our objective, you can't deny the fact that he is going to be in grave danger."

"I am not worried about him at the moment. Given his cultivation level, the ten families would first try to recruit him. Given how impatient those fools are they would wait at most for a day for his reply. Lu Ming is intelligent enough to stall for time. The real problem would occur after test-2. Test two is designed to go on for two days. They will most likely take action by the time the first test ends. Given Lu Ming's cultivation level, they would send someone similar or a level above at most."

"He can easily take care of that. The problem would arise when they realize Lu Ming's martial prowess." The first elder was describing his plan at a very slow speed as if trying to make a point. The sect leader caught up pretty fast.