

"Was it you who suggested for me to lead Jiao Bo's battalion?" Su Menqi wanted Long Tao to confirm the general's word. She was indebted to Long Tao. She wanted to repay it in full. But she couldn't be of any help to him until now. Only by staying under him could she prove her worth.

"I did suggest that in case you manage to break-through before Jiao Bo returns. You managed to surprise me by having a break-through so soon. You should take the mantle." 

" Is my loyalty of no worth now? You want me to leave your side because you no longer value my work. I just hoped you would have made it clear." Su Menqi had tears in her eyes. She left without getting a reply from Long Tao.

Never had he imagined such a reaction from Su Menqi. She was always calm and collected. The situation seemed to be a little off here.
