

Crimson Lord world-

"I have something to discuss with you." Li Meng couldn't help but think back about the words of the voice. What did he mean by piercing through the heavens?

"Is it related to the inheritance you got your hands on?"

"Yes. How did you know that I got an inheritance?"

"There are multiple indications around your body."

"Are you referring to the lines of fate?"

The Keeper was surprised to hear his words. "Who informed you about the lines of fate?"

"The person who left the inheritance said these words to me when I was about to receive his inheritance. He said I have multiple lines of fate mingled all around my body."

"Every action a cultivator takes affects the fate of this world. Although the effect for general actions is quite small, many fate lines are already weaved around your being. The ones which really stands out refers to the activities which are going to have a major effect on your future."