

"This cave is quite spooky." Li Meng said.

"I couldn't scan what was inside of this place. Something is warding off my powers. It means that the is at least a sealing power present which is higher than the Monarch level. You need to be careful." The Keeper warned Li Meng. After some thinking, Li Meng finally decided to go inside. 

As he entered he could see that numerous runes covered the walls of the cave and they slowly lit up as he walked past them, lighting the passage. Li Meng could see that the passage was unusually long and he decided to inspect the walls first. He slowly began to inspect the runes one by one, which eventually led him to touch them.

A weird vibration suddenly took place.

"Jump to your right." The Keeper was immediately warned, and Li Meng did what he was asked to do. When he looked back at the position he was standing in, he could see metal spikes covering the whole space.